
Laughable lawsuites

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Aug 25, 2000
A California woman sued a grocery store after she dropped a six-pack of beer on her feet. The woman was not injured, but she said that it hurt. She won the lawsuit.
Dorothy Johnson sued Kenmore Inc. for the death of her dog. After washing the poodle, she placed it in her Kenmore microwave, "just a few minutes, on low," to dry it off. The case was dismissed.
A man sued the city of San Diego for $5.4 million after he suffered emotional trauma at an Elton John concert in Municipal Stadium. The man says that a woman was using the men's urinal, a sight that he claims he found extremely upsetting.
A lawsuit was settled out of court between a teen and a company that sold the nets used for basketball hoops. The boy lost two teeth when they got caught in the net while he was attempting to slam-dunk a ball. The settlement was for $50,000.
A New York prison inmate is filing a suit for $8 million against the state after he accidentally shot himself with a gun he illegally smuggled into the penitentiary. The inmate says that better security would have prevented him from getting the weapon inside.
A West Virginia woman won more than $2 million after she hurt her back opening a pickle jar while at work.
Chris Morris brought a suit against the state of Michigan for $1 million. Morris claims he caught a cold in the rotunda (a large, round room) of the state capitol building. He was there to observe an art exhibition.
An Indiana inmate sued because he was not given Rogaine to treat his baldness.
A man who had purchased a BMW and found that some of the car had been repainted to cover acid-rain damage sued and won $3 million in damages. The garage where the car was purchased appealed the ruling, and the damage award was cut in half, to $1.5 million.
Jerry Williams sued and won $14,500 plus medical expenses after his neighbor's beagle bit him on the buttocks. The dog was on a chain in a fenced-in yard. Williams had been shooting the dog repeatedly with a pellet gun at the time of the incident.
A phone-sex operator in Florida won a settlement after she filed for worker's compensation, saying she had suffered repetitive-motion injuries in both hands. The repetitive motion was the result of using her hands to give herself as many as seven orgasms a day while talking to clients.
An Ohio inmate sued the state for not being allowed soap-on-a-rope.
An Arizona woman, Michele Nations, was walking through a park when she stumbled on a gopher hole, tripped, and sprained her ankle. She sued the city for failing to post a warning that such hazards might exist in the park. She won $450,000.
Carl Truman, 19, won $74,000 and medical expenses after he sued the neighbor who ran over his hand. His neighbor claimed that he did not realize Truman was stealing his hubcaps at the time.
A woman sued the company that makes the Clapper, the popular device for turning your lights off without getting up. The woman's suit claimed she "had to clap too hard to turn her appliances off."
A man on Death Row sued the author of a book that told about the murders he had committed. The convicted killer asked for $60 million in damages, claiming that the book would make it difficult for him to find a job. The case was eventually thrown out.
Did you hear the one where some guy using the username Iceman on an anonymous message board got his panties in a bunch when another user (a consumer) happened to pick a variant on iceman for his nickname? He demanded that the administrator get the guy to change his name because he registered "Iceman". How laughable!
Personally, I think the award for best recent example of lawsuit abuse goes to Fox News for its suit against Al Franken, basically for making fun of them.
Two surfers went to court after one allegedly stole the other surfer's wave. The case was dismissed after court officials found it impossible to put a monetary value on the wave.
In Pensacola, Fla., a drunken man who passed out on the CSX train tracks sued because he was hit by a train. Pedro Duran, 56, lost an arm and suffered a broken back in the accident. The train's engineer, who saw Duran but thought he was a lump of trash, blew the train's whistle for 54 seconds before the collision. Duran was awarded $600,000 for damages.
A student attending a college in Idaho fell from his window while mooning a friend. The student then sued the college, claiming that it had not provided adequate information about the dangers of upper-story windows.
Lee Williams is suing a tattoo shop for spelling the word "villain" wrong in his tattoo. Neither Williams nor the tattoo artist knew how to spell the word. The tattoo ended up reading "villian."
A woman is suing a guide-dog school for $150,000 after a blind man allegedly stepped on her foot. A dog trained at the school was leading the man at the time.
A Texan woman was awarded $780,000 after she sued a furniture store. She sued because she tripped and fell over a child running amok in the store. Surprisingly, she won the case, even though the child was her own.
A man riding his bike home from work at night with no lights, only reflectors, was hit by a Jeep after the driver ran a stop sign. The bicyclist sued the bike manufacturer because he was not warned that reflectors might not be enough to prevent an accident. The man was awarded $6 million.
I don't remember where or when, but this one has always stuck with me as a laughable lawsuit!

A man went to a party at a friend's house and managed to get himself quite drunk. When he tried to leave (to drive himself somewhere), the friends wouldn't let him and took his keys away. So he decided that he would just walk away and did just that, with no one noticing. He came across a rail yard and wondered what it would be like to touch those wires that hang all over in there... YES, the ones that have extremely high levels of voltage! He managed, in his drunken state, to climb over 2 fences and walk across a few sets of tracks before finding a train sitting under one such wire. He climbed on top of the car and grabbed onto the wire with both hands. The shock to his body was so great and the burns so severe that both his arms were amputated, as were his legs. He sued the company owning the rail car, the owner of the rail yard, his friends who threw the party, and some other people and actually won. He claimed that his friends were at fault for providing him with alcohol and not keeping a closer watch over him after taking away his keys. He sued the rail yard because the multiple signs warning about the voltage didn't explain clearly that it could cause harm/death, and the rail car people because their leaving that particular car under the wire is what allowed him to injure himself.

Now THAT is taking it too far!!!
A 27-year-old man was killed while rocking a vending machine that tipped over on him. The man was attempting to steal a drink out of the machine. Relatives in New York are suing for $400,000 in damages.
A restaurant in Philadelphia was sued after Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, slipped and broke her coccyx on a beverage that had been spilled on the floor. She was awarded $113,500. Not bad, considering she had thrown the drink at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier, during an argument.
Ed O'Rourke of Florida filed a suit against several bars, asserting that they should not have served him alcohol. He is asking for compensation for injuries he suffered when he climbed an electrical transformer in his drunken state and received a 13,000-volt shock.
NBC's "Tonight Show" was sued by a Cincinnati, Ohio man for injuries he sustained during the pre-show. He was injured when a free T-shirt, shot into the crowd with an air gun, struck him in the eye.
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