
Is there anyone who thought that they wouldn''t use a lifetime upgrade policy and then later regrett

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Dec 17, 2007
Yesterday I posted in RockyTalk about my situation.

Long story short, my fiance and I have been looking for diamonds for a while, however we''re looking in the 2.5 ct + range and, as you know, there''s not always a lot available in this range. We initially said that a lifetime upgrade policy was not important to us as we were shopping for *the ring*. My fiance said that he didn''t think that an upgrade policy was relevant - moreso for sentimental than financial reasons.

I''m wondering if anyone has chosen not to get a lifetime upgrade policy on their stone and then later regretted it for whatever reason? If so, what were the circumstances that led to the regret?

On the flipside of the debate, have any of you thought that you would upgrade but then later decided against it?

Just wondering -
I personally can''t give up any of my old diamonds, so a trade-in policy wouldn''t be any good to me. I like to add to the collection...not trade it in. :-)
My story is a long...boring
one...I have many regrets...
(lost stone)

So not sure how to answer your question other than to tell you for a replacement stone...I will buy nothing that isn't a tradeable and upgradable stone (AND insured!!!). There is too much in life to regret, if you haven't bought yet, why add the diamond to the regret list? (no regrets ~ check! )

I Encourage you to get one that is...if you haven't. (if you have already bought one that isn't -I sure regret posting this reply

ETA: I just reread your post, you want details. Bottom line Diamond Size Shrinkage. You continue to come back to will see things you shouldn't see...things you yearn for, lust for, must have...and when you can simply hand in your shrunken stone and have a clean slate and add a little boot and come out with an unshrunken stone and not lost any $$$ well, it is just the wise thing to do. You may not experience DSS...but you may become more color sensitive. So you can trade your 2.5 H stone for a 2.5 E will pay more, but you get a whiter stone. Who knows why or even if you may lose your love affair with your stone...but it is possible. Some have switched shapes. If you don't have the are going to have to resell it and probably take a hit/loss...and alot of headache in the process. I don't have a sentimental attachment to the stone...but to the reason it was given...some jewelry pieces yes...but the stone for me not so much. But is that is that.
I bought my stone from someone who has an upgrade policy, just in case. I do not ever plan on trading this one in, but, I know to never say never.

I would highly recommend doing the same.
I would only buy a stone with an upgrade policy. For my first DSS event, I might decide to halo the stone. If I continue to have DSS, I want the security of an upgrade
Thanks for all the replies, everyone! This is exactly the kind of feedback that I am looking for!
I recommend buying with an upgrade policy. Even with a large stone you may one day want an upgrade. The stone I have now has an upgrade policy and it makes me happy. I do not plan to use it in the immediate future, but I like knowing that the door is open.
I have an upgrade policy for my earrings and pendant, but not my eng. ring because I''m highly sentimental and my diamond isn''t very big and it would be more preferable for me to just make it into a RHR if I decided to go larger with my eng stone (and I''ve had it for so many years. . . how could I part with it. It''s well-cut, so I think that makes a huge difference too).

With your 2.5 ct size, I''d for sure get an available upgrade policy because it''d probably be very expensive keeping that ring AND getting a larger stone. I guess it depends upon finances and how sentimental you are.

I don''t plan to upgrade my earrings but wonder about my pendant. I do love it, but I think the E color is too icy for me. If I do upgrade it, it''ll be about five years from now otherwise my husband would flip out. He was annoyed that I bought it in the first place since he yawns at the thought of diamonds.
Date: 2/6/2008 11:34:56 AM
Author: MC

With your 2.5 ct size, I''d for sure get an available upgrade policy because it''d probably be very expensive keeping that ring AND getting a larger stone. I guess it depends upon finances and how sentimental you are.

This is sort of what I''m thinking - although I can''t imagine ever parting with my engagement diamond, it would also represent a pretty significant cost to upgrade without trading in! It will cost more to get the upgrade policy, but it may just be worth it in terms of my peace of mind, I guess.
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