
Is Your Dog as Crazy as Mine?

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Feb 15, 2007
Okay, I''m looking for some crazy dog stories, here. My dogs are absolutely nuts sometimes, so I''ll start.

My black lab Killian goes insane when I dance, sing, or clap my hands. If I engage in ANY of this behavior, even one single clap, or one tiny line of song, she charges toward me, barks like a madwoman, and jumps all over me. All 95 lbs of her. It''s funny because I first figured this out when I tried to do a Tae Bo tape (exercise) in the house, she went nuts. This behavior really is bizarre.

She also howls at passers by, not barks, howls.

My border collie Tallulah tries to catch flying bugs in her mouth. It took me about two summer seasons to figure out what she was doing, because I can''t ever really see the bugs, so she just ends up looking like she''s hopping around snapping her jaws in the air. Once she went after a bee and came into the house with a gigantic swollen nose--it was one of those times when I couldn''t help laughing because she looked so odd, but I was heartbroken for her at the same time.

What crazy things do your dogs do?
The Demon loves to jump and snap at bugs. I figure it''s just added protein for him. I do draw the line at stinging insects though, even though it never occurred to the HH that The Demon getting bit in the mouth by a wasp or something like that might be a bad idea until I pointed it out.

The Demon also goes CRAZY when he''s on his leash and sees other dogs. He''s OK off leash, like in a dog run, but on leash he rears up on his back lets, spins around repeatedly, and barks like one of the hounds from hell. That behavior *really* endears us to our neighbors. NOT.

And then there''s the puppy, five month old Oscar the Monster (who is already over 40 lbs BTW). Just this weekend he exhibited some interesting craziness. My in-laws came to town on Friday and Oscar, who is The Nicest Dog In The World, took one look at my MIL, growled menacingly, barked like crazy, and promptly pissed right on the floor. Last night he growled but didn''t pee. Today he peed but didn''t growl. I don''t know what it is about my MIL, and frankly I better not go there (for the sake of my marriage, LOL... ).
My dog is afraid of EVERYTHING. Stuffed animals...toy balls...balloons....EVERYTHING! It''s very odd.

I actually have a hilarious story about my dog and a balloon. I might post it...but I''m afraid that people will think I''m a bad parent if I do. It was cruel, but oh so funny at the time. I like to scare my dog.
I give him lots of love after, though. lol
I have 2 soft-coated wheaten terriers (hence WTNLVR). My oldest is 8 yo. He has always been squirrel obsessed, but lately it has gotten to serious OCD proportions. He goes CRAZY! There is mung all over the windows when we get home and worse. It has gotten worse over the past 3 months since we kenneled him . Now, we literally have to tape garbage bags over the slider in the kitchen where he is fenced in during the day so he can't see outside when we are gone! The other dog- couldn't care less about that gray little rodent out there. But let him see a cat and all bets are off- he is in kill mode. The youngest also goes into kill mode anytime I kick down the footrest on our sofa. Goes in circles while barking madly and tries to bite the footrest. The older one looks at him like he is nuts! The funny thing is, they are second cousins twice removed, so you'd think they might be a bit alike- NOT. LOL.
Date: 7/21/2007 7:22:00 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

And then there''s the puppy, five month old Oscar the Monster (who is already over 40 lbs BTW). Just this weekend he exhibited some interesting craziness. My in-laws came to town on Friday and Oscar, who is The Nicest Dog In The World, took one look at my MIL, growled menacingly, barked like crazy, and promptly pissed right on the floor. Last night he growled but didn''t pee. Today he peed but didn''t growl. I don''t know what it is about my MIL, and frankly I better not go there (for the sake of my marriage, LOL... ).
Is it wrong to laugh at this? lol!
I love the crazy dog stories. They can be such silly and sometimes crazy hounds!

Izzie,our Ibizan Hound, hates when the alarm clock goes off in the morning. He sleeps in bed with us, of course. So as soon as the alarm starting going off, he lifts his head from the comforter and just starts to howl. And it is a horribly pathetic howl, all soft and crackly cause he''s been asleep for the past 8 hours. He''ll howl until we hit the snooze bar.

He also howls when my voice comes on the answering machine. We haven''t figured out why.
My Chin watches tv and goes absolutely crazy whenever he sees a dog or a horse. He flings himself against the screen and will even run around to the back of the tv to try and figure out how to get to it. He works himself up into a frenzy and gets mad when we turn the tv off.
The boy won''t quit ''slam-hopping'' (we made up that word) and barking at the closets. The gir goes berserk when you sneeze. We also thinks she has OCD because she licks herself, the walls, and the floors. All the time.
My dog (the little devil in my icon) snorts loudly when she wants your attention, which is 90% of the time. If you ignore her, she snorts even louder.

Oh, and at night, she gets what we call ''the bees''. For some reason (and this is common among pugs, I hear) she tucks her butt in and does laps around the house. It''s HILARIOUS. If she jumps up on the bed and you move ANYTHING even a centimeter, she''ll pounce on it like a cat.
Date: 7/21/2007 10:51:03 PM
Author: EBree
at night, she gets what we call ''the bees''. For some reason (and this is common among pugs, I hear) she tucks her butt in and does laps around the house. It''s HILARIOUS.
Mine does this too!! When he was a puppy, it was at least once a day, now it''s more like once a month or so. So silly!

"took one look at my MIL, growled menacingly, barked like crazy, and promptly pissed right on the floor"

My hubby often reminds me animals are an excellent judge of character.

Ebree, Woofie does that too! I call it the midnight crazies, because it''s always late at night. He also makes this noise, like a "reeeereeeereeeee" when he does it. Woofie, a 15 pound dachshund, likes to punk little dogs, and he thinks he IS a big dog. Weird.
Sometimes Q will all of a sudden start running around full blast all over the place or just around in large circles. Sometimes while he does that, he will slam himslef into the side of the coutch. Not too hard though. It''s so darn funny! And when we give him a treat, he spins around real fast. We started saying "Spin around." Which he does or he does the fastest roll over. Everybody gets a kick out of that.
Our dogs both recently passed away, but I still have lots of stories about them:

One night we were making a "surf and turf" steak and salmon grillout. We had the steak on the dining room table and the salmon on the kitchen counter. My stepmother leaves to go to the bathroom. She comes back---no steak, no salmon, 2 very satisfied doggies!

One time the 2 dogs got out, and ran down the street---to our 90 yr old lady neighbor. We turn the corner to see, horrifed, Sake putting his paws up on her shoulders to---lick her chin. Of course 140 lbs of dog on your shoulder at 90 isn't very comfortable anyway, but she was more bemused than angry after that. Mahrette was busy running in circles around her trying to lick her feet.

Whenever you told Mahrette to sit she would turn around twice, lick your toes, and then sit on your foot. Always ON your foot. And then she'd try to lick whatever part of you seemed convenient. Silly dog would lick you from head to foot if you let her.

When our parents were fighting, Sake used to come over and sit down in front of my stepmother to glare at my dad. Wouldn't growl, wouldn't do anything, would just stare at dad. Nice incentive not to yell or gesticulate agressively, that.

I once had to football tackle Mahrette in the middle of a street to keep her from eating this lady's poodle. Or playing with it, I'm not sure which. The choke chain snapped for some unknown reason, and off she went.
The lady is yelling at me all the meanwhile, and I'm just like "Look, she's my dad's dog, I'm visiting, I'm not responsible for the quality of the flipping leash!!! AND I just football tackled the dog for you!"

Sake was so terrified of fireworks that he would try to climb into the bed and huddle with my parents. That's a lot of dog to huddle, especially when he's shaking and baying at the same time. The one year we left him alone for the 4th, he literally tore up half the living room carpet and shredded it.

And last but not least:

Sake locked himself in the bathroom! TWICE. The second time we were gone and he figured out how to OPEN the door, and then hit it with his butt while in the bathroom and couldn't RE-open the door. So he destroyed the bathroom instead. I mean there were some serious gouged on the door, the linoleum flooring was ripped up, the towels were shredded. Yeow! Big dummy.
Date: 7/21/2007 7:22:00 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
The Demon loves to jump and snap at bugs. I figure it''s just added protein for him. I do draw the line at stinging insects though, even though it never occurred to the HH that The Demon getting bit in the mouth by a wasp or something like that might be a bad idea until I pointed it out.

The Demon also goes CRAZY when he''s on his leash and sees other dogs. He''s OK off leash, like in a dog run, but on leash he rears up on his back lets, spins around repeatedly, and barks like one of the hounds from hell. That behavior *really* endears us to our neighbors. NOT.

And then there''s the puppy, five month old Oscar the Monster (who is already over 40 lbs BTW). Just this weekend he exhibited some interesting craziness. My in-laws came to town on Friday and Oscar, who is The Nicest Dog In The World, took one look at my MIL, growled menacingly, barked like crazy, and promptly pissed right on the floor. Last night he growled but didn''t pee. Today he peed but didn''t growl. I don''t know what it is about my MIL, and frankly I better not go there (for the sake of my marriage, LOL... ).

Hahahaha! I love the peeing/growling. Odd though, it sounds like submissibe peeing but combined with growling?? So he''s submissive to her, but p**sed about it?? Haha bad pun sorry.
Oh lord these stories are hilarious! I needed some cheering up and you guys definitely helped me out there!

More! More!
Date: 7/22/2007 7:05:48 AM
Author: rainbowtrout
One night we were making a ''surf and turf'' steak and salmon grillout. We had the steak on the dining room table and the salmon on the kitchen counter. My stepmother leaves to go to the bathroom. She comes back---no steak, no salmon, 2 very satisfied doggies!

That reminded me of my Biscuit celebrates Easter story. After everyone had eaten and departed, we were cleaning up. At some point I walked into my kitchen (which had a wooden floor) to find the dog greasing the floor with the ham. It looked as if his goal was to cover every inch of the floor with it, as if he were waxing it. He was really having fun until I yelled at him and threw the ham into the sink. He had gotten it off the table. He''s a very large yellow Lab and can reach where other dogs cannot...something not everyone factors in when putting food onto a table.

One of my dogs (Chewy) barks at shadows on the walls or floor. If he sees one he has to pounce at it and try to "get" it. It is so funny but it can be irritating. He is also a begger extraordinaire. He loves food. Even non food. If you are eating it then he wants it too. He''s a cutie - but quite big for his breed - so we affectionately call him a bear cub.

My other dog (Nessa) will make the cutest little whine when she''s waiting for you to let her out of her crate. She also does this "fancy paws" thing whenever you give her a treat. She''ll stand up on her hind legs and move her front paws like she''s doggie-paddling or something. It''s so adorable! Nessa also has a very pronounced gait - we call her Nesse the high-stepper because of how she walks. We rescued her so we don''t know if she''s always been like that or what but it is very cute.

EBree: My dogs do that too - and they''re pugs! We call it rudder-butting and they do it daily. Sometimes our boy will try to do it on our (queen size) bed which doesn''t work out too well for him.
if you offer my dog a treat that she doesn''t want/like she won''t perform the trick you ask her to do for it. Last week we were at my parents and my step mom had leftover pork and was giving a few small pieces when Zoe would sit, shake, lie dow, and speak. my step mom was having a blast. the next morning she was trying to show my little brother all that Zoe could do and offered her a cracker. Zoe sat, she would shake but she wound not speak. my step mom kept trying to get her to do it and she just wouldn''t. finally my step mom gave up and just offered her the cracker, zoe turned her head and walked was pretty funny actually...
Let’s see… in the 2 years we have had our mini Schnauzer, Ellie has:

- Slung poo all over our kitchen while she was still being crate trained. On the wall, the floor, everywhere that could be reached from the front door of her crate.

- After the poo slinging, we decide to give her run of the kitchen… about 3 months later she started to eat our linoleum floor. We’ve since replaced it with tile.

- Found where we kept her big bag of dog food, drug it out of the closet and helped herself to about 4 days worth of food.... We hadnt noticed what she had done yet and when she wasnt interested in dinner, it scared the crap out of us (Ellie is ALWAYS interested in food). As punishment/help keep things moving, we took her on a 2 hour walk... ive never picked up after her so much on one walk.

- Within a month of FINALLY getting a new phone (old one was 5 yrs old) she chewed it up. Its had electrical tape on it for the past 2 year and I get a new one again in September… she may be a dead dog if she does it again!

- She loves squirrels as well… they actually sit outside our front window and tease her. When we are at the dog park, you can tell her to “go get the squirrel” and she will immediately run off in a random direction.

- Scared to death of the vaccum cleaner, but tries to attack the weed wacker.

I know there is more, but I cant think of them! She is a hoot and we love her to death!
Date: 7/23/2007 11:10:36 AM
Author: DivaDiamond007
One of my dogs (Chewy) barks at shadows on the walls or floor. If he sees one he has to pounce at it and try to ''get'' it. It is so funny but it can be irritating. He is also a begger extraordinaire. He loves food. Even non food. If you are eating it then he wants it too. He''s a cutie - but quite big for his breed - so we affectionately call him a bear cub.

My other dog (Nessa) will make the cutest little whine when she''s waiting for you to let her out of her crate. She also does this ''fancy paws'' thing whenever you give her a treat. She''ll stand up on her hind legs and move her front paws like she''s doggie-paddling or something. It''s so adorable! Nessa also has a very pronounced gait - we call her Nesse the high-stepper because of how she walks. We rescued her so we don''t know if she''s always been like that or what but it is very cute.

EBree: My dogs do that too - and they''re pugs! We call it rudder-butting and they do it daily. Sometimes our boy will try to do it on our (queen size) bed which doesn''t work out too well for him.
Oh dear...* wipes eyes* you and Ebree are cracking me up with these butt descriptions!!

My 150 lb Newfoundland Grover - God rest his soul- would search frantically through the house when you''d ask him "where''s your cat" until he found our orange tabby, Milo. He also was terrified of little dogs that could walk under him! He was such a good boy I can''t bring myself to get another dog yet.....
My dog Maya "talks" by wooing at people, she rarely barks but will woo. She will woo at my hubby when he comes in, and get her favorite toy and nudge him with it.

I also think she has ocd, which Chessies are prone to. She goes WACKO over water, nutty, crazy, whimpering, and freaking out. Hard to even bathe her according to the groomer, she seems intent on not letting the water go down the drain,

She is lately a dog who snaps at air, thought she was talking to me or something, it is not biting, but seems weird.
Oh, fun thread!

Our little havanese doggy is only a little over 4 months old... but he already gets excited when we he hears the push of the button from the water to the ice dispencer and rushes over cuz he thinks he is getting an ice cube to play with. You''d think it was a beggin'' strip coming out of the door!! He also enjoys watching baseball - he sat and watched 4 innings straight without turning away! Oprah and Rachael Ray are also favorites of his

I have a friend whose dog jumps up and down and runs all over the house when she asks him if he wants to go to Taco Bell. He goes crazy since he knows he gets to ride in the car along with her!!
Date: 7/23/2007 2:03:15 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/23/2007 11:10:36 AM
Author: DivaDiamond007
One of my dogs (Chewy) barks at shadows on the walls or floor. If he sees one he has to pounce at it and try to ''get'' it. It is so funny but it can be irritating. He is also a begger extraordinaire. He loves food. Even non food. If you are eating it then he wants it too. He''s a cutie - but quite big for his breed - so we affectionately call him a bear cub.

My other dog (Nessa) will make the cutest little whine when she''s waiting for you to let her out of her crate. She also does this ''fancy paws'' thing whenever you give her a treat. She''ll stand up on her hind legs and move her front paws like she''s doggie-paddling or something. It''s so adorable! Nessa also has a very pronounced gait - we call her Nesse the high-stepper because of how she walks. We rescued her so we don''t know if she''s always been like that or what but it is very cute.

EBree: My dogs do that too - and they''re pugs! We call it rudder-butting and they do it daily. Sometimes our boy will try to do it on our (queen size) bed which doesn''t work out too well for him.
Oh dear...* wipes eyes* you and Ebree are cracking me up with these butt descriptions!!

My husband and I have all sorts of nicknames for our pugs. It just sort of happens when you have them. They are like little clowns in pug bodies. We call it rudder-butting because it''s like they use their tails as a rudder as they''re running all over the place. Ours do it daily and it is hilarious to watch. We even have them on camera doing it!

mine tiger loves pepsi!
He could open pepsi bottles by himself so we couldn''t leave them out.
If we drank a pepsi near him he would sit and watch until it was near empty.
Then we would screw the lid back an and give it too him.
He would sit down and hold the bottle in his paws and unscrew the lid with his teeth then upend the bottle and drink the pepsi.
Then out comes the tongue up in the bottle to lick it clean.
At 15 he doesn''t do that much anymore but if you leave the lid loose he still will do it but if its tight he gives up after a few seconds.
What a funny thread! Our dog doesn''t have any OCD behavior, only barks when something is wrong, and is overall very mellow. He does have a bit of an eating disorder, though. Since we take him with us when we leave as a family frequently it is shocking to him when we do not. If we dare leave the pantry door open he will eat entire loaves of bread, or boxes and bags of cookies. One day we accidentaly left the door open and he took out whatever he could reach from the pantry shelves and carried it into the play room where he proceeded to eat what was edible or just tear up everything else. It looked like a dump in there!
ever seen a 65lb dog crouched down and hunt mice like a cat would?
Yep he did that too, he would even bring bits of dog food out and spread it around the ground as bait then back off a little and crouch down.
Then pounce! crunch chew chew

He would even sometimes do the same with grasshoppers.
Was the funniest thing!
OMG....all these stories are hilarious. From the slinging poo to the dog that pounces like a cat!
I am sorry to those who have lost their beloved pets...

Maya also loves to try to chase lights, and when she sees a reflection on the ceiling she freaks out and tries to get it.

There is a Dyson commercial with a funky sounding vacuum and she goes wild when she hears it...the whiny noise must get to her.

She also likes to play with insects or tiny animals, like frogs, she prances around, whines at them, jumps, backs up, rolls over, all to get their attention. I think she might eat them too...gross...
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