- Joined
- Apr 22, 2004
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- 38,363
Removed Wildfishgems due to business closure.
Please do not leave comments on this thread!
If you are a new member or do not have many posts, please do not modify this thread, but start a thread discussing the changes you wish to make.
These are the list of vendors that some people have had a good experience with. Your experience may not be the same. Please search the vendor in this forum for reviews. If you open up a review, put the vendor name in the title so others can easily search for and retrieve your review. Prior to purchase, please be sure to familiarize yourself with the vendor's policies as to shipping/insurance, returns, and restocking fees (if any).
If you are new to colored stones, before purchasing from ANY vendors, it is highly recommended you read this thread first.
If you've never bought coloured gemstones before, you're in for a real ride and I'm hoping that this thread may help you on your quest for your "special" one! One thing it's important to know .......... this part of PS is frequented by...
Cutters and/or Gemstone Dealers
Marc Sarosi - www.africagems.com
Arnold & Rung of AJS Gems - www.ajsgem.com
Rick Martin of Art Cut Gems - www.artcutgems.com
Doug Menadue Bespoke Gems (precision & custom cut) www.bespoke-gems.com
Steve Green (fine Briolettes) www.briolettes.com
Lloyd A. Forrester of Clear Cut Gems - http://www.clearcutgems.com
Richard Homer of Concave Cut - www.concavegems.com
Dan Stair of Custom Gemstones (updated policies towards PS members) - www.customgemstones.com
David of Diamonds by Lauren - www.diamondsbylauren.com (mainly fancy coloured diamonds but also coloured gemstones)
john rhodes www.djraregems.com
Jeff Hapeman http://www.earthstreasury.com/
Joe Escobar - http://www.escobardiamonds.com
Leibish - www.leibish.com (specializes in fancy colour diamonds)
Gary Braun of Finewater Gems - www.finewatergems.com
Hemi Englisher of www.gemcal.com
Andrew Gulij of Gemfix - www.gemfix.com
John of GemRite - www.gemrite.com
Constantin Wild - www.gemstone.de and http://www.constantinwild.com/en/
Lisa Elser - www.lisaelser.com
Gem Line - www.litnon.com
Dana of Master Cut Gems - www.mastercutgems.com
David Wein of Multicolour Gems - www.multicolour.com
www.NaturalUnheatedRuby.com (exactly that!)
Ulli of Osiris Gems - www.osirisgems.com
Pala - www.palagems.com (sells to trade only)
Paraiba International www.paraibainternational.com
Pearlmans jewelers. Colored stones and diamonds www.pearlmansjewelers.com
Robert Genis http://www.preciousgemstones.com/
Gene Flanigan of Precision Gems - www.precisiongem.com
Jaimeen Shah - www.primagemsusa.com
Reddiam - www.reddiam.com (specializes in fancy colored diamonds)
Jason Brim - www.facebook.com/KasigauGems
John - www.simplysapphires.com
Roger Dery - http://rogerdery.com/
Steve Perry www.steveperrygems.com
Brad Payne of The Gem Trader - www.thegemtrader.com (specializes in rare and unusual stones)
www.topgem.co.uk (UK gemstone dealer specialising in unheated sapphires and rubies)
Peter Torraca www.torraca.net
Bruce Bridges Tsavorite USA Inc. www.tsavorite.com
Steve Wallner, Westviewgems http://www.stevorocks.com
Jeff White of White's Gems - www.whitesgems.com
(Unheated Sapphires and other untreated gemstones)
Peter Brush of Western Gem www.westerngem.com
Vance Gems https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vance-Gems/164274600277910
Coast to Coast Rarestone Int'l http://www.rarestone.com
Ebay Stone Vendors
Beau of Beau-wy http://stores.ebay.com/qualitycoloredgems
Jeff Davies of Fine Gemstones and Jewelry http://www.ebaystores.com/jeffdaviesgemstones.com
Weblorn - http://www.ebay.com/sch/weblorn/m.html
Ebay Setting Vendors
American Set - http://myworld.ebay.com/americanset/?_trksid=p4340.l2559
Lan.bo4 - http://www.ebay.com/sch/lan.bo4/m.html
diamondmounts - http://myworld.ebay.com/diamondmounts
jewe2004 - http://stores.ebay.com/jewe2004
LOGR (Lord of Gem Rings) - http://stores.ebay.com/Lord-of-Gem-Rings
Etsy Stone and/or Setting Vendors
Adzia - http://www.etsy.com/people/AdziasJewelryAtelier
Carey Robbins - www.etsy.com/shop/lapicarey (cabs)
Caysie VanBebber of CVB Inspired Design www.etsy.com/shop/CVBinspiredDesign
Jim McCormick - https://www.etsy.com/shop/ElvizPrasiolite
Sally of Heart of Water - http://www.etsy.com/people/HeartofWaterJewels
KosnarGemCo https://www.etsy.com/shop/KosnarGemCo and http://kosnargemco.com/
Kyleanne - http://www.etsy.com/people/kyleannemetals
MountainMamaGems https://www.etsy.com/shop/MountainMommaGems
Maddie of OneGarnetGirl - http://www.etsy.com/people/onegarnetgirl
Jill of janishjewels - http://www.etsy.com/shop/JanishJewels
JuliaB - http://www.etsy.com/shop/JuliaBJewelry
Ryan Quantz (mostly does cabochons, but also some faceted gems) - http://www.etsy.com/shop/RyanQuantzStudios
Yvonne Raley of Cecile Raley Designs - https://www.etsy.com/shop/yvonneraley
Wilds Global Minerals - https://www.etsy.com/shop/WILDSglobalminerals (Stones only)
Custom Setting Vendors
Brian Gavin Diamonds (BGD) - www.briangavindiamonds.com
Brilliantly Engaged (BE, formally known as ERD) - http://www.brilliantlyengaged.com
Victor Canera - www.victorcanera.com
Green Lake Jewelry - www.greenlakejewelry.com
Joseph Jewelry - https://www.josephjewelry.com
Steven Kirsch http://www.stevenkirsch.com
David Klass https://www.facebook.com/david.klass.jewelry
IDJewelry http://www.idjewelryonline.com
Quest Fine Jewelry https://www.questjewelers.com/
Hunt Country Jewelers http://huntcountry.com
Peter Lees Jewelry http://peterlees.com
Beatriz Fortes http://www.beatrizfortes.com
mvmgems (Instagram handle)
Jordyonbass opals - https://www.instagram.com/msopalworld/?hl=en
Other sites
Opal Auctions - www.opalauctions.com
Diamond Bistro - www.diamondbistro.com
Jewels By Grace: http://www.jewelsbygrace.com
Jordyonbass - https://www.msopalworld.com
Loupetroop: http://www.loupetroop.com
Please do not leave comments on this thread!
If you are a new member or do not have many posts, please do not modify this thread, but start a thread discussing the changes you wish to make.
These are the list of vendors that some people have had a good experience with. Your experience may not be the same. Please search the vendor in this forum for reviews. If you open up a review, put the vendor name in the title so others can easily search for and retrieve your review. Prior to purchase, please be sure to familiarize yourself with the vendor's policies as to shipping/insurance, returns, and restocking fees (if any).
If you are new to colored stones, before purchasing from ANY vendors, it is highly recommended you read this thread first.
New to coloured gemstone buying? Read this first!
First of all welcome to our technicolour world!
Cutters and/or Gemstone Dealers
Marc Sarosi - www.africagems.com
Arnold & Rung of AJS Gems - www.ajsgem.com
Rick Martin of Art Cut Gems - www.artcutgems.com
Doug Menadue Bespoke Gems (precision & custom cut) www.bespoke-gems.com
Steve Green (fine Briolettes) www.briolettes.com
Lloyd A. Forrester of Clear Cut Gems - http://www.clearcutgems.com
Richard Homer of Concave Cut - www.concavegems.com
Dan Stair of Custom Gemstones (updated policies towards PS members) - www.customgemstones.com
David of Diamonds by Lauren - www.diamondsbylauren.com (mainly fancy coloured diamonds but also coloured gemstones)
john rhodes www.djraregems.com
Jeff Hapeman http://www.earthstreasury.com/
Joe Escobar - http://www.escobardiamonds.com
Leibish - www.leibish.com (specializes in fancy colour diamonds)
Gary Braun of Finewater Gems - www.finewatergems.com
Hemi Englisher of www.gemcal.com
Andrew Gulij of Gemfix - www.gemfix.com
John of GemRite - www.gemrite.com
Constantin Wild - www.gemstone.de and http://www.constantinwild.com/en/
Lisa Elser - www.lisaelser.com
Gem Line - www.litnon.com
Dana of Master Cut Gems - www.mastercutgems.com
David Wein of Multicolour Gems - www.multicolour.com
www.NaturalUnheatedRuby.com (exactly that!)
Ulli of Osiris Gems - www.osirisgems.com
Pala - www.palagems.com (sells to trade only)
Paraiba International www.paraibainternational.com
Pearlmans jewelers. Colored stones and diamonds www.pearlmansjewelers.com
Robert Genis http://www.preciousgemstones.com/
Gene Flanigan of Precision Gems - www.precisiongem.com
Jaimeen Shah - www.primagemsusa.com
Reddiam - www.reddiam.com (specializes in fancy colored diamonds)
Jason Brim - www.facebook.com/KasigauGems
John - www.simplysapphires.com
Roger Dery - http://rogerdery.com/
Steve Perry www.steveperrygems.com
Brad Payne of The Gem Trader - www.thegemtrader.com (specializes in rare and unusual stones)
www.topgem.co.uk (UK gemstone dealer specialising in unheated sapphires and rubies)
Peter Torraca www.torraca.net
Bruce Bridges Tsavorite USA Inc. www.tsavorite.com
Steve Wallner, Westviewgems http://www.stevorocks.com
Jeff White of White's Gems - www.whitesgems.com
(Unheated Sapphires and other untreated gemstones)
Peter Brush of Western Gem www.westerngem.com
Vance Gems https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vance-Gems/164274600277910
Coast to Coast Rarestone Int'l http://www.rarestone.com
Ebay Stone Vendors
Beau of Beau-wy http://stores.ebay.com/qualitycoloredgems
Jeff Davies of Fine Gemstones and Jewelry http://www.ebaystores.com/jeffdaviesgemstones.com
Weblorn - http://www.ebay.com/sch/weblorn/m.html
Ebay Setting Vendors
American Set - http://myworld.ebay.com/americanset/?_trksid=p4340.l2559
Lan.bo4 - http://www.ebay.com/sch/lan.bo4/m.html
diamondmounts - http://myworld.ebay.com/diamondmounts
jewe2004 - http://stores.ebay.com/jewe2004
LOGR (Lord of Gem Rings) - http://stores.ebay.com/Lord-of-Gem-Rings
Etsy Stone and/or Setting Vendors
Adzia - http://www.etsy.com/people/AdziasJewelryAtelier
Carey Robbins - www.etsy.com/shop/lapicarey (cabs)
Caysie VanBebber of CVB Inspired Design www.etsy.com/shop/CVBinspiredDesign
Jim McCormick - https://www.etsy.com/shop/ElvizPrasiolite
Sally of Heart of Water - http://www.etsy.com/people/HeartofWaterJewels
KosnarGemCo https://www.etsy.com/shop/KosnarGemCo and http://kosnargemco.com/
Kyleanne - http://www.etsy.com/people/kyleannemetals
MountainMamaGems https://www.etsy.com/shop/MountainMommaGems
Maddie of OneGarnetGirl - http://www.etsy.com/people/onegarnetgirl
Jill of janishjewels - http://www.etsy.com/shop/JanishJewels
JuliaB - http://www.etsy.com/shop/JuliaBJewelry
Ryan Quantz (mostly does cabochons, but also some faceted gems) - http://www.etsy.com/shop/RyanQuantzStudios
Yvonne Raley of Cecile Raley Designs - https://www.etsy.com/shop/yvonneraley
Wilds Global Minerals - https://www.etsy.com/shop/WILDSglobalminerals (Stones only)
Custom Setting Vendors
Brian Gavin Diamonds (BGD) - www.briangavindiamonds.com
Brilliantly Engaged (BE, formally known as ERD) - http://www.brilliantlyengaged.com
Victor Canera - www.victorcanera.com
Green Lake Jewelry - www.greenlakejewelry.com
Joseph Jewelry - https://www.josephjewelry.com
Steven Kirsch http://www.stevenkirsch.com
David Klass https://www.facebook.com/david.klass.jewelry
IDJewelry http://www.idjewelryonline.com
Quest Fine Jewelry https://www.questjewelers.com/
Hunt Country Jewelers http://huntcountry.com
Peter Lees Jewelry http://peterlees.com
Beatriz Fortes http://www.beatrizfortes.com
mvmgems (Instagram handle)
Jordyonbass opals - https://www.instagram.com/msopalworld/?hl=en
Other sites
Opal Auctions - www.opalauctions.com
Diamond Bistro - www.diamondbistro.com
Jewels By Grace: http://www.jewelsbygrace.com
Jordyonbass - https://www.msopalworld.com
Loupetroop: http://www.loupetroop.com