
It's 2025, so how are you feeling about the future?

How are you feeling about the future?

  • Numb & Dazed

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Bewildered

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Stupefied

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Stunned

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Gobsmacked

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Horrified

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Drop-jawed

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • Aghast

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Hopeless

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Fearfull

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • Dismal

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Despairing

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • Wretched

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • Despondent

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • All the above

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • All the above, and more

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • "Honey, have you seen my cyanide pill?"

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • Happy, ecstatic, thrilled and full of hope

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .


Apr 30, 2005
How are you feeling about the future?

Click all that apply.

This poll is set up so nobody can see how you voted.

Sorry, I forgot the option: "Other, please explain", so if that
would be your vote just enter that as a post.
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Glad I am closer to the end of my life than the beginning
And it has very little to do with the election and much much more to do with how people all over the world have behaved in the past 15 months or so

And the emotion I am feeling isn't on your list. It's angry. I feel angry and this past year plus has really cemented the fact I care about animals way more than I will ever care about most people. Because, from my personal POV most people suck and that is putting it mildly
... And it has very little to do with the election ...
Huh? What election?
Who said anything about an election? :confused:
You mean there's been one of those recently? :oops2:

And don't those thingies have something to do with politics. :naughty::naughty::naughty:
Feeling positive.

Started to plan my camping trips/holidays in 2026, and booked my hair appointments up to April 2026.

I know where I shall be going to Japan in 2027 which is postponed from 2025 so as to give myself the time to save up for some nice pearl purchases.

Was meant to go to Washington for 2027 to attend a global convention, decided to cancel until further notice.

I like planning ahead as it means looking forward to a future - to me that is a positive mindset.

Each to their own and all that.

DK :))
I think survival means that you must always have hope. That doesn't mean that everything is wonderful; it just means that you have to have hope for the future on some level. We read all about the horrid things that happen and assume that people are just vile. Some are, but fortunately, even that is in the minority. There are good people everywhere, and it is important that we keep that in perspective. Those everyday folks just aren't featured, for the most part, in the news that we are bombarded with every day.
I think survival means that you must always have hope. That doesn't mean that everything is wonderful; it just means that you have to have hope for the future on some level. We read all about the horrid things that happen and assume that people are just vile. Some are, but fortunately, even that is in the minority. There are good people everywhere, and it is important that we keep that in perspective. Those everyday folks just aren't featured, for the most part, in the news that we are bombarded with every day.

I used to share this perspective. No longer. My eyes have been opened

Just adding. The west is not next. The west is now. Pay attention everyone. It’s already happening
I voted Horrified, and Where's my cyanide pill.
Not a popular opinion but when things are going well and running smoothly, yes, more people are good. However, when things turn bad (examples with the pandemic or natural disasters or shortages or what have you) you see people’s true colors and the behaviors we see is pretty dismal.

And with all due respect, if you don’t see that, if you think otherwise, then you’re either living a very insulated life (not aware of what’s happening to others, not subject to any type of discrimination) or burying your head in the proverbial sand.

No offense meant. Just stating life as I see it. I am not cynical. I’m a realist. I am a cautious optimist and a realistic one. I don’t see the world through rose colored glasses. Rather, I see it as it is. Not how I want it to be. But how it actually is.

I feel the world is darkening--I don't like what I see. The protests are not useful and are dark dark dark. And no leader here will do anything to intervene or improve the situation. It is all divisive. And this is just one aspect of living now--we also have rampant inflation, food costs soaring, housing costs soaring--that is if you can find someone to live here. I'd love to feel more positive, but I don't and it makes me sad.

I think survival means that you must always have hope.

and adaptability and flexibility, and the ability to forgive, and above all be part of the solution. We don't have to be all those things all the time. The smallest act of kindness can change a life.
I voted “happy, ecstatic, thrilled, and full of hope.”

Life is too short and I refuse to believe the world is going to sh*t, so I will live my life with the knowledge that I am a good person and that there are also a lot of other good people out there, making sure the world is a good place to live. We are lucky and blessed to live every day with the our family and friends. We are so blessed to live in a world with our fur babies. We are so lucky to have first world problems. We are so fortunate to share our lives with our significant others and to have someone to come home to every day to talk to and to share our trials and tribulations with. To have friends or loved ones to remind us just how lucky and blessed we are.

While life is not easy, I think it is important to show gratitude for the things we do have. To be grateful for the gifts that we are given, and the hardships that we ourselves have not had to bear. I, personally, am so grateful to my husband. He has a really demanding job and he still takes care of me when I’m not feeling well (chronic migraine sufferer here). I’m so blessed to have someone that is there for me everyday, whether I need it or not. I am grateful for the love I shared with my Zoey bird (wrapping on 2 years without her tomorrow). I am grateful for the life I lead and the gift of my parent’s continued good health. While I could ask for more (and on a bad migraine day, trust that I do), I am so appreciative for what I do have. I have hope for the future. I believe in our future. Perhaps not in our leaders, but in the kindness of a stranger, in the generosity of a loved one. In the purity of a child. I trust that beauty and kindness are within reach wherever we are.
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I voted “happy, ecstatic, thrilled, and full of hope.”

Life is too short and I refuse to believe the world is going to sh*t, so I will live my life with the knowledge that I am a good person and that there are also a lot of other good people out there, making sure the world is a good place to live. We are lucky and blessed to live every day with the our family and friends. We are so blessed to live in a world with our fur babies. We are so lucky to have first world problems. We are so fortunate to share our lives with our significant others and to have someone to come home to every day to talk to and to share our trials and tribulations with. To have friends or loved ones to remind us just how lucky and blessed we are.

While life is not easy, I think it is important to show gratitude for the things we do have. To be grateful for the gifts that we are given, and the hardships that we ourselves have not had to bear. I, personally, am so grateful to my husband. He has a really demanding job and he still takes care of me when I’m not feeling well (chronic migraine sufferer here). I’m so blessed to have someone that is there for me everyday, whether I need it or not. I am grateful for the love I shared with my Zoey bird (wrapping on 2 years without her tomorrow). I am grateful for the life I lead and the gift of my parent’s continued good health. While I could ask for more (and on a bad migraine day, trust that I do), I am so appreciative for what I do have. I have hope for the future. I believe in our future. Perhaps not in our leaders, but in the kindness of a stranger, in the generosity of a loved one. In the purity of a child. I trust that beauty and kindness are within reach wherever we are.

I agree - living a life of gratitude is the key to this life. There is always something, even in the worst of times, to be grateful for in this life. I see a lot of things every day that make me shake my head, but my blessings still outweigh my sorrows. Happiness can sometimes be a choice and it is up to us to make that choice.
I think I've been gone 2 years or more. I see names I recognize, and that Garry's written a book.
How's everybody?
I selected most of the above.'re here! Do they still kick you out every once in while?

Wishing everyone a happy new year!
There will always be bad and nasty things happening in this world, a lot of them will be beyond my control let alone influence.
Everyone's survival mechanism is different.
I am not here to judge.
I can't help it that I am sunshine yellow most of the time with a cheery positive glass half full outlook.
Being positive has helped me through some very dark days in my life and I am not going to change that.

DK :))
I think I've been gone 2 years or more. I see names I recognize, and that Garry's written a book.
How's everybody?
I selected most of the above.'re here! Do they still kick you out every once in while?

Wishing everyone a happy new year!

Hi there! I surely remember you and hope you will stick around and join us!

Happy New Year to you and yours as well!
For the world as a whole I feel apprehensive. The climate and the state of international relations are terribly concerning.

For my own family, I feel hopeful, and curious. My daughter is planning to move out and get an apartment this summer, and I am looking forward to seeing what she does with herself, going forward. I think she is finally ready for this.
How are you feeling about the future?

Click all that apply.

This poll is set up so nobody can see how you voted.

Sorry, I forgot the option: "Other, please explain", so if that
would be your vote just enter that as a post.

Hi Kenny.
I am going to say, I really want you to have a happy new year, and plenty after this one.
And I wish the same for my loved ones, all my PS associates and even my frenemies and enemies.
I was told by a friend's wise father: "Hoss, when everyone does one thing in life or business, do the other or opposite and you will have a better life".
(I was a little fatty and my friend nicknamed me after the fat guy in the cowboy series Bonanza).
I think I've been gone 2 years or more. I see names I recognize, and that Garry's written a book.
How's everybody?
I selected most of the above.'re here! Do they still kick you out every once in while?

Wishing everyone a happy new year!

Hi RG, yup we are all still here. Not as many get kicked out these days.
Hope you are well.
The book is a brain dump on all I have learned about diamonds.
I feel lots of things, so I try to limit it to what directly affects my life. I have causes close to my heart. I love my country, but things are getting out of hand here too. I do have anger, about many things. I can't physically change much at all in the world, but I'm sending out good vibes. Hoping things get better for everyone.
I think I've been gone 2 years or more. I see names I recognize, and that Garry's written a book.
How's everybody?
I selected most of the above.'re here! Do they still kick you out every once in while?

Wishing everyone a happy new year!

RG!!!!!! WB!!!!!!!!
and adaptability and flexibility, and the ability to forgive, and above all be part of the solution. We don't have to be all those things all the time. The smallest act of kindness can change a life.

THIS. We can only control ourselves and our actions. Every act of kindness we do is a positive and has the potential to make a difference to someone. Project what you would like to see in the world. There are so many kind wonderful people out there. Be grateful and kind. Help others.
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Happy to be alive! Last Feb, I did not think I would live to see today, so I am coming in to 2025 with a lot of gratitude and happiness!
Happy to be alive! Last Feb, I did not think I would live to see today, so I am coming in to 2025 with a lot of gratitude and happiness!
Glad you are here!!!!!
Kenny why so negative????
Im broke and have covid and your options are too depressing even to me.
I not happy, nor sad about 2025, I don’t fear what I can’t change but I do worry for my children. In my personal opinion, children growing up today will never get to experience innocence as I did and those before me.
(My mother thought she could get pregnant with a kiss) she was gullible but in a pure innocent way. She was a virgin when she married.
I agree times have changed and trusting your children around others is something to be concerned of but to affect children in literature with graphic details of sexual content is just vile and repulsive. I believe that should be up to the parent.. how those conversations should be introduced.
As an American I am disappointed in how funds are allocated to foreign people crossing over and complacent with veterans being out on the streets homeless or struggling to get pain meds or medical help.
Not to mention the rollercoaster rides insurance companies make you go through to get medical necessities.
If we as people don’t put our differences aside, we as a country will never move forward. Looking at the past will not change the future. It isn’t about race, color, religion or sexual preference (as long as doesn’t involve children and animals, it’s sad I had to add animals but that is where we are in humanity) it’s about our future and there are far to many that have put human decency aside and listening to the world around them.
Just my opinion.