
Let's talk baby names

We're not fond of nicknames here, either. Well, we have nicknames for the kids, like Thing 1 and Thing 2, and we call Trapper "Into Shit Bob" but not names shortened from their real names.

One of London's friends used to call her Londie (sounded like Lundy) and oh lordie did I hate that. And I would go insane if people started calling Trapper TJ b/c his middle name is James.

My mom tells the story of a cousin named Curtis, who is younger than she. Mom saw him at a wedding once and said "Hey, Curt, how's it going?" And his mom fuh-reaked OOOOUUUUT on her "IT'S CURTIS! His name isn't CURT it's CURTIS!" started calling him It's Curtis. Which is funny to me, but his mom didn't find it amusing.
I like the sibling names to sound nice together. Not in the name forum crazy "OMG WHAT'S YOUR PERFECT SIBSET" way, but like the example amc80 posted, you don't want any of the names to stick out in an anachronistic or other obvious way. I think that's why our shortlist has changed this time around compared to last time.

At the moment I am pretty sure that a girl will be Lisette (if shortened, will be shortened to Lili), Lucinda is a close second (Lulu).

If it's a boy, Hugo is still #1 (and I think Sylvie and Hugo go so well together!). Thinking about Julian too. I like Julius but I'm sure DH won't. I WISH DH would come around to Lucian but oh well. And I think Sylvie and Gabriel are beautiful together but I think there are too many pronunciations of Gabriel and I HATE "Gabe" with a passion.
I agree that it's nice when sibling names sound like they are from a similar era or have a similar feel. What I don't like is the Kardashian approach to naming where every sibling's name starts with a K. In fact, Katie's name is Catherine and our last name starts with a C...and now we're considering Cora. So I'm afraid I'm doing the Kardashian thing without realizing it.

Also, I really struggle with the full name vs. nick name issue. DH really likes names that lend themselves to nicknames. But either we like the full name and don't love the nicknames or we like the nicknames, but don't like the full name. So Pancake, I can completely relate to the problem of liking Gabriel, but hating Gabe.

Still have no idea what we're naming this child. The front-runner today has been Elizabeth (nickname Elsie), so who knows.
NEL I love Elsie for Elizabeth!
Yup, that's exactly what I meant about names going together. I dislike matchy matchy names (I have a FB friend from high school who named her kids Oliver and Olivia. I like both names separately, but I think they are way to similar to use both), but I like names to at least be similar in "genre" or style.

amc, we used DH's (and DH's dad's and grandpa's) middle name for my son's first name.

LC, I used my brother's name for my son's middle name, so I think that's a great idea. If we are able to have another baby and it's a boy, I will probably use DH's name for the middle name and then just pick a first name I like without worrying about it being a family name.

NEL, too funny about the Kardashian thing. I wouldn't worry about it though if Cora is the name you like. I like Elsie too. Very cute. BTW, sending you good thoughts in the coming days, and I can't wait to "meet" your new baby girl!

Pancake, I like your name choices, and I think they all go great with Sylvie!
Pancake, I like how Hugo and Julian both go with Sylvie's name. And I still think you've got a boy on your hands for this next go round :)

Like AMC and MP said, I'm all for sibling names that go together, but I'm not for the matchy-matchy sibling names.

NEL, I love both Cora and Elizabeth, I say you can't go wrong with either.
lliang_chi|1391794633|3610130 said:
NEL, I love both Cora and Elizabeth, I say you can't go wrong with either.

I love Elizabeth, particularly as a middle name. It sounds good with just about any first name. Plus, I'd say it was after Elizabeth Bennett since P&P is one of my favorite books.
If we have a girl her name is already set in stone and that is Alice. It's my grandmother's middle name and one of the only names my husband and I both LOVE. Other girl names I really like are Amelia, Vivienne, Violet, and Elizabeth (nicknamed Eliza).

We cannot seem to agree on boy names, but some that are on my favorites list are Sterling, Evan, Dexter, and Donovan (nicknamed Van).
Ohhh names. Not pregnant with #2 yet, but I actually can't wait to choose a name!!

Our first-born is an Eloise Josephine.

I have a laundry list of other girl names I love, but DH [and most people!] dislike all but one (he agrees to Gwyneth, but prefers 'Gwen')

-Lena (hard e)

During pregnancy #1 our tentative boy name was Calvin. I also like Adrien and Tobias (Toby!). DH will veto both. There is NO doubt in my mind.
We're done with our shortlist I think!

Girl - Lisette or Lucinda. That hasn't changed since we found out we were pregnant, so I feel pretty set on that. I stopped trying to sell Adelaide because it was clear that DH loved Lisette and would need a lot of convincing for Adelaide so I thought, why fight a losing battle?

Boy - Hugo or Julian (nn Jude). I am still lobbying to add Darcy but suspect it will end up in the same pile as Adelaide. I tried Julius, but DH just looked and me and said, "Et tu, Brutus?" :roll:

Having a particularly impatient day, just want to know if we're having a boy or a girl!!!
Pancake, I love all of the names on your short list. I also like Julius and Adelaide, but completely understand the frustrations of a spouse with veto power. At least you have a few great names you agree to!

We ended up going with Cora Elizabeth. We didn't really decide until after she was born, but now I'm really glad we went with Cora.
NEL, amazing that after just a week, I can't imagine Cora being called anything BUT Cora! Incredible how quickly their names just become part of them :)

Thanks for your positive feedback! I kind of understand D's reticence over Adelaide. We only have 8 states and territories in Australia, so your kid sharing her name with one of them is probably a bit much for most people!
Conversation with old man at doctor's office (B was with me):

Man: "what is your son's name?"
Me: "Barrett"
Man: "Oh that's almost as bad as mine! How did he get stuck with that? Family name? Mine is Franklin."
Me: "Um we gave it to him."

Seriously? Why would anyone think it was okay to say that?
Oh wow, amc, that's so rude! I wish people would just shut their pie holes about names when they don't like them. It's one thing when you're in the planning stages and you don't notice that initials would be say...Z I T or F U C or if your last name is Banana, Hannah maybe isn't the best choice for first name, that kind of stuff, but still a person should be nice when pointing that out. But holy moly to be so blatantly jerkish about a child's name is horrible.

As a random thought, I like Elspeth and Isla. They're so feminine and graceful sounding.
amc80|1393875653|3626605 said:
Conversation with old man at doctor's office (B was with me):

Man: "what is your son's name?"
Me: "Barrett"
Man: "Oh that's almost as bad as mine! How did he get stuck with that? Family name? Mine is Franklin."
Me: "Um we gave it to him."

Seriously? Why would anyone think it was okay to say that?
So rude. What is wrong with people?! Even if you don't like it, it's a person's name. Someone who is already here and is already named. Be polite! Jeez! Sorry they were so rude.
Long time since I had babies buts hubs and in each made a list of girl names and none crossed. And we are each stubborn. I didn't want a common name as mine is uncommon and I love that. His is very common and he had no problem. Now this is 25 years ago. I wanted Rebekah, but it means little deceiver, not a good name. Then I wanted Audrey Elizabeth. He hated it. (In retrospect, she would have loved it). He wanted Sarah, Rachel, Hannah....blah blah blah. Too common. She had no name for two days. In the end, she looked like a Jamie. And that's who she is. Jamie Elizabeth.
hehe picking names was so trying for me and my DH- that was a true test to our relationship and patience!

I hear you AB. When I was pregnant the first time DH and I sat down with a list of 15 names each. he hated mine and I hated his. He liked very simple names where I wanted somethign a bit more different (have a super common name myself). We ended up going with #36 on my list. We have never met another Rowan that is a boy but met several girls with that name ::) I hope he doesn't hate me when he is older.

Anyhow my kids names don't really match. My son has an Irish first name and very Israelie middle name. My daughter is the opposite with a very Israelie first name and a very Irish middle name. Looking back I would probably change middle names as I was being stubborn :rolleyes: - I was a horrible pregnant person.
The 2013 Social Security list is out!

1 Noah Sophia
2 Liam Emma
3 Jacob Olivia
4 Mason Isabella
5 William Ava
6 Ethan Mia
7 Michael Emily
8 Alexander Abigail
9 Jayden Madison
10 Daniel Elizabeth

Apparently it's the first time this century that Jacob hasn't been #1.
Great. I love seeing the top names announced every year. I know a 2013 Noah. My friend managed to name all her 3 kids #1 names for their birth years. Amazing.
baby monster|1399664727|3669211 said:
Great. I love seeing the top names announced every year. I know a 2013 Noah. My friend managed to name all her 3 kids #1 names for their birth years. Amazing.

Me too! It's so fun to see what has happened in the past year. I always check the names on our list to see what they are doing. When I was pregnant with Barrett his name was something like #6 on the fastest moving names.
Abigail is one of our girl names--I do think it's a bit trendy atm, but oh well. I also love Eleanor (nickname Nora because I have a rhyming double barreled surname where both names rhyme with Ellie!), Zoe, and Evelyn. My fave boy name is August (my great grandfather's name), but still convincing DH. Also like Henry (nickname Hank), Benjamin, and James.
We are naming our daughter Nora (not short for Eleanor), and it looks like a name that's becoming quite popular. It's been jumping 20-30 spots every year on the Social Security list. I hope it doesn't become too popular with her being one of five in her class with the name. But it's pretty much the only name we agreed on, so we're going to go with it.
I'm obsessed with celia. Its all I want if we have a girl. My hubby likes Cecelia. Which is frustrating because I really hate it. And its like one syllable off and I have to birth this thing. Just let me have the syllable
Niel|1402443475|3690452 said:
I'm obsessed with celia. Its all I want if we have a girl. My hubby likes Cecelia. Which is frustrating because I really hate it. And its like one syllable off and I have to birth this thing. Just let me have the syllable

And that's why DH and I have agreed on exactly one girl name. Which pretty much guarantees we will have two girls. The only second name we both love is Riley, but he insists on the spelling Ryleigh. NO.
amc80|1402443788|3690459 said:
Niel|1402443475|3690452 said:
I'm obsessed with celia. Its all I want if we have a girl. My hubby likes Cecelia. Which is frustrating because I really hate it. And its like one syllable off and I have to birth this thing. Just let me have the syllable

And that's why DH and I have agreed on exactly one girl name. Which pretty much guarantees we will have two girls. The only second name we both love is Riley, but he insists on the spelling Ryleigh. NO.
We already have a girl. I love LOVE both her middle and first name. I must have just used all my good material.
amc80|1402443788|3690459 said:
Niel|1402443475|3690452 said:
I'm obsessed with celia. Its all I want if we have a girl. My hubby likes Cecelia. Which is frustrating because I really hate it. And its like one syllable off and I have to birth this thing. Just let me have the syllable

And that's why DH and I have agreed on exactly one girl name. Which pretty much guarantees we will have two girls. The only second name we both love is Riley, but he insists on the spelling Ryleigh. NO.
Haha, what is with our DHs and spelling? My DH wants to name our baby Korra (if it's a girl) and he insists on spelling it that way too. The only way that I allow it would be if he spelled it "Cora" and he doesn't like that. So Korra/Cora is off the table.

I think Riley is a super cute name! As is Celia. I really liked the name Celia after reading "The Night Circus." My DH is of course, not on board, because apparently we can't agree on anything. He wants Cooper if it's a boy, which I can't stand because it reminds me of the TV show "Hanging with Mr Cooper" and it also rhymes with "pooper" (though appropriate for a baby, it's not cool). I want to name our baby boy Hugh and he's not into it.

Sooo, we have no names for sure yet, but we have 34 more weeks to decide. :)
SMC said:
amc80|1402443788|3690459 said:
Niel|1402443475|3690452 said:
I'm obsessed with celia. Its all I want if we have a girl. My hubby likes Cecelia. Which is frustrating because I really hate it. And its like one syllable off and I have to birth this thing. Just let me have the syllable

And that's why DH and I have agreed on exactly one girl name. Which pretty much guarantees we will have two girls. The only second name we both love is Riley, but he insists on the spelling Ryleigh. NO.
Haha, what is with our DHs and spelling? My DH wants to name our baby Korra (if it's a girl) and he insists on spelling it that way too. The only way that I allow it would be if he spelled it "Cora" and he doesn't like that. So Korra/Cora is off the table.

I think Riley is a super cute name! As is Celia. I really liked the name Celia after reading "The Night Circus." My DH is of course, not on board, because apparently we can't agree on anything. He wants Cooper if it's a boy, which I can't stand because it reminds me of the TV show "Hanging with Mr Cooper" and it also rhymes with "pooper" (though appropriate for a baby, it's not cool). I want to name our baby boy Hugh and he's not into it.

Sooo, we have no names for sure yet, but we have 34 more weeks to decide. :)
with our first wouldnt agree on anything. I came in assuming I could have whatever I wanted. I forgot he gets a say too lol.

took us maybe till 25 ish weeks before we had one. it was like just like an a-ha moment.

my DH had decided the middle name will be Frances/ Francis. so that parts decided. but now that makes it hard to find one that goes well with only that middle name. luckily we are very into more old fashioned names, so I'm sure it'll pair well. be like he likes Dorothy and I just can't do it. I hate when people pronounce it do-ro-thy.

we like Agnes but I hate "Aggy". blah I dunno.
I like Blythe for a girl and DH says it's too old lady. I'm still holding out though. Can't wait to find out the gender!
niel I think Celia Frances would be a BEAUTIFUL name! I actually like Cecilia as well but agree that if that's what the two of you are nitpicking over, I think the one who births the babe should get final say (but obviously I am biased lol).

amc I feel your pain over alternative spellings. I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE them.

smc with our first pregnancy we had about 20 iterations of our "shortlist" even after the gender scan. The list at the end (of two names) was totally different from the list at the beginning. I think we started with Beatrice, Isobel, Lila... then went through a few stages with Harriet, Lilian, Imogen, and Allegra... then the final shortlist was Sylvie and Lila. #1 is named Sylvie and although #2 is a girl, Lila is not even on our list this time - the only one that made it onto the list this time was Isobel!

At 28 weeks we have pretty much settled on a name for #2, in fact I don't know that we even really discussed it again after the 20 week scan except that every now and then I check in with DH to say, "So... we're probably still going to call her [name], right?" Totally different from last time, when we had the shortlist of 2 that only settled in the last few weeks of the pregnancy and we waited until S was born before picking one!