
Job dust needed!


Mar 16, 2009
SO has been looking for a job for the past few months without much success until recently. Last week he got a pretty good offer from a company about 5 hours away that he will probably take if he doesn't get any more offers. He also interviewed with a great company that is only 2 hours away. They are both great jobs, but the one that is 2 hours away is a much better location for us. It is much closer to both of our families (45 minutes away from mine and 1 1/2 hours away from his) and the cost of housing is a good bit cheaper.

He should hear sometime this week if he got the closer job, and I am so nervous that he won't get an offer. He said the interview went very well, and that he is a good fit for the position so he has a good shot. I am already stressing about hearing news this week so this is not going to be fun. Hopefully, we will hear towards the beginning of the week. :?

I will not be moving with him right away so we will be long distance for at least a few months which makes the 2 hours away much easier to deal with than 5 hours. I will not be moving until we are engaged and he knows that because I have a good job here.

These are some exciting and stressful times for us. I am hoping for an engagement this summer. SO has said it will definitely happen this year. :mrgreen:

I really hope he gets an offer! And good for you for not moving with him until you are engaged. I think that is a great idea especially since you have a good job where you are now.
Thanks for the dust!

The long distance part will be tough, but it makes the most sense to me. If he misses me and wants me to move where he is he knows what needs to happen. I just can't see quitting my job and leaving my friends without a firm commitment from him.
We still have not heard anything and I am going nuts. :errrr:
I hope you hear something soon! BF has applied for a new job as well. He hasn't heard anything, but we know some friends that work there and said more positions will be opening up soon. We both really really want BF to get this job. It's a large increase in pay and he is really starting to get frustrated with his current position.

I hope things turn out well for both of us!!

ETA: ~~~~~~~DUST~~~~~~~~
Dust to you! I don't won't to highjack your thread, but I could use some dust as well. I applied for a job with an amazing company that never has openings in the finance department (unless someone dies basically) and they had one...had the first interview on Friday and they called me that day to have me go in and meet with a director on Monday. Just waiting to hear!!
*Dust* to you, and *dust* to AMC. I also need some job dust - I am a fairly new professional, and I am looking for a good job. I had a pretty good job, but I had to move away from home for it. Like I said, it was nice enough, but I missed my family and fiance (then boyfriend), and it wasn't really giving me the best experience for what I ultimately want to do. I left and moved back home, and found another job that was great for experience and the job title was wonderful, but the company was a nightmare. Most of my coworkers left, and I did, too - the environment was borderline mentally/emotionally abusive, and I was literally getting sick from the stress. Of course, now I want another job, and I know that my resume doesn't look the best, since I didn't spend much time at either of my last jobs. I really just want to find a nice job and company, and stay there for at least a few years.

I have had some interviews, but haven't gotten any offers yet. Honestly, I didn't feel that some of the companies were good fits, so I hope I don't hear from them. I interviewed for one on Monday, and the company seems wonderful, but I'm not sure how well it went - although sometimes I think one went well and it didn't, and vice versa. I have another interview on Friday, for a position that definitely sounds like it could be promising.

Hopefully everything will work out well for all of us! *Dust* again! :)
*Dust* to everyone!

We still have not heard, but if he is going to hear from them it will most likely be today.
I hope that you received some good news yesterday!

Unfortunately, I haven't been having good luck on my end. I heard back from one of the employers that I didn't want to hear from, and they wanted my references. I told them that I had another offer (not true, but I wanted to get them off my back), but they are asking me to reconsider. I don't want to work for them because the job isn't my absolute ideal position, and the company had a weird vibe to me. I think that some people may fit in really well there, but I'm not sure that it would be a good working environment for me. My main thing was that I didn't want to travel, and I realized that they were looking for someone who will do that - but now they're saying that if that's my main sticking point, they can work around it. I'm afraid that their tune will change a few months down the road, though. I agreed to meet with them again on Monday, but I still don't have a great feeling about it.

I had a job interview for my dream job yesterday, and I already heard that I didn't get it. The job title is what I really want to do, and when I got there, I fell in love with the place. I know that the facility has been facing a lot of challenges and turnover, but it seemed like everyone was so welcoming, friendly, and happy. I loved the atmosphere, and I thought I did so well, because the doctor (my interviewer, since it was at a physician's office) was very upbeat and seemed very interested in me. She actually ran out to her car to get me a brochure on her practice, and she went over benefits information with me. I thought that I had a really good chance, but she said that she had another interview to do on Monday, and then I would find out. I was very shocked to get a call from human resources of the company just a few hours later, telling me that they decided to hire internally. I was so devastated, and surprised, because it seemed like they were really interested in me. I was paranoid that someone gave me a bad reference (if that was the case, there was one person that I was more concerned about than the others), so I called my first-listed reference (my last boss, who I know really liked me and would never say anything bad about me - he even gave good references for workers that I know did bad jobs), and he said that he did not receive any calls yet, but that he is happy to help me in any way that he can, since I always did great work for him.

I'm just really confused, but like I said, I guess that something was going on below the surface there. The human resources warned me that it was a challenging office and that there was a lot of turnover, and the doctor mentioned that she was very unhappy with all of the turnover, and that she wanted for her office to return to a more family-like atmosphere. One person helped to interview me, and although I wasn't told what her job tile was, and she seemed really nice on the surface, she didn't act as interested in me and seemed to possibly be faking it a little bit more. She was also sitting in the practice manager's office (the job that I was applying for) when they were showing me around, but it seemed really open, so I just assumed that it was the best place for her to work at the time - she was also at the table instead of the desk, so it didn't make me suspicious. Maybe she really wanted the job though. I did call human resources back and asked them for constructive criticism, and they said that I did a great job, but that they just decided to hire from within. It's just so confusing and frustrating, because everything went so well, and I can't believe that they would change their minds in such a short period of time. I also noticed that the job ad was up when I went in for the interview, but it was down when they called to let me know that I didn't get it. I wonder if they canceled their Monday interview, or if it really even existed.

There is another job that I interviewed for that I liked almost as much as the doctor's office (it wasn't the same job title, which is what I really want, but it still sounds pretty nice), but I just don't have the feeling that it went well, and it seems like a long shot. You never know, but I don't have the feeling that I will get a call for round two of interviews.

So for me, I guess it's pretty much back to applying again. Of course, I already applied for everything that's open right now, but we'll see. Part of me just wants to take the offer with the company that really wants me, but I feel like I will be unhappy and also that it won't be the best for my resume, since I think I'd rather go in another direction.

Anyway, sorry to be such a downer, but I'm really hoping that at least one of us got some great news! :)
He has not heard from the job I mentioned in my original post so we have pretty much given up on it.

He is in the process filling out a bunch of paperwork for the first offer that he received. It is a very good job, but it is further away than I would like. The area is nice though as it is right outside of Washington, DC.
I'm sorry that you haven't heard anything. I know how frustrating that can be! I don't like it when companies don't even bother getting back to their applicants/interviewees.

I'm glad to hear that the area where he got the offer is nice, even if it's further away than you'd like. At least he doesn't feel pressured to move to a really bad place, just to get a job.

I decided to not go with the company that wanted me, because my instincts were just telling me that it was a bad move. Sure, it was close to home and I wouldn't have to move - but I want to choose my next position carefully, so that I can hopefully be really happy and enjoy my work, and also so that I can stay there for at least a few years. That job just didn't sound like what I'm really looking for, and like I said, I think it would have taken my career path in a different direction than what I'm hoping.

I received a call today regarding a possibly opportunity with a company that I already interviewed with - actually twice. The first time, I really connected with my interviewer (luckily pretty high up in the company), but someone with more experience applied, so that person got the job. My interviewer recommended me for another position at another of the company's facilities, but I just didn't connect well with my would-be boss, and I didn't like the area at all. It was a couple of hours from home, so I would have to relocate, and I just didn't feel safe there. I looked online, and the crime rates looked pretty bad. I looked at apartments in the area, and the closest safer town was about half an hour away, and there was nothing around (no close grocery stores to get to easily, no restaurants, etc). Also, it seemed like my would-be boss was just faking being nice, and I didn't get a good feeling about working with her.

The gentleman who called me today seems really nice, and also enthusiastic about possibly having me work with them. This position is actually for a facility that is opening this summer, so I think that it would be exciting to start fresh somewhere, without cliques or existing issues. I'm not sure if it will work out, and I would have to relocate for this one too, but I think it's in a better area (I haven't actually visited it yet though, so we'll see).

I like to think that everything happens for a reason. I know that you'd rather that he had gotten the other position, but maybe he would have been totally unhappy there. You never can tell, but this might turn out to really be a blessing. :)
Dust to everyone! I hate making job decisions. Sometimes you just want out of your current one, but don't want to take the first thing that comes point in leaving one job to be miserable in another one.
amc80|1302713804|2895064 said:
Dust to everyone! I hate making job decisions. Sometimes you just want out of your current one, but don't want to take the first thing that comes point in leaving one job to be miserable in another one.

This is exactly the position I am in now! It's very frustrating...