
Let''s Welcome John Pollard to Pricescope

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Jan 26, 2003
I want to welcome John Pollard to Pricescope. He has been with us before as a widely loved poster and has now returned.
If you would like to see his own announcement about his return you may do so in this thread,

but it is very simpy stated and does not contain any juicy gossip. So I started this thread in which we can welcome him a bit more tidily. If you want to delve into the other thread to read John's own words I have provided the link, but you will be disappointed if you are looking for dirt. I don't lie about things like that ;-).

Seriously, John is a very old friend of mine and a very smart, well-educated, cultured, wise man. He has become quite an expert on diamonds and we are lucky to have him back on Pricescope.


Welcome back; it is so wonderful to see you posting again!!! BIG Congrats on the new position; I am excited to read you informative posts
You were missed by many!!!!
Welcome back Sir John, you have been missed. Congrats on the new job, can''t wait to hear all about it.
just kidding..... welcome back Sir John
Welcome back! I''ve always enjoyed reading your posts.
Welcome back! I look forward to reading your posts!
Welcome back!
Welcome back, John. I''ve missed your witty and intelligent posts.
Great news.

In fact I was thinking of John a few days ago and wondering if he would ever come back!


Excellent! You are much welcome!

Glad to have you back John. Welcome back!
Welcome back, John! I''ve missed you around here!

We have to get together for lunch soon!
Welcome back you blue-eyed, cultured, musical, intelligent, sa-weeet, hunkahunka burnin'' diamond knowledge cutie pie.
Welcome back! I just saw your name at the end of a thread earlier and was happy to see it!
Yay! Welcome back John...good to see your mug on PS!
Welcome back!

Date: 5/21/2008 4:06:44 PM
Author: strmrdr
just kidding..... welcome back Sir John

LOL! Good one Storm!

I have had the pleasure of knowing John for many years now.

I met him first as a consumer, Cupid was his name if I remember correctly. He made a big impression on many of the old pros as a natural student of cut, and then proved it by going into great detail about some of the finest diamonds on the market at the classic Pickout at the GOG corral, back before we had HCA or ideal-scope even.

Years later when he moved from high school teacher into our diamond world as John Quixote he said some things about how to take a photograph through the idealscope that needed more clarification for me to grasp. A phone call was made, an hour or two of wonderful conversation ensued and during the course of that conversation we enjoyed a lot of great memories together. (Like him knowing who I was since I had supplied one of the diamonds for the Pickout, and me not having a clue that Cupid was now the great Don Quixote, the man of La Mancha, oh wait, that is a different song, I get so confused...)

That was only the first of what would be literally hundreds and hundreds of conversations and a great friendship was kindled and nurtured by both sides. The man is a consummate professional and was an excellent representative for WF in his John Quixote incarnation. We finally met at the JCK Show in Vegas and became even closer over the years. (Am I getting enough dirt in here for you AGBF?)

Brian the Cutter and I had talked a time or two, but John made sure we got to personally meet face to face at JCK and another hero of mine became also a friend. Of course Paul loved it when John came around during the show and we all spent time together at Peter Yantzer''s "Cut Band Camp" and at the JCK show and there was always much good natured bantering about bringing each other from the "dark side" into the "light" with both companies claiming to represent the "light".

At the end of 2007 Infinity was growing steadily and Paul said he was going to look for someone to manage his Stateside accounts and to visit and educate his many dealers about how to sell AGS Ideal cut diamonds. We both thought John would be the perfect choice and lamented that Paul could not even ask him since we already knew that he was happy where he was.

In one of our regular conversations I mentioned to John what we were looking for and asked him if he knew of anyone who might be able to make it work for us. He said he had some people in mind and a couple of days later he called to ask more about the position. While completely happy at his prior job he is a natural teacher and expressed his interest in a more active role traveling and training retail jewelers so that the whole population could have more of what is now available, instead of having to believe that what they see at the mall is as good as it gets. I am sure it does not hurt that he will be in Europe several times a year, involved in rough buying, planning and crafting diamonds along with Paul (the lucky dog).

The rest, as they say, is history.

One of my best friends is now also my account executive, the guy I will turn to when I have a question or need more gems. I enjoyed him as a client, I loved him as a competitor/associate/friend, and I am incredibly excited to know that his professionalism is now playing a great part in bringing excellence not only to Pricescope, but to the retailers in this country lucky (smart) enough to be part of the Infinity Family and most importantly to the public who will now see more and more of what cutters like Paul have to offer to the diamond world.

The sooner the public is aware of what the Pauls, the Brians, and the other top cutters bring to the market, the sooner the drek cuts will begin to disappear. It is the job of professionals like John to make this happen, and I could not be more excited for my friend and his new opportunity.


YAY!!! John''s back......the santa proposer!!!!!
Welcome back! You have certainly been missed! I hope you will post a couple of catch-up posts to...well...catch us up!
Thanks for starting this thread, Deb!

I posted a happy dance over on the other thread, but hey, I''ll post again here.


Now, tell us again, please, about painting and digging and azimuth and yaw...

(Wait, John... come back... I was just teasing... John! John???? ... )
Wink, you can dish the dirt with the best of them, thanks!

John, congrats on your new job, and you really, really have been missed.

Okay, first of all, thanks AGBF for dropping this vine. It’s fun to be swinging again. I have a special affection for those of you who knew that pesky little Cupid long before my diamond career.
Especially those with the razor sharp memory of Deb… We have heard some forum chimes at midnight haven’t we?

I just read all of the posts above and Wink’s soliloquy is humbling (and thorough…jeez man). As anyone who knows Wink can attest, he’s one of those rare people where what you see is exactly what you get. He walks and talks like he posts; genuine and gracious. I was born under a lucky star (not for hair) when it comes to my friends and colleagues. I’ve always managed to be associated with people who humble me and with whom I truly like to spend time.

It has been a busy few months in the new gig - with miles to go before I sleep - but I’m determined to get back in the saddle here. PS is a form of continuing education for everyone and I’ve missed far too many classes.

I should admit that I have been forever bad at this particular kind of thread-thing: I want to reply to each and every individual but I don’t want to be the over-poster.

Having said that...

Skippy, thanks! You win the hyperactive smiley award
Lady Kaleigh, seeing your avatar again puts a big smile on my face
Strm, grr…thanks…grr…thanks (ok, just getting ready for the strm roller coaster)

Anchor, thank you – I love the photo in your avatar
Dreamgirl, I look forward to getting to know you
SanDiegoLady, I appreciate the thought
Stephanie, thanks for the welcome
Isaku, ditto – I’m looking forward to reading you again too
Bebe, it’s funny how many people say they were thinking of me in the last few days…are you sure you all didn’t just see something shiny that reminded you of my head?

Canuk-Gal, a pleasure as always
Zoe, thank you very much
Lauren, that would be a blast...I have business in the Dallas World Trade Center every couple of weeks...Grand Lux is not too far, un repas serait bon, oui?
Matata…Wowzers. Apart from the obvious points you get for catering to my ego you get bonus credit for using ‘hunkahunka’ in a sentence. Although you may be disappointed to learn that Paul ultimately controls all the diamonds…will you still be on my scrabble team?
Thing2of2, thanks and give my best to thing1of2 and the rest of the fam
TravelingGal, nice to see you too…say, will we ever see that cockroach again?
Tacori E-Ring, didn’t I just read some very nice things about you and Skippy in the PS headlines? Congrats!
Alexis, LOL, just so. He was the best accomplice ever. The big day is a-coming up too.
Dianne, thanks so much. I am content to just bask in your collective balmy presence, but if you have any questions I am happy to elaborate.
Ellen, I missed you too. Sincerely.

And Lynn, please sing this song to the tune of Yankee Doodle right away.

Painting-digging-brillianteering yaw and variation,
Azimuth and LGF and min-max deviation.
Strong fluorescence, very strong!
Over-blue distortions.
Brutal-bruted girdle swindle Tolkowsky proportions.

The last line is 'rough' …get it?

Ok. Now I see why you all reply to everyone. That really does feel better.
Welcome back, JohnQ! Your knowledge and all around helpfulness have been missed
Date: 5/21/2008 7:30:49 PM
Author: John Pollard

Painting-digging-brillianteering yaw and variation,

Azimuth and LGF and min-max deviation.

Strong fluorescence, very strong!

Over-blue distortions.

Brutal-bruted girdle swindle Tolkowsky proportions.

The last line is ''rough'' …get it?

Ok. Now I see why you all reply to everyone. That really does feel better.

Okay, fix that last line and let''s sing that at Vegas next week when we see Peter. We better have a drink first!

JOHN, Yippyyeeeeee, you''re back. We have missed you. Congrats on the new position.

I knew someone was missing for a while just did not know who it was?So welcome back John..
Sir John,
I have loved reading all your informative posts. You helped me understand the world of diamonds more than you will ever know.

But you know what, that post about how your and your FI helped that lost girl in the Airport spoke volumes about the person you are and your integrity. I will never forget your kindess, and compassion you gave to that lost soul. I knew you before, but that really did it for me. You are an amazing person, and wish only the best for you going forward. Lisa
So happy to see you back.

I was not posting at the time, but this time last year I "lerked" on this form to learn about diamonds. I know that your posts were some of the most helpful to me. Congratulations on you new job, and I hope to learn more from you.
So happy to see you back, John!!!
It has been so much fun welcoming back old friends here recently!

Are you married yet????
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