Hi everything. I''m new to this forum so I thought I would take sometime and introduce myself and let you know my situation. My SO and I have been together for over a year and a half going on two. We''ve been discussing marriage for about ten months now. In January he told me that he would propose by the end of the year, however last month he said that it may be a little longer than that and hopefully it will happen within six months. He''s looked at rings and we''ve discussed a budget. This all seems great, but he''s very low on spendable income and to my knowledge has not been able to put any money away to save for an e-ring. I am understandable for his situation, but yet impatient at the same time. We''re currently in a temporary long distance relationship while he finishes up some classes for his undergrad which will be done in February. Therefore every time I go visit, the will he or won''t he pop the question is on my mind. I think this is a really great site, so I''m sure you''ll hear from me lots, just be patient when I start to vent about the waiting!