
Let's talk baby names

4ever|1454706042|3987342 said:
Sorry I've been a little MIA.

I'm not sure if I like rose as a middle name, it is very girly and very popular for a mn at the moment. I feel like Althea is already very feminine by itself, I wouldn't mind something a bit less girly as a mn.
I am thinking over your other suggestions, nothing is really clicking for me at the moment but I'm waiting for something to grow on me. I am very indecisive. I also go through periods of thinking Althea is a really weird name and other times I'm like " yep, that's totally her name". Urg! This would have been much easier if DH and I had the same taste in names.

My husband and I came to fisticuffs over names. LOL! I loved Max, hated Maxwell. So we named our son Maddox and we call him Max for short. Our daughter's name is Astrid. I love unique names. But holy S*** did we argue for 9 months over them.

One of my very stylish friends named her daughter Darby Rose *********. So classic and elegant. Drooling over that name....
4ever|1454706042|3987342 said:
Sorry I've been a little MIA.

I'm not sure if I like rose as a middle name, it is very girly and very popular for a mn at the moment. I feel like Althea is already very feminine by itself, I wouldn't mind something a bit less girly as a mn.
I am thinking over your other suggestions, nothing is really clicking for me at the moment but I'm waiting for something to grow on me. I am very indecisive. I also go through periods of thinking Althea is a really weird name and other times I'm like " yep, that's totally her name". Urg! This would have been much easier if DH and I had the same taste in names.

Consider , she doesn't have to have a middle name....if you really get stuck.
I don't think Althea is weird, but I do look at it quickly and think it's something else (Athena? Maybe, I'm not sure) so really think about it if you're have reservations.

So you don't want a girly name to go with her first, sounds like?
Thanks Bella, great suggestions!

It's not quite come to blows but I do have to stop name discussions if I get too angry or frustrated.

Niel- I do want her to have a middle name, both DH and I do and like having one. I am also set on her first name, at least 90% of the time we'd call her Thea anyway, which I do love, however Althea has a bit more meaning for us and I do like that it is uncommon. As for middle names, I just don't love combos that are overly floral/frilly/girly. I also probably prioritise good name flow ahead of having a really great middle name - my middle name is common but sounds really good with my first name, which I like.
4ever|1454867001|3988054 said:
Thanks Bella, great suggestions!

It's not quite come to blows but I do have to stop name discussions if I get too angry or frustrated.

Niel- I do want her to have a middle name, both DH and I do and like having one. I am also set on her first name, at least 90% of the time we'd call her Thea anyway, which I do love, however Althea has a bit more meaning for us and I do like that it is uncommon. As for middle names, I just don't love combos that are overly floral/frilly/girly. I also probably prioritise good name flow ahead of having a really great middle name - my middle name is common but sounds really good with my first name, which I like.

Based on those last comments Louise is my favorite.
Althea Louise has a spunky flow, though decidedly female, not overly feminine. It's popular now but not overly so. Althea Louise, Thea Louise, Thea Lou, mix and match how you like there.

Gold luck finding something
Okay, so I want to run a name by you. DH's grandpa's name was Chester, and he'd like to use it as a middle name, which is fine. I'm a direct descendant of Nathaniel Rochester, who founded Rochester, NY. So I was thinking what about Rochester for a first name? I like the preppiness, it takes something from both sides of our family, and sounds good with our last name. Thoughts?
amc80|1455297736|3990218 said:
Okay, so I want to run a name by you. DH's grandpa's name was Chester, and he'd like to use it as a middle name, which is fine. I'm a direct descendant of Nathaniel Rochester, who founded Rochester, NY. So I was thinking what about Rochester for a first name? I like the preppiness, it takes something from both sides of our family, and sounds good with our last name. Thoughts?
I like it as long as you don't mind having 2 kids end with -er and you're fine with the nn Rocky.
amc80|1455297736|3990218 said:
Okay, so I want to run a name by you. DH's grandpa's name was Chester, and he'd like to use it as a middle name, which is fine. I'm a direct descendant of Nathaniel Rochester, who founded Rochester, NY. So I was thinking what about Rochester for a first name? I like the preppiness, it takes something from both sides of our family, and sounds good with our last name. Thoughts?

I like Rochester more than Chester, as a have a negative slogan that goes along with that name.

I agree hell be called rocky so you'll have to be OK with that
The K names remind me that I know a Kedan (key-din is how it sounds).
I like Rochester!

Chester is my dog's name. I will never be able to hear that name without thinking of it as a dog's name. :)
Still on the name hunt. Well, I am; DH is stuck on Hudson. I was thinking about Blake and how much I love it. DH mentioned he likes it as well. The only drawback is it sounds sort of clunky with our last name. But, do I really care? If the options are great sounding name that I like, vs. eh sounding name that I love, I think I'd rather go for the name I love. Just need to convince DH.
Blake is now considered an unisex name. Are you ok with that?
SMC|1460405006|4018025 said:
Blake is now considered an unisex name. Are you ok with that?

I'll need to take a look at the new SSA name list when it comes out next month, to see what's happened over the past year. Blake was given to 4913 boys in 2014, and 499 girls; so it's still a boy name by 10:1. I'm okay with that.
amc80|1460405310|4018028 said:
SMC|1460405006|4018025 said:
Blake is now considered an unisex name. Are you ok with that?

I'll need to take a look at the new SSA name list when it comes out next month, to see what's happened over the past year. Blake was given to 4913 boys in 2014, and 499 girls; so it's still a boy name by 10:1. I'm okay with that.
Oh good, then you should use it. If you like it and aren't bothered by the way it sounds with your last name, then go for it. I guess the Blake that comes to mind for me right is Blake Lively, but I'm not sure how much of a staying power she will have as your son grows up.
SMC|1460413118|4018082 said:
amc80|1460405310|4018028 said:
SMC|1460405006|4018025 said:
Blake is now considered an unisex name. Are you ok with that?

I'll need to take a look at the new SSA name list when it comes out next month, to see what's happened over the past year. Blake was given to 4913 boys in 2014, and 499 girls; so it's still a boy name by 10:1. I'm okay with that.
Oh good, then you should use it. If you like it and aren't bothered by the way it sounds with your last name, then go for it. I guess the Blake that comes to mind for me right is Blake Lively, but I'm not sure how much of a staying power she will have as your son grows up.

I think if it were up to me, I'd use it...but obviously DH gets a say :)

Have you ever been on a date with someone who is perfect on paper, and then you meet them and there's no chemistry? And you feel like you really should be into that person, but you're just not? That's how I feel about Hudson.
AMC, I like Blake a lot. I think it goes well with your other boys' names.
Blake Hudson might be a nice compromise
Niel said:
Blake Hudson might be a nice compromise

I really like that as well! DH wants to use his grandpa's name for a middle name, though. Which is also another reason I think new should use my first choice for the first.
amc, I do still think of, and prefer, Blake as a boy name, but my cousin has a three year old daughter they call Blake, although her legal name is Blakely. I say if you like the name, and your DH will agree, than you should use it, as long as it works with your last name. Different issue, but I struggled so much at the end of my pregnancy with the twins wondering whether I should use the names I was planning on because they were both getting more and more popular, but in the end, I just went with them because they were the names I liked best. If you keep coming back to it, maybe it's the right one. Good luck. Naming people is hard.
amc80|1460488448|4018406 said:
Niel said:
Blake Hudson might be a nice compromise

I really like that as well! DH wants to use his grandpa's name for a middle name, though. Which is also another reason I think new should use my first choice for the first.

Is that still Rochester? Or was that something else??
Niel said:
Is that still Rochester? Or was that something else??

Just Chester.
I think Harvey goes well with the name. Harvey Chester Cl@rk.

I'm not sure Blake goes with it. But you don't care that much, i know. And that's OK. It doesn't have to, really. I just mention it.
amc80|1460498193|4018480 said:
Niel said:
Is that still Rochester? Or was that something else??

Just Chester.
Initials would be BCC then? Not that it's bad or anything, but it's a well-established acronym.
I was watching the good dinosaur today and though Arlo went will with your last name and other children's name
Niel|1460918191|4020499 said:
I was watching the good dinosaur today and though Arlo went will with your last name and other children's name

Just saw this. Man, that's a sad movie. Arlo really isn't our style, but thanks for the suggestion!

I think I'm slowly making progress on getting DH off of Hudson. Our list is getting bigger, not smaller, which I find amusing. It's something like this:


If I had to guess, I would put my money on Blake. But it might end up being a game day decision.
amc80|1463596713|4033266 said:
Niel|1460918191|4020499 said:
I was watching the good dinosaur today and though Arlo went will with your last name and other children's name

Just saw this. Man, that's a sad movie. Arlo really isn't our style, but thanks for the suggestion!

I think I'm slowly making progress on getting DH off of Hudson. Our list is getting bigger, not smaller, which I find amusing. It's something like this:


If I had to guess, I would put my money on Blake. But it might end up being a game day decision.

Nash I think sounds best of the ones that don't end in son. I don't like names ending in son so I can't help there.

I don't like waiting until the baby is here, but sometimes it's just the best option. That's what we ended up doing with W.
Baby names I like are
I think these are good names for boys
For Girls thyese name would be good.
amc, are you getting closer to a name yet? One suggestion I had to add to your list - Campbell. Like the soup.
SMC said:
amc, are you getting closer to a name yet? One suggestion I had to add to your list - Campbell. Like the soup.

I think Campbell is cute! So, of course, DH vetoed it.

I'm fairly sure we will go with Cooper.
amc80|1466552008|4046444 said:
SMC said:
amc, are you getting closer to a name yet? One suggestion I had to add to your list - Campbell. Like the soup.

I think Campbell is cute! So, of course, DH vetoed it.

I'm fairly sure we will go with Cooper.
Cool! Did you ever watch that 90s show "Hangin' with Mr Cooper"? That's the first thing that comes to mind whenever I hear that name. I used to love that show.