
Jewels By Erica Grace and the Sapphire Ring


Feb 10, 2011
I normally check out CS because the FCD threads typically live here. Doing so I see the most beautiful coloured stone jewellery. I have to admit that CS scare the crap out of me. I feel there is so much education/information/experience needed to truly know a single species. I am hesitant to jump in, but I did dip my toes in.

I also want to preface that I understand Tiffany & Co. do not have the best coloured stones in the world and I am ok knowing that the sapphires are probably heated. I am happy knowing that they are not BE treated and that they do look pretty to my eye.

A couple of months ago I was looking for an Anniversary gift for my wife. And as I said above that seeing all these beautiful coloured stones on CS has stirred something in me. I had left it too late to make a custom piece plus my lack of knowledge probably would have deterred me anyway :lol:

I had seen someone post a ring in SMTB that was from Jewels by Erica Grace, which caused me to check out their website. Lo, and behold I saw a beautiful blue sapphire band that was in my budget and to my wife's tastes.

I contacted jbeg and they got back to me almost immediately. I mean, within 5 minutes fast. I'm not sure if I happened to be online exactly the same time as them every time, but I sent no less than 5 emails to them throughout the process and they always got back to me that fast, every time. I was amazed.

I initially spoke with Jenny and then with Grace, both were very polite and professional. I was able to work out a deal with Grace and the process was in motion. She kept me informed of when she shipped the ring and the process went without a hitch. I am not in the US so I am always concerned sending/receiving jewellery internationally, but the process went as smooth as butter.

I am really happy with the whole experience. The ring looks beautiful and the process was flawless. I couldn't recommend Jewels by Erica Grace more.

I don't have any hand shots yet, but here is their gallery: http://jewelsbyericagrace.smugmug.c...d-and/28902148_fczDGf#!i=2455791102&k=bwSfCrR

I will say that the sapphires do look darker in the gallery than compared to real life. I'm ok with that, I thought they looked a little dark in the gallery anyway.

Overall 10/10 would buy from again :sun:
Congratulations! It's such a pretty ring I'm sure your wife was delighted :appl:

And eerrrm... welcome to the colourful side of PS - be warned it's thoroughly addictive :))
I have always thought that was a beautiful ring, and it's nice to have a Tiffany piece, too! :love: On the Show Me the Bling forum, there is a Show Me Your Tiffany thread, so do post there once you can take a picture when it comes!
I love Erica and Grace! I bought a pre-loved Mark Morrell setting from them and could not have been more delighted!

Your wife's ring looks gorgeous - right up my alley as well....could I give you my husband's email address please? :naughty:
Congrats on a beautiful signed piece. Lucky, lucky wife. :appl:
Very pretty & it's great your experience was so positive. Your wife must be delighted!

Stick around for more colored stones -- it's a fascinating & beautiful world. It can be rocket science if you want to go into it deeply, but not necessarily -- we have Chrono, LD, Minou & others to guide us proles along! =)

--- Laurie
it is gorgeous! I'm thinking darker sapphires will be more elegant interspersed with those diamonds anyway.. this is going into my idea book for my WB!
Thank you everyone for the nice replies.

I just received the sneak peek news letter. I am a little saddened by the news of the split. I hope both do well in their separate endeavors.

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