
Is the age of the necklace over (i hope not but )

for about 2 months ive just worn my silver pandora cat on a chunky silver chain 24 7
What do your pendants look like? No pun intended. :twirl:

Hahahaha! She mostly wears a silver-wire necklace and ten-dollar silver earrings from a pre-COVID vacation. I'm exaggerating for effect -- they were probably closer to $12.

I think this one is her favorite go-to for nights out (like dinner tonight). She found this at a going-out-of-business sale for a favorite B&M vendor. High-karat gold (maybe 22K?) handmade in Turkey (IIRC) and set with rubellites. It's about an inch without the jump-ring and bail and maybe 3 ct in the center. Matching 20K YG wire chain ~ 16" with Keshi pearls. Neither classic nor modern but kinda funky and looks great on a top or bare neck. I took this photo in the shop when we (she) left to think about it for a day.

She also has an old platinum bar pin with a straight line of quarter-ct diamonds that she will hang vertically on a chain -- but I haven't seen that since before COVID. It's pretty bling-y and she is not.

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I love pendants! And bead necklaces such as pearls, jade, lapis tiger eye, Amy these, etc. too.Even though my neck is elephant-like…fat and wrinkly, I don’t care. People look at the necklaces, not the skin. Bracelets drive me nuts.
I love necklaces AND brooches!

I don't have a lot of necklaces, but I intend to buy a few more classic ones as soon as I'm able. I have a short DBTY that I wear when I'm not wearing a turtleneck sweater. I really want a long DBTY necklace to go over sweaters because I live in sweaters in the winter. That's the next piece I'm saving for.

I have a Faberge guilloche enamel egg pendant in rose gold that I love and wear often.

But I think I own more brooches than necklaces! They go so well on a sweater or blazer and are always conversation starters.
I am NEVER giving up my necklaces!
Ladies of a certain age are best advised to avoid the turtle neck top due to it emphasizing the failing and falling jowl / chin support structure and other top necklines may reveal the unkindness of sun damage (do not mention the word Turkey) and therefore beautiful and distracting necklaces are a must.
Ladies of a certain age are best advised to avoid the turtle neck top due to it emphasizing the failing and falling jowl / chin support structure

Oh no!!!! :lol-2:

That sounds like something written in a 1940's housewives magazine.

I'm 50 and still enjoy being lusted after in my T-neck sweaters. My mom at 79 rocks hers too! She gets flirted with at the grocery store in her mandarin-orange colored cashmere.

Its all about a woman's sense of style, her attitude, and being comfortable in one's own skin. Staying fit and healthy doesn't hurt either.

Frumpy/matronly is a choice, not an age.

I spend several months a year in Paris and Zurich for work. Gorgeous women over 60 in gorgeous cashmere high neck sweaters abound. I'm sure they know how to rock 'em in Italy and Spain too.

Here's Pilar De Arce in a few of hers, (I wanna be Pilar when I grow up! She's smoke'n!)

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Here's Pilar De Arce in a few of hers, (I wanna be Pilar when I grow up! She's smoke'n!)

Big sunglasses do take a decade off! Celebs of a certain age know what they are doing.

And matching bracelets on the right and left so it's possible she is a superhero but who really knows.
I live in polar neck jumpers (hello from the uk!!) so have never really worn necklaces. This year however my jewellery purchase of the year is to be a necklace. I’m hoping to stick to a classic design.
Pendants, bracelets, earrings - bring 'em on! I wear a diamond pendant 24/7. And diamond stud with a halo jacket almost everyday. And then there's the watch and tennis bracelet. It's all good. And now I can throw in a strand of pearls....
good news on the necklace wearing front
on a saturday at work we have a wee 14 year old who does work experience for a few hours (you might call her an intern but we do not take advantage of her and feed her and then send her home with nice things for the family's lunch or dessert through the week and im pretty sure when she is 15 they will find some paid hours for her )
anyway very nice chatty and friendly girl
she had a really pretty shell necklace on this week -i was soooooo happy
it looked young and summery and pretty

and she admired my necklace too - my green larimar and silver one
I’m pretty sure I would still be considered a youth here (HS senior) so fashion update from what I’ve seen from my classmates:

Necklaces are still all the rage, and brooches are actually slowly starting to come back with all the enamel pin collectors. Some of those pin collectors have circled back around and are now bedazzling their pins so much you can’t tell what the original image was supposed to be under all of it :D

Pearls seem to be coming back too, especially as stack accents and bracelets.
I’m pretty sure I would still be considered a youth here (HS senior) so fashion update from what I’ve seen from my classmates:

Necklaces are still all the rage, and brooches are actually slowly starting to come back with all the enamel pin collectors. Some of those pin collectors have circled back around and are now bedazzling their pins so much you can’t tell what the original image was supposed to be under all of it :D

Pearls seem to be coming back too, especially as stack accents and bracelets.

i think we are honored to have someone of your youth in our presence

when i was at school jewellery was a big no-no,
one had to get one's ears's pierced in the long xmas holidays,
we still wear uniforms in NZ but i think things have relaxed a little ? well with regard to hair anyway
at my work get some younger customers after school (i work in a bakery)
any way in my town - a rural backwater, pearl studs are very common on high school students, perhaps its the one style that they are allowed to wear but some are really large !
im always so happy and impressed,
it could be partly cultural because Pacific island young ladies always seem to wear them

the pin collectors sound fun !
i think its important for happy mental wellnbeing to have some fun jewellery
i wore a silver xmas tree yesterday on my apron !
...i cant find my earrings, will probably turn up boxing day !

i always wanted a bedazzler but was forbidden my every onw who really knew me !

, i tend to go overboard and although i have had a ton of fun doing it the item is now totally unwearable because i dont know when to stop till its too late !!

there are things you can get away with when you are young that you cant once you get older, so i would say to the bedazzlers of this word, bedazzle to your hearts content while you can !

just wanted to add at my work we are all over 35 right up to 73
we really enjoy the company of our young-in'
even if her grandma who she things is so old is only in her mid 50's
she is good for us =)2
we think she must enjoy our company because we dont pay her and she rang up yesterday to see if we would like her to come in and help out over the lead up to xmas

work can be a great leveler
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i think we are honored to have someone of your youth in our presence

when i was at school jewellery was a big no-no,
one had to get one's ears's pierced in the long xmas holidays,
we still wear uniforms in NZ but i think things have relaxed a little ? well with regard to hair anyway
at my work get some younger customers after school (i work in a bakery)
any way in my town - a rural backwater, pearl studs are very common on high school students, perhaps its the one style that they are allowed to wear but some are really large !
im always so happy and impressed,
it could be partly cultural because Pacific island young ladies always seem to wear them

the pin collectors sound fun !
i think its important for happy mental wellnbeing to have some fun jewellery
i wore a silver xmas tree yesterday on my apron !
...i cant find my earrings, will probably turn up boxing day !

i always wanted a bedazzler but was forbidden my every onw who really knew me !

, i tend to go overboard and although i have had a ton of fun doing it the item is now totally unwearable because i dont know when to stop till its too late !!

there are things you can get away with when you are young that you cant once you get older, so i would say to the bedazzlers of this word, bedazzle to your hearts content while you can !

just wanted to add at my work we are all over 35 right up to 73
we really enjoy the company of our young-in'
even if her grandma who she things is so old is only in her mid 50's
she is good for us =)2
we think she must enjoy our company because we dont pay her and she rang up yesterday to see if we would like her to come in and help out over the lead up to xmas

work can be a great leveler

The pin collectors are extremely fun, in fact some people make bags with clear windows to display them in because they have too many to wear.
Necklace stacks are big right now, along with piercings. I think the most necklaces I’ve seen at once was close to 12? I stopped counting once I hit 9.

I bedazzle everything and have no intent to ever stop :lol: