
little help with 4.8ct ?

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harry o

Jan 12, 2004
I am new to all this,I have a ring that I am in the process of trying to get information on to try and sell. Photo''s are located in my profile section under my [email protected] name.This ring has been in the family a long time and was passed to me by my father who passed last new year''s day.It has not been loooked at by anyone other tnat jewlers, I am told it is an old cut being that the culet
is cut and that it was done around 1800 and no later than 1920. It is 4.8ct said to be vs1 of H color. I have been told for years that is a nice piece,it has small chipping around the girth and is held in by a 14k six prong setting.The value I have been told ranges from outrageous to ridiculous. I have had this ring now for going on 10 years and can''t bring myself to part with it. But as it goes,that is that. things have come up that have to be seen to and at my age (54) I can''t let this get in the way. I have been told to get a GIA on it, I know I need to know the value, but will is make much difference in the selling. Anyone who can afford to buy it only want to take it for nothing. Any suggestions. Thanks Harry
Hi Harry!
Welcome to Price Scope.

So sorry for the reasons that brought you to part with an elegant family piece.

Definitely get an appraisal first thing. You might even consider shipping the ring to one of the Price Scope Appraisers. There is a link at the top of the page of approved appraisers. They are some of the best in the United States. Maybe call or email a few with a description of your ring. Since it is a "period" type piece, they may refer you to someone specializing in that type of jewelry/diamond cut.

There is a thread in the Recycled Questions portion of the Forum with ideas for selling gems and jewelry. Maybe some of those tips will assist you in your search for the best solution and highest possible price for your ring.
This is definitely not the kind of rings one gets to see every day
I could not agree more with the above post: among the appraisers, David Atlas would be the first I would contact with an unusual, old piece. I surely hope this helps a little.

This is not a ring to be sold on ebay or to a storefront jeweler, who will almost certainly give you but a fraction of the value. Old mine cut and old European cut diamonds are very hot right now, and those set in authentic period settings can be very valuable. On first glance, I would say this is a potential auction piece.

You need to find an appraiser who specializes in antique jewelry. You cannot get a GIA grading report without unmounting the stone, something I strenuously advise that you not do--it could seriously affect the value of the ring. Likewise with anyone who offers to "restore" it for you. Restoration of antique jewelry--if it's done at all--should only be done by experts. If the appraiser knows what they're doing, they should be able to tell you where to go once it's been evaluated. Good luck.
Thank you for the information,I have been told that I could send this off and have it re-cut loosing about a ct. but the value would go up greatly. The setting is not original, my father took two stones the same size in and remounted them because of their old style fragile mounting. The other, my stepmother still has. I have an appointment with Mr George Houghtaling to appraise it 01-15-04, there was an offer to but it was very low. I will very soon be in a position to have to sell this ring and hope that I can find out something about the real selling value because it's not just raining now, it's pouring.
I thank you and all that have responded to my post.

Not sure what are these two lines worth, but maybe you'd want to drop a line to Pala's owners and Jerrold Green of Reginald C. Miller, Inc ( Both places intermediate the selling of top gems and collection pieces. Not sure what the first address would do( I would ask them candidly for some advice making sure my message goes straight to their management rather than some sales guy); but the second did boker a few top diamonds lately, including "historic" cuts.
Both are part of my colored gem "hunting terrain", but could be helpful to you, since what you need is access to top-tier jewelry buyers.
I second the Dave Atlas suggestion,, as well as the potential of auctioning the piece. Dave specializes in old cuts. He could probably start with excellent general advice via email and progress to an accurate, full appraisal, as well as advising you whether or not to touch up the stone and obtain a lab report.
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