
Let's talk baby names

monkeyprincess|1430160374|3868525 said:
I guess I tend to like the vintagey names that are popular right now. I don't want the name to be top 10 or even top 20/30 if I can help it, but I also don't like names that are too weird.

My son's name is Everett, so I'm kind of stuck on names that sound good with that or are a similar style.

We have a one syllable last name that starts with a B, so I feel like multiple syllable names sound best.

Ok, that's a good start. They are twins, Do you want them to have names that "go" or start with the same initial? How about E, is that off limits because of Everett or would you like them to start with E or does it not matter.

Do you prefer gender specific names, extra girly for a girl? Things like that?
I would like the names to sound "good" together, but I have no desire to be matchy-matchy or start with the same letter or anything. I wouldn't have a problem if one of the twin names started with an E, but having all of the kids names start with the same letter is not my thing.

I get nervous sharing to many details or that google searches would show up with all my kids' names, but the only names I can somewhat imagine using are:

Oli.ver and No.ra

My biggest problem is that I have too many family members or friends/acquaintances that have taken other names I like.
monkeyprincess|1430161781|3868534 said:
I would like the names to sound "good" together, but I have no desire to be matchy-matchy or start with the same letter or anything. I wouldn't have a problem if one of the twin names started with an E, but having all of the kids names start with the same letter is not my thing.

I get nervous sharing to many details or that google searches would show up with all my kids' names, but the only names I can somewhat imagine using are:

Oli.ver and No.ra

My biggest problem is that I have too many family members or friends/acquaintances that have taken other names I like.

I totally get that. A lot of people having the same name can sort of ruin a perfect name to me.

Just based on what you said I think of names like.

Jude (not two syllables though)


Feel free to be honest about those. Its hard to get a feel for peoples style so this are my first thoughts.
Oliver and Nora are great names. I don't get the concept of other people taking the names you like. What difference does it make? It's very likely that there will be other children with same name unless you use a made-up one.
Niel, thanks for the suggestions. One of Ev's best buddies at daycare is named August, and another pretty good friend of mine just named her son Jude less than a year ago, so while I really like both names, they would both feel odd to use. Also, love, love Eliza, but again, it's been used as a middle name for one of my nieces and again by a pretty good friend not too long ago. As for that other names, I guess I need names to be just popular enough not to sound too out there, so I'm dealing with a limited universe of names, which is probably why I'm having such a problem coming up with names and may end up with my defaults, assuming my husband agrees.

Babymonster, you're right. I am not trying to come up with names nobody has used. In fact if that were the case, the names would probably be too unusual for my liking. But unless a name had particular significance to me (family name or something), I just prefer not to repeat a name that a family member has used (I have 3 siblings and 15 cousins who collectively have 30-some children, and a lot of seem to share my taste in names). And with friends, I guess I just don't like the idea of someone thinking I'm copying them, especially if their child is around the same age as mine. I don't care if it just a random person I won't be spending time with though.
monkeyprincess|1430164117|3868560 said:
Niel, thanks for the suggestions. One of Ev's best buddies at daycare is named August, and another pretty good friend of mine just named her son Jude less than a year ago, so while I really like both names, they would both feel odd to use. Also, love, love Eliza, but again, it's been used as a middle name for one of my nieces and again by a pretty good friend not too long ago. As for that other names, I guess I need names to be just popular enough not to sound too out there, so I'm dealing with a limited universe of names, which is probably why I'm having such a problem coming up with names and may end up with my defaults, assuming my husband agrees.

Babymonster, you're right. I am not trying to come up with names nobody has used. In fact if that were the case, the names would probably be too unusual for my liking. But unless a name had particular significance to me (family name or something), I just prefer not to repeat a name that a family member has used (I have 3 siblings and 15 cousins who collectively have 30-some children, and a lot of seem to share my taste in names). And with friends, I guess I just don't like the idea of someone thinking I'm copying them, especially if their child is around the same age as mine. I don't care if it just a random person I won't be spending time with though.

I get why you dont want to use family names. Why would you want to have the same name as say, a cousin or something.
Really a traditional name will probably be more "uncommon" than more out there names Peter? No one is using peter anymore , its not at all out there, and not at all over used. Call him Pete or something?
At her ones
Theodore (teddy , Theo)
Vincent (thats popular around here)

Ramona ia another one I was thinking of. My niece is named Ramona but people call her Mona. Similar to Nora, I suppose.

Other names that are common, vintage, but not booming I feel like are

I guess it would depend on how much time you spend with 15 cousins and their kids. I have second cousins I've never met so even if they have the same name, they're pretty much random strangers.

But thinking ahead, do you think it'll bother more your kids or you? I have a common name and it just so happens that 3 of my close friends also have the same name. It doesn't bother the 4 of us ;))

Neil is right, Peter is not as popular. It was #208 in 2014. In fact as I think about it, all of the royal names are no longer in US top 100 - Phillip, Harry, William, Charles and Edward.
I wrote a whole replay and it got ate...

Will come back tonight after dinner!
Julian (Jules)
Abraham (Abe)

MP - I love both of the names you posted! No.ra was on my short list for my daughter. DH vetoed. Is your DH on board with those names?

Both times, I've felt like there is no way DH and I are going to agree on names, and then one just clicks. I love our son's name - Benjamin. We even agree on a middle name, though I think we still disagree on the spelling.

Reed vs. Reid.

Anyone want to vote???
Loves Vintage|1430227802|3868950 said:
MP - I love both of the names you posted! No.ra was on my short list for my daughter. DH vetoed. Is your DH on board with those names?

Both times, I've felt like there is no way DH and I are going to agree on names, and then one just clicks. I love our son's name - Benjamin. We even agree on a middle name, though I think we still disagree on the spelling.

Reed vs. Reid.

Anyone want to vote???

Benjamin Reed
Benjamin Reid


Thats hard.

Probably Reed?
LV, I love Benjamin! It's a great name, and it has been on my list a long time. Unfortunately, the nickname Ben sounds ridiculous with our last name, so that pretty much ruled it out for me. And Reed/Reid sounds great with Benjamin. Sorry I'm no help on the spelling because I think both are very acceptable and have seen it both ways. I kind of like it with the "i" because it sort of ties it in with Benjamin, but Reed looks good too. Oh, and DH hasn't given the thumbs up to my suggestions, but he hasn't ruled them out either. The other day when we talked about it, he said he was kind of stuck on those two names I suggested and having trouble coming up with anything else. He's not much help in this department!

Niel, you're definitely coming up with a few names I've seriously considered, so you're definitely in the right realm of my taste. Thanks for the help. Like I said, I'm just picky or stuck on the names I've come up with, so maybe that answers my question.

Baby Monster, we all have our own considerations and preferences, and I just prefer to come up with names that my relatives have not used for the current generation. True, I don't see them as often anymore now that we are all grown and have our own families, but we still keep in touch via FB, etc., and it would just feel weird using the same name when there are so many choices out there. Oh, and William is actually in the top 10 in the U.S. currently, but I agree about the other names. They're just not really my taste though.
monkeyprincess|1430231704|3868989 said:
LV, I love Benjamin! It's a great name, and it has been on my list a long time. Unfortunately, the nickname Ben sounds ridiculous with our last name, so that pretty much ruled it out for me. And Reed/Reid sounds great with Benjamin. Sorry I'm no help on the spelling because I think both are very acceptable and have seen it both ways. I kind of like it with the "i" because it sort of ties it in with Benjamin, but Reed looks good too. Oh, and DH hasn't given the thumbs up to my suggestions, but he hasn't ruled them out either. The other day when we talked about it, he said he was kind of stuck on those two names I suggested and having trouble coming up with anything else. He's not much help in this department!

Niel, you're definitely coming up with a few names I've seriously considered, so you're definitely in the right realm of my taste. Thanks for the help. Like I said, I'm just picky or stuck on the names I've come up with, so maybe that answers my question.

Baby Monster, we all have our own considerations and preferences, and I just prefer to come up with names that my relatives have not used for the current generation. True, I don't see them as often anymore now that we are all grown and have our own families, but we still keep in touch via FB, etc., and it would just feel weird using the same name when there are so many choices out there. Oh, and William is actually in the top 10 in the U.S. currently, but I agree about the other names. They're just not really my taste though.

With my son we were unsure of his name up until he was born. My husband liked the name Walter. I couldn't get behind it. Every time we tried to cross it off our list though, I just couldn't. He came out and still no name and we had always said the fall back would me Marshall, but I just couldn't pull the trigger. And even though I wanted to throw out Walter a million times, when the time came, I just had to pick it. For the first few days I wasn't sure about it,just like before he was born. Now though I'm very happy we went with it. Walt is perfect for him and perfect for us.

Whatever issues you're having with a name, if you just can't seem to cross it off your list, theirs a reason. Take it to the hospital and dont let anyone pressure you into a hasty decision. Just mull it over for a while, I'm sure you'll make the right choices :)
oohhh, how did I miss that this thread was moving!

MP-I love O & N and think they sound great with E. If it were me, I would be done (but those are two of my favorite names:-)

Other names I like that might be in a similar vein.


Elizabeth (I am currently loving Betty as a nn:-)
Josephine (nn Josie)
Sydney (nn Sadie)



LV_I like Reid b/c I like the visual symmetry of the dots over the "j" "i" in Benjamin and "i" in Reid

Love your kids names and they sound great together! You are almost there mama! best wishes in the coming weeks:-)
I was going to recommend Genevieve, too, Bella! And Lenora, in case you'd like a longer version of N with some nickname options.

And how about Owen, Oscar, Jasper, or Atticus?
I like Eleanor. There's a girl in junior high here named Eleanor and I'd always thought of it as an old gramma name but I really like it now. I think b/c the girl is super duper nice and friendly to know how that effects how you feel about names.

I like Adelaide, Adeline..I like Adonai but I am unsure how to spell it or pronounce it correctly..they just all sound nice to my ears and feel nice to say.

I like Lenore and Nora.

Or Mirren. I know that maybe is not a first name anyone would use..well, I would, but I've got a London and Trapper and wanted to have a Nevada and Fisher if we had more kids. I'd planned to use Mirren for the middle name for our latest shelter kitty...but she became Goose Isabelle instead of Goose Mirren. Aaand maybe not everyone spazzes out about the importance of their cats names like I do..

I've got my daughter convinced she has to use the names I have saved up for her kids. I've got three girl names so far hahahaha.
packrat|1430359466|3869915 said:
I like Eleanor. There's a girl in junior high here named Eleanor and I'd always thought of it as an old gramma name but I really like it now. I think b/c the girl is super duper nice and friendly to know how that effects how you feel about names.

I like Adelaide, Adeline..I like Adonai but I am unsure how to spell it or pronounce it correctly..they just all sound nice to my ears and feel nice to say.

I like Lenore and Nora.

Or Mirren. I know that maybe is not a first name anyone would use..well, I would, but I've got a London and Trapper and wanted to have a Nevada and Fisher if we had more kids. I'd planned to use Mirren for the middle name for our latest shelter kitty...but she became Goose Isabelle instead of Goose Mirren. Aaand maybe not everyone spazzes out about the importance of their cats names like I do..

I've got my daughter convinced she has to use the names I have saved up for her kids. I've got three girl names so far hahahaha.

yeah ours are Agnes Josephine and James Morris if we have any more. which I said would never ever ever ever happen but I think I've changed my tunetune

Our future cats name is emoji hahaha
Niel|1430417712|3870173 said:
packrat|1430359466|3869915 said:
I like Eleanor. There's a girl in junior high here named Eleanor and I'd always thought of it as an old gramma name but I really like it now. I think b/c the girl is super duper nice and friendly to know how that effects how you feel about names.

I like Adelaide, Adeline..I like Adonai but I am unsure how to spell it or pronounce it correctly..they just all sound nice to my ears and feel nice to say.

I like Lenore and Nora.

Or Mirren. I know that maybe is not a first name anyone would use..well, I would, but I've got a London and Trapper and wanted to have a Nevada and Fisher if we had more kids. I'd planned to use Mirren for the middle name for our latest shelter kitty...but she became Goose Isabelle instead of Goose Mirren. Aaand maybe not everyone spazzes out about the importance of their cats names like I do..

I've got my daughter convinced she has to use the names I have saved up for her kids. I've got three girl names so far hahahaha.

yeah ours are Agnes Josephine and James Morris if we have any more. which I said would never ever ever ever happen but I think I've changed my tunetune

Our future cats name is emoji hahaha

Found out today my grandfathers name was Elwood. Now I kind of love James Elwood
AMC, I saw an update you sent to Swistle (I assume it had to be you) about your little guy's name. He's a cutie by the way! He looks quite a bit different from his big brother (at least in the picture you posted), but they are both gorgeous :)

Thanks to all for the name suggestions! I'm going to try to come up with a couple lists of names for DH to look at because he's having a hard time committing to any of my suggestions. We tried to talk about it the other night, and the only thing he had to say was, "I thought about Jordan the other day as a name, but then I decided I probably don't like it." I asked if that be a for baby boy or girl, and he said, I don't know it could be either. He's super helpful, as you can see.
Aww, thanks MP! Yes, that was me. And you're right, they look nothing alike. I'm guessing they will when they get older, but definitely not now.
Who wants to give me some middle name feedback/ideas?

Her first name will be Eliza. I'm 99.99999% sure DH is on board for that. He's been calling her Eliza really regularly, so if he does an about face I'm going to be pissed.

I like Eliza Josephine. DH's first name is Joseph (he goes by his middle name) and this is the feminine version of that. Basically if we went with Eliza Josephine, the baby would be named after both of us. He's not sold on Josephine. I think it's mainly because he's not a big fan of his own name. I think Josephine is very pretty and is in keeping with the style of her first name. At any rate, I'm trying to come up with some other combinations for him to think about. He sucks at coming up with his own ideas. Unless it's Leia or Amadala. We are NOT naming this child in any way, shape or form after freaking Star Wars.

Here's what I have so far and I would love, love, love other ideas. I think I prefer 3 syllable middle names. One syllable is okay and I'm not fond of two. Our last name is two syllables and is of English ancestry.

Eliza Caroline
Eliza Nicolette
Eliza Gillian (hard G, is a family name on my side. He will probably never go for this)
Eliza Faith

I'm "eh" about the following but am throwing them out there.
Eliza Jane
Eliza Grace

Side note: I have immediate family members named Claire and Catherine, so those are no-gos.

I may still talk him into Josephine. But in the event he absolutely vetos it, I need a back up plan. Telling him I have the uterus is not exactly working at this point.
Obviously I'm very fond of Josephine myself, but let's think...

Eliza Coraline. (A little different than Caroline, just in case your husband wants a bit of a twist)
Eliza Rosalie
Eliza Lorelei
Eliza Winifred (kind of one fashioned but I kind of love the flow)
Eliza Daphne (not 3 syllables though)
Eliza Genevieve
Niel|1431093279|3873959 said:
Obviously I'm very fond of Josephine myself, but let's think...

Eliza Coraline. (A little different than Caroline, just in case your husband wants a bit of a twist)
Eliza Rosalie
Eliza Lorelei
Eliza Winifred (kind of one fashioned but I kind of love the flow)
Eliza Daphne (not 3 syllables though)
Eliza Genevieve

Nice list! I actually thought of Lorelei. I like it a lot, but I *think* it's the name of the baby sister of my MIL that died in infancy. Too weird to use? Or perfectly okay?
April20|1431097077|3873987 said:
Niel|1431093279|3873959 said:
Obviously I'm very fond of Josephine myself, but let's think...

Eliza Coraline. (A little different than Caroline, just in case your husband wants a bit of a twist)
Eliza Rosalie
Eliza Lorelei
Eliza Winifred (kind of one fashioned but I kind of love the flow)
Eliza Daphne (not 3 syllables though)
Eliza Genevieve

Nice list! I actually thought of Lorelei. I like it a lot, but I *think* it's the name of the baby sister of my MIL that died in infancy. Too weird to use? Or perfectly okay?
I actually think it would be nice. Its an honor name, but sort of feels like your honoring your Mil's family more than a single person.
I love Eliza and Lorelei, but together, that is a lot of "l" sounds, do you mind that?

I think that Eliza Josephine, Eliza Caroline, and Eliza Winifred are especially lovely!

Other old fashioned/classic three syllable middles name ideas

Eliza Adelaide
Eliza Rosalinde
Eliza Imogen
Eliza Serafine
Eliza Avery
Eliza Danielle
Eliza Juliette
Eliza Abigail
Eliza Katherine
Eliza Joseline

one syllable
Eliza Jo
Eliza Rose
Eliza Kate

two syllable (just 'cause I think they are adorable:-)
Eliza Josette
Eliza Camille
Bella_mezzo|1431107004|3874087 said:
I love Eliza and Lorelei, but together, that is a lot of "l" sounds, do you mind that?

I think that Eliza Josephine, Eliza Caroline, and Eliza Winifred are especially lovely!

Other old fashioned/classic three syllable middles name ideas

Eliza Adelaide
Eliza Rosalinde
Eliza Imogen
Eliza Serafine
Eliza Avery
Eliza Danielle
Eliza Juliette
Eliza Abigail
Eliza Katherine
Eliza Joseline

one syllable
Eliza Jo
Eliza Rose
Eliza Kate

two syllable (just 'cause I think they are adorable:-)
Eliza Josette
Eliza Camille
I dont know why I love Eliza Winifred so much but I do.

Eliza Maribel is another 3 syllable name that has a flow.
April20 said:
Who wants to give me some middle name feedback/ideas?

Her first name will be Eliza. I'm 99.99999% sure DH is on board for that. He's been calling her Eliza really regularly, so if he does an about face I'm going to be pissed.

I like Eliza Josephine. DH's first name is Joseph (he goes by his middle name) and this is the feminine version of that. Basically if we went with Eliza Josephine, the baby would be named after both of us. He's not sold on Josephine. I think it's mainly because he's not a big fan of his own name. I think Josephine is very pretty and is in keeping with the style of her first name. At any rate, I'm trying to come up with some other combinations for him to think about. He sucks at coming up with his own ideas. Unless it's Leia or Amadala. We are NOT naming this child in any way, shape or form after freaking Star Wars.

Here's what I have so far and I would love, love, love other ideas. I think I prefer 3 syllable middle names. One syllable is okay and I'm not fond of two. Our last name is two syllables and is of English ancestry.

Eliza Caroline
Eliza Nicolette
Eliza Gillian (hard G, is a family name on my side. He will probably never go for this)
Eliza Faith

I'm "eh" about the following but am throwing them out there.
Eliza Jane
Eliza Grace

Side note: I have immediate family members named Claire and Catherine, so those are no-gos.

I may still talk him into Josephine. But in the event he absolutely vetos it, I need a back up plan. Telling him I have the uterus is not exactly working at this point.

More ideas...

Eliza Madeline
Eliza Margaret
Eliza Naomi
Eliza Quinn
Eliza Brynn
Eliza Madison
Eliza Temperance
MP-the 2014 SS name list is out if you care about that/or it is helpful...

Nora seems to be on the rise.
Hi April

have you thought about Eliza Victoria or Eliza Mae