
Leuco- and Pastellgrossular


Apr 15, 2013
O.K. - this is a colored stone forum but this is almost pure grossular - rare and beautiful - from Eastafrica and one Merelani Mint.

The largest round is 1,76 ct ( windowed but I would never recut it - it is IF and quite large). The "pastell" Grossular are mostly in the U-Z
color range compared to diamonds.
I'm curious, as I've eyed these - rough seems to be available and reasonable. They're not much to look at in pictures (camera shy?), really. How do they look to you in hand/under different lights?
They are difficult to capture - it is daylight ( indirect light) the background is a white paper.

I had a lot of reflections of my hand - I try to make a pic with more direct - but not with a flash light .

Rough is not expensive - real colorless and bigger ones are rare.
I'm a fan! I love the green and I hear the leuco ones are quite uncommon in nice quality. Thanks for sharing :appl: Your collections are awesome.
I've played with two of them. They are very difficult to photograph, as they reflect everything in the environment. But they look a lot like diamonds - the dispersion is amazing in them!
MakingTheGrade|1409775036|3744247 said:
I love leucos! And am happy to own one as well.
Cut by Peter Torraca

More photos here

Wonderful asscher!!! Wish my large one has such a perfect cut!!!

It is funny - some have a green hint, some yellow and goldenbrown.
The large two round and the small rounds in front are Leucos - the rest is pastel imo.
I don't wear juwels - but a "reverse" halo would be nice - Leucogarnet with small Mint or Tsavos - same RI - cut be nice.

I tried more pics with direct light - no way!!!
That brings up a good question Marlow - where is the line between Leuco/colorless and pastel drawn? Your opinion, of course, since this is not going to be written in stone of course. (Haha! Pun unintentional)
How are the sparkle of leucos compared to diamond? edit: just saw your answer
Preg, I would take video of the one I currently have in my possession, along with a diamond, but the only diamond I have is an I color, so it looks pretty tinted next to it. I suppose I still could if you wanted to see it?
Easy answer - like D-Z diamond and fancy light yellow/brown/green

I have my stone in glass lid boxes with white inserts - if I see a hint of color from 1,5 m it is "pastel" - no color it is Leuco.
I have two little 0,10-0,11 ct which are really colorless and two large rounds which are a M ( compared to pics of diamond)
Some vendor would sell the rest (trilliant, oval...) as a Leuco but I call them pastel grossular - sounds nicer then near-colorless

There are some nice pastel Pyrop and Malaya ( faint pink) -

Please look at page 2 and 4 (pastel pyrope - very beautiful)

In daylight the " color " is a bit stronger - in incandescend light they look colorless.
Perhaps size has something to do with it too; a smaller stone has a higher chance of being truly colourless whilst a larger stone has a tendency to want to hold on to a bit of colour.
Chrono|1409831522|3744589 said:
Perhaps size has something to do with it too; a smaller stone has a higher chance of being truly colourless whilst a larger stone has a tendency to want to hold on to a bit of colour.


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