
I've lost that PS lovin' feelin'


Jun 19, 2010
Have you had this happen: I posted a question on RT about posting a great hand,ade RHR I bought that happens to have a cz in it. I know the policy is no, no, no, but I was hoping for some way around it so I could show it off, and Instead of any answer from admin, I gor deleted. I can imagine deleting if I'd posted the pics, but I just found it odd that they were so quick to delete. Why not answer me and then lock the thread? Maybe I'm too sensitive. Ah well. I knew the honeymoon had to end at some point.
Im sorry to sound harsh, but what part of the rules were unclear? You said you knew upon posting it was a no no. Why did you think the rules didn't apply to you?
Hi Athena,

We removed that post only a little while ago. We often are moderating for a while, then moving to send emails to posters. It is not always instantaneous because we are not machines. If I have a number of posts to send emails about, I usually remove all the posts, make a list, and then send all the emails at once. It is easier for me that way.

I think if you check your registered email, you will find that we did send you an email regarding the removed post.

On the same note, for anyone reading this, it is very important to have an email registered with PS that you check and that is accurate, as very often we send emails to accounts that are incorrect, out of date, etc. If that is the case there is no way for us to contact you, so as a public service announcement please keep your emails up to date! So many times people say that we do not respond, but really their email is not accurate, they have a spam filter blocking our emails, or the email is out of date.
Athena, presumably it's the neato handmade setting you want to show off/ask questions about? Why not photoshop out the center stone? As long as you don't talk about the center stone then you're cool, I believe.
I don't really know what you want us to say. You knew you were going against the rules. And then you broke another rule by questioning moderator action. It would have been better to email the admins to ask why your thread was removed.

I did ask a while ago if we could have a sim only section here. They said they would consider it. Maybe you could post a request in the suggestions thread to ask them again. :))
LittleGreyKitten|1289726724|2765410 said:
Athena, presumably it's the neato handmade setting you want to show off/ask questions about? Why not photoshop out the center stone? As long as you don't talk about the center stone then you're cool, I believe.

I missed the thread but if LGK's interpretation is accurate, then I'd probably just post the pictures and talk about the setting without mentioning the center stone. If someone asked (as someone probably would, this being a diamond forum and all), you could probably say "it's not really a diamond" or something else vague, and just go on from there. It's a weird quirk that you might be better served by inadvertently passing off a CZ as a diamond by silence instead of being more forthright about it, but I don't see a better alternative.

I mean, I'm assuming there's no problem with posting interesting jewelry that happens to have a sim in it, as long as the discussion is not focused on the sim itself. Lots of interesting antique jewelry contains original simulants (paste and early synthetics) and that's not a problem; occasionally there are colored stone pieces that have sim accents and, again, it's not the primary focus of the thread so that's not an issue either.

Maisie said:
I don't really know what you want us to say. You knew you were going against the rules. And then you broke another rule by questioning moderator action. It would have been better to email the admins to ask why your thread was removed.

I'll politely disagree here. Whether or not one agrees with the no-sim policy, sometimes gray-area situations pop up. Because those situations are not unique to the OP, I think it's better to have as much clarity as possible so that future members who might be in similar situations can look to her experience for guidance. If it's just handled in email, then someone else is likely to make the exact same mistake, and get their feelings hurt in the exact same way, because it was a gray area and they just didn't know.
I know I have a setting I want to use for my new pink tourmaline that I would like feedback on, but since it has a CZ in the middle I have not posted it ;(
Liane|1289738757|2765443 said:
LittleGreyKitten|1289726724|2765410 said:
Athena, presumably it's the neato handmade setting you want to show off/ask questions about? Why not photoshop out the center stone? As long as you don't talk about the center stone then you're cool, I believe.

I missed the thread but if LGK's interpretation is accurate, then I'd probably just post the pictures and talk about the setting without mentioning the center stone. If someone asked (as someone probably would, this being a diamond forum and all), you could probably say "it's not really a diamond" or something else vague, and just go on from there. It's a weird quirk that you might be better served by inadvertently passing off a CZ as a diamond by silence instead of being more forthright about it, but I don't see a better alternative.

I mean, I'm assuming there's no problem with posting interesting jewelry that happens to have a sim in it, as long as the discussion is not focused on the sim itself. Lots of interesting antique jewelry contains original simulants (paste and early synthetics) and that's not a problem; occasionally there are colored stone pieces that have sim accents and, again, it's not the primary focus of the thread so that's not an issue either.

Maisie said:
I don't really know what you want us to say. You knew you were going against the rules. And then you broke another rule by questioning moderator action. It would have been better to email the admins to ask why your thread was removed.

I'll politely disagree here. Whether or not one agrees with the no-sim policy, sometimes gray-area situations pop up. Because those situations are not unique to the OP, I think it's better to have as much clarity as possible so that future members who might be in similar situations can look to her experience for guidance. If it's just handled in email, then someone else is likely to make the exact same mistake, and get their feelings hurt in the exact same way, because it was a gray area and they just didn't know.

7.Moderator Action:

a.Use the button for any questions related to thread/post removal, policies clarification, etc.
b.Please do not post assumptions about moderator actions, this creates confusion, use "Report Post" button so that the moderator may clarify it appropriately. We are more than happy to do so.

c.Some actions are subject to judgment calls for the integrity of the forum and should be respected as that.
d.Out of respect for members/moderators and to avoid confusion any public discussions of moderator actions or policies will be removed.
e.We reserve the rights to change policies at any time, therefore, please do not discuss policies publicly as they may change.
Yes, those are the rules.

But since PS is going through its own version of the Hundred Flowers Campaign right now, I don't see any harm in voicing my views. Even if this one ends the same way the PRC's did.
Yes, you are absolutely entitled to post your views.
I just got my feather's ruffled, ya'll. Know biggie, it was late and I was tired. But I think if I do post it now, I'll put tape over the stone or something. Of course now I've made such a big deal out of it, I bet nobody will see in it what I saw in it. :-D

I guess if I could've articulated a bit better yesterday, I would've been better about asking. I know this is a "diamond" hangout, but I also know that there are some bling things that unfortunately have a cz plopped in them. I guess I have gotten spoiled with showing off my fun bling here that it didn't occur to me that posting a question about showing it off would cause almost immediate deletion. Ah well. Moving on now.