
Jeff Goldblum? Paging Jeff Goldblum...


Feb 2, 2015
Hi PSers,

Ok, so in Jurassic Park, a character admonishes another with, "... so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should!"

That's where I am today: decision paralysis.

I have several small projects in the beginning stages, "pre-commission" as it were. But I've been starting up and then losing courage, and then starting again. And I'm locked up, thinking whether things should be done rather than whether they can.

Today's debate is my ring. It's kind of my "One Ring to Rule Them All" as it were. It was sold as antique, with a .90 OMC "SI3" stone. (SI3, lol, ok sure whatever) Nevertheless I love this ring with all my heart, so putting it away and never wearing it is not an option. However, after reading on PS for a while now, I know the stone is problematic. The "SI3" is not about carbon spots (though it has some on the very edges) but rather for a huge chip that makes the stone fragile. I researched a recut for around $350+ where significant loss is expected - ok and then it would no longer fit in the ring and need to be set into something else. I never thought I could afford to resolve this. It's literally been *years* that this has hung over me.

Recently I found a beautiful OEC at a pawn shop, and when I took her home I began to have delusions of grandeur, lofty dreams. Platinum! Halo! Expensive reset! Enormous pendant! Designer commission!
Sigh. It took a few weeks to let go of that fantasy.
Victorian/Art Nouveau/Pre-Raphaelite is just who I am. And every time I post on PS, my little avatar ring shows up and I just still adore it. Yes, the urge to become chic and upwardly-mobile in my jewellery (and life) has failed. I am a hopeless romantic. Old school. I was never cool as a kid. But the philosophers say, "Know thyself and then adorn accordingly" after all. And so this ring is my match. Warts and all.
So here's the "could/should" question:
Could the old 5.8mm OMC be replaced by the new 6mm OEC? Would the pearl need to be un-mounted? I have to consider setting fee, plus the cost to re-tip prongs, etc.
Should it? Would an OEC be historically wrong and obviously inauthentic? Is it right to swap out a pre-1891 stone with a post-1891 stone? Would an appraiser specializing in antiques frown at a newer stone in an older setting? Would you all think it is ‘less’ somehow? A hack job? A rookie mistake?
IMG_0003.jpg IMG_3561.jpg
Anyway, If it can’t be done, or people here think is shouldn’t be done, then I have my answer, I’ll just stop all this hooey and look for a different setting for the new OEC.

If it can be done, and people here think there is no reason it shouldn’t be done, then I’ll start looking for estimates and then move to the next step: what to do with my old stone…. it’s too fragile for a ring, but recutting may be pointless. I could leave it original, chip and all, and set it in silver cut-down/button pendant in a Georgian style paired with an antique gold chain I already have. Here’s an example from the Old World Diamonds website (this stone is twice the size of mine):

OWD Georgian pendant.png
It reminds me of Ireland where I lived for a few years, way back when I was young and my eyes lit up just absorbing the artistic and architectural influence of Georgian Dublin. I was born at least 100 years too late, if not 200.

Anyway putting the OMC in a Georgian style setting would hopefully prevent it from breaking, and the wonky facets would look right in that context. Even if the new OEC doesn't go in the old ring, I think this is a reasonable idea to help preserve the little sparkler for the future. Beyond that, there are many other small projects but this one just gnaws at me all day every day. It would be nice to resolve the question.

Thanks in advance for all the opinions you share. I've been on PS for a good while and have learned a lot. I have a ton more to learn though, so please be gentle with me. Thank you!
here to say I love the story and graphics. I don't think it would be "wrong" to swap the OMC for an OMC and I can't see how .2mm would make a difference in the ability to set a slightly larger stone.

PLUS I love your necklace idea for the fragile OMC. I for one am on board for all of the above. PLUS I think the OEC looks more OMC-like than a lot of OEC's I've seen on here. It has character!
the OEC looks more OMC-like than a lot of OEC's I've seen on here. It has character!
Thank you! I wasn't sure of the cut but have learned a little. I love every old cut equally... even rose cuts!
Thank you! I wasn't sure of the cut but have learned a little. I love every old cut equally... even rose cuts!

I'm not even 100% sure its not an OMC? The only difference I see between the OEC and your OMC is that the OMC has more of a windmill center rather than a flowery center like the OEC. Anyway, they are close enough I think!
If it is closer to an OMC, I think that would remove my hesitation on swapping into the ring!
Here is a 60x view of the chip. It extends down under the girdle as you can see in the 2nd photo, so it's just one sharp smack away from being a shattered mess. Now you can see why the "SI3" idea is beyond hyperbole - and closer to tragic. In spite of all of this, I love the ring and everything it represents.
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I think that your plan of action above has been quite well thought out and are both great options moving forward. The "period" of each stones cut have a decent amount of overlap. The only hesitation I have is the size of the pearl once you change the 5.8mm to a 6.0mm stone. It appears that the original by-pass ring is set up so that the diamond and the pearl are the same size.

I would suggest doing a mock up using two pieces of paper showing the size difference. If it doesn't bother you then go for it. I think it would turn out great!
take out the pearl and put in the other diamond
Now there's a thought! Hmmm would that make the ring so diamond-heavy I can't lift my hand. Just kidding.
Well you raise a good point. If the bench needs to remove the pearl anyway, maybe mounting the OEC in its place is an option too.
Now there's a thought! Hmmm would that make the ring so diamond-heavy I can't lift my hand. Just kidding.
Well you raise a good point. If the bench needs to remove the pearl anyway, maybe mounting the OEC in its place is an option too.
I would do this and IF the chip is facing the outside, I would get them to rotate it so it’s towards the middle and essentially protected by the other diamond. Or get both baskets remade so they’re collets and the .2mm size difference isn’t obvious.
I am so new to OEC’s and OMC’s..I can’t be any help at all..but I LOVED the way you described yourself..and the love of your stones..I would put the new stone in the ring..keep the pearl..because you love the look. I would use the chipped sentimental stone into a pendant. I think that would protect it from getting any more damage like it would be if on your hand. I smack my ring occasionally and I lose a few years because I worry about chipping it. Setting it in a pendant would be safer..
I really enjoyed reading your post!

If it were me I would take the damaged diamond and set it in the pendant providing the pressure of setting it in the bezel won’t damage it further. I think there is a bit of pressing on the sides when they set bezels. I would then put the other diamond into the setting with your pearl and be done :))
I would take the damaged diamond and set it maybe in a bezel (necklace) to cover much of the chip. I definitely would not set the new diamond next to the old diamond...they won't match at all. I'd set the new OEC and see if it looks proportional with the pearl, and if not, I'd replace the pearl, as well. The setting is very pretty and I think restoring the stones to ones with good condition will make the ring very nice!