
LIW Progress Reports!

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Oct 8, 2008
Let''s all check in, and give our LIW progress reports! :) How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?
Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen?
Anyone suffering from engagement fever?
How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?
---> No updates, here. As for waiting, I''m day-to-day, really.. some days I couldn''t care less about when he''ll do it, but then others I''m completely nutso, and impatient beyond belief. I''m more calm than nuts, though, so that''s a positive! LOL!

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
---> I''ve tried to back-off with all the talk (we''re getting close, so I don''t want to ruin anything), but a few weeks ago I mentioned that I really wasn''t expecting him to propose by the end of the year (just to see what he''d say, but also because his brother just got engaged last month), to which he replied, "Well, gee, thanks.. glad to see you have faith in me." Seems to me he''s still planning on making it happen (and, hopefully I didn''t do too much damage).

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
---> We pretty much got ring shopping done on our first trip, but went out again a few weeks later. That was late August/early September, so now I''m just waiting. I don''t think he has the ring at home, yet, but hopefully it''s been picked out/ordered! *crosses fingers*.

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
---> I think he''s just dealing with the timing, really. He''s been on jury duty the past couple of weeks, which has him ''working'' 7 days/week (he''s there Mon.-Fri., and then works on weekends), and when he''s not busy, he''s spending time with DD, and I..

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen? Anyone suffering from engagement-fever?
---> I''m thinking it''ll come sometime mid-December, if it happens. He won''t do it too close to Christmas, and I don''t think it''ll happen this month. Let''s just say as long as it happens this year, I''ll be happy! If not, well, I don''t want to think about it right now.
Well as many of you know J has the ring so I''m just patiently waiting (ok not so patiently but only my LIW''s know that). I think it could be any day but right now I''m betting on Christmas. And the Jeopardy song plays on in my head....
How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?
---> Well, SO had been telling me, friends and family that he would propose by the end of the year. Me being the horribly inpatient and control freak that I am, I asked him recently if an end of the year proposal was out of the question because if I expected one to come by the end of the year and it didn''t come, I would be disappointed. I asked him if I needed to prepare myself for not getting it by the end of the year. He said he probably wouldn''t be able to pay for it by then so to go ahead and prepare myself. Well this didn''t ease my mind at all because now I''m wondering if he just said that to keep the surprise element! UGH!
Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
---> Not hardcore, but I do look at wedding magazines from time to time. It does NOT bother him at all and he will actually look through them himself and tell me what dresses he likes! :)
Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
---> We found the ring in June. I have no idea if he has it or not.
What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
---> According to SO, Money.
What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen? Anyone suffering from engagement-fever?
---> I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for it to happen by the end of the year but I am not going to get my hopes up. I had initially planned to leave him if the proposal didn''t come by the end of the year, but that was causing all kinds of anxiety and I decided that I love him and I am happy and I am willing to wait for him....just not forever!

I read a good quote the other day (inside a Dove chocolate!): "Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances" and it really made me realize a few things!

ohh this is fun :D

How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?
---> So far so good. The only thing waiting for in my perfect cushion!

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
---> Yep, we talk about it a lot! We are both excited and looking forward to becoming engaged and we have shared lots of thoughts about our wedding. So far we have decided on a Maine coast wedding with a coral/forest green color theme. We figure Maine is close enough to invite our family and friends, but far away enough that most likely a lot of people won't be able to go. This way, nobody gets offended that they didn't get invited (we both have HUGE extended families and they are very particular about being invited to the wedding).

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
---> We've been looking around once in a while, but I already know what I'd like. We're picking out the ring together, but once that's said and done, I have nothing to do with it! I'd want the proposal to be a surprise

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
---> Right now we're living apart and would love to move into a place together. Our workplaces are an hour apart, so we need to find somewhere in the middle. He has a lease to deal with though, and I live month to month. We also would have to find a place that is dog friendly! Financially we're ok. Saving up money to travel, wedding, and for school next year.

What's your best guess as to when your proposal will happen? Anyone suffering from engagement-fever?
---> Not sure at all! If we can find a cushion within the next couple of weeks or so, I would say January or February. No engagement fever yet, because I'm more stressed about finding the cushion for me! It's been a lot more stressful than I imagined

MrsHToBe: it sounds like things are going well! it's nice that timing is the only issue as all you need is patience for that kind of stuff. i hope he proposes soon! do you know what your ring looks like, or do you have an idea? a picture would be fun!

winelover: a holiday proposal sounds very sweet! i can't wait to see this thread explode with proposal news after thanksgiving, christmas, and new year's.

roxeheart: i'm sorry for the "disappointing news." we will stay optimistic and hope he's saying this for the surprise element. so sweet that he looks through magazines with you! a lot of guys (my bf included) kind of cringe at bridal magazines. maybe it's information overload or something. or too many flowers. who knows!

lots of dust to everyone!
Date: 11/20/2009 10:12:34 AM
Author: winelover23
Well as many of you know J has the ring so I''m just patiently waiting (ok not so patiently but only my LIW''s know that). I think it could be any day but right now I''m betting on Christmas. And the Jeopardy song plays on in my head....

AHAHAHAHAHA, I''ve never thought about the Jeopardy music during this whole situation, but that''s funny!
How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?
wait extended, but we are getting on much better and things are starting to flow back to normal for us.

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
We''ve talked a bit about the engagement, but aren''t pushing the topic because we want to focus on current things.

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
Father''s death, making funeral arrangements. I''m behind in school, work is insane, his work is slow, so we have to watch finances. We have to figure everything out with his father''s belongings. We''re also working on a dog rescue, for two starved hunting dogs we found

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen? Anyone suffering from engagement-fever?
If all is going well still, we''re going to plan for early next year, mainly b/c we''d like to be married by the time I''m 26 so we have some fun time as a married couple before children (30''s). But again, we want to make sure we have truly settled things. We have done really well since talking several times about what was bothering us before.
How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share? I am getting pretty anxious bc I know its coming soon, I just want it to be here already!! Updates- I saw an empty box for a jeweler''s loupe in the trash the other as I was emptying it...hmm.
Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently? Not besides ring shopping.
Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring? Yes- I picked out the setting about 5 weeks ago. I know he has been looking at loose diamonds. I have the feeling that the ring is ready and he has the proposal planned, just a matter of when.
What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)? Nothing really that would impact the engagement/timeline.
What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen? Maybe Thanksgiving or early December, I don''t think he would wait until Christmas...or maybe I just hope he won''t!
Anyone suffering from engagement fever? I am a little worried that the ring won''t come out the way I had envisioned it. I picked the setting but with the shape of the stone and halo it can vary. I also go back and forth of whether I want and asscher or a cushion and I left that up to him. For the most part I carry on like a sane person to the outside world.

I know he's got the diamond because it's an heirloom from my side of the family.

We talk about engagement, weddings, marriage, the future ALL of the time. He's as excited as I am (maybe even more excited).

I keep changing my mind about what setting I want. I've literally been through at least 5-7 settings. Just changed my mind again yesterday.

I told him I thought he would propose on Christmas. He told me I shouldn't keep trying to guess days because then he'll have to keep changing it. Silly boy!

Being a LIW has never been stressful for me. I think I'm a LIW more in a technical way, not in an emotional way, if that makes sense.

Edited for typo.
I''m not expecting anything soon -- I''ll probably end up having the longest listkeeper tenure, since it''s looking like next spring or summer will be when things happen. The original plan (which B told me last week) was to be engaged by this October, but it''s been a tough year, and we''re just not in the financial position we expected to be in at this point. The good news is that his boss told him yesterday that he can expect a major bonus in May -- enough that B said that we''ll be in a position to have both a ring and a down payment on a home!

So, that''s where things are for us right now. Still waiting, but seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

Confession: I''m a little bummed out that he told me how he was going to originally propose, because it''s pretty much perfect, and I don''t expect him to carry on with the same plan now that he''s told me about it!
Date: 11/20/2009 11:41:10 AM
Author: misskitty
I''m not expecting anything soon -- I''ll probably end up having the longest listkeeper tenure, since it''s looking like next spring or summer will be when things happen. The original plan (which B told me last week) was to be engaged by this October, but it''s been a tough year, and we''re just not in the financial position we expected to be in at this point. The good news is that his boss told him yesterday that he can expect a major bonus in May -- enough that B said that we''ll be in a position to have both a ring and a down payment on a home!

So, that''s where things are for us right now. Still waiting, but seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

Confession: I''m a little bummed out that he told me how he was going to originally propose, because it''s pretty much perfect, and I don''t expect him to carry on with the same plan now that he''s told me about it!

Not so awesome
I feel like this is an excellent description of the LIW rollercoaster


Not so awesome
Although, admittedly, I''m in more of the "awesome" camp right now. Definitely enjoying our life together.
How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?
Nothing new...but in case anyone missed the thread...A asked for my mother''s blessing back at the end of October (she spilled the beans) so I know things are in motion...

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
Does the fact that he mentioned smashing the cake in my face the other day count? LOL. It comes up on a relatively regular basis as it is, and that hasn''t really changed of late.

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
We were at a jeweler''s picking up my grandmother''s rings and I showed him the one I was drooling over. Aside from that, I don''t know if we''ll actually shop together ever...and I don''t think he has it yet.

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
None that I know of...I know he''s just waiting for what he thinks is the perfect time and place...

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen?
Under the trees at the National Cherry Blossom Festival in March/April.

Anyone suffering from engagement fever?
Not really...I''m in a LIW lull right now, lol...just happy for everyone else!!!
oing with their wait? Any updates to share?
He mentioned "jewelry" shopping this weekend...

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
We discuss what our hypothetical wedding will be like all the time! Who''ll be there, who won''t, what he wants my dress to look like, etc. He''s going to be one of those hands-on grooms because he''s as picky as I am about stuff like that.

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
We VERY briefly looked at rings in September, but nothing since then. If he had a ring, you could knock me over with a feather I''d be so shocked.

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
According to him, financial.

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen?
UGH. He says sometime in August (our anniversary month), but part of me thinks that''s to throw me off. I find it all annoying because I think I''ve figured out that I hate surprises. I almost ruined my surprise party for my 21st birthday because no one would make definite plans. I think it''s safe to say that I have control issues. I was hoping we''d be engaged around my 24th bday in February or at least before my friend''s wedding in April. AND to top it all off, I got word yesterday that I may be stuck in braces until May! I never thought my braces were a big deal, but the thought of announcing an engagement while I''m still a braceface doesn''t sound too appealing.

Anyone suffering from engagement fever?
Sometimes I''m okay with the wait, but I think knowing that it''s coming in the next 6 months (I hope!) almost makes it worse! I want it to be now! It doesn''t help that it seems like everyone I''ve ever met in life has been getting engaged or married.
Date: 11/20/2009 10:30:50 AM
Author: sweetpea&babycorn
MrsHToBe: it sounds like things are going well! it''s nice that timing is the only issue as all you need is patience for that kind of stuff. i hope he proposes soon! do you know what your ring looks like, or do you have an idea? a picture would be fun!

When we went ring ''shopping'', I found I gravitated towards the really dainty, pave band (half-eternity style), with a RB centre at about 0.60ct. The one I tried on had 0.68ct centre (E, SI1, ex/ex/ex), and was flanked by 14 diamonds on the band.
The stock photo is poopy, but here she is:

#20 (or #19?) checking in!

How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?

Doing fine! Not many updates to share... our 5th anni is coming up, and we plan to have an in-depth convo about timelines then. A week or so ago, out of nowhere, he told me how he would like to get married (elope, then reception later) and even made me call my mom and ask her what she thought. I know it''s on his mind. :)

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?

See above!

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?

Not yet! I would like to eventually go to some mall stores to get an idea of size and style, then order my ring from BlueNile. I love BN!

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?

I''m in grad school now and it''s keeping me pretty busy, and BF will hear any day now if he will be able to start his masters in the Spring. Needless to say, we will be busy. And poor.

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen?

Oh gosh. It really depends. Maybe by the end of next year or the end of the year after that? I hope that''s at the latest! But we''ll see. I may make it up to #1!

Anyone suffering from engagement fever?

Not really. Going into grad school and seeing a lot of girls had rings already made me think, "Should I have one??"
But I''m over it and enjoying the wait right now.
We''re going this sunday to choose the diamond and have it made!! Finally after almost a year of looking and waiting :) It should be done in 10-14 days...I can''t wait :)
I haven''t posted for a while but I do lurk and cheer to myself whenever I see an engagement on here

It''s really nice to see everyone doing so well. Like lilyfoot, we are really excited about the thought of getting married and talk about it a lot. He has told me the proposal is coming in either January or February, and we have looked at rings online and are pretty sure what we like. He definitely wants the wedding next August, which I know won''t give us much time to plan (a lot of venues are booked up already), so I''d be lying if I said I''m waiting completely patiently... But I''m doing my best to relax when I really want to grill him about exactly when, where and how

Hugs to you all x
How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?
I''m doing okay. I have my days where I get really impatient, but usually I am pretty laid back about it.

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
We have been discussing it more frequently in the last few months. I just graduated with my bachelor''s degree and I just landed a pretty steady job.

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
I have no idea if he has the ring, but if I had to guess I would say that he doesn''t. We haven''t going shopping together, but I have been looking around on my own and letting SO know if I see something I like.

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
Money and school are the two factors we a dealing with. SO is finishing up his PhD in engineering and I just graduated. I am not making a ton of money yet, and SO is only getting paid as a teaching assistant. We also have about $30,000 in student loans between us.

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen?
Probably sometime between May 2010 and January 2011.

Anyone suffering from engagement fever?
It hasn''t been too bad, but I do have my days.
Let''s all check in, and give our LIW progress reports! :) How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?

- Doing ok after some serious discussions in Aug/Sept.

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?

- Yes, he told me he was ready to get things moving now that he has a job (he was laid off for 6 mo).

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?

- We have gone looking for fun, mostly at Tiffany''s. But he knows I am interested in a diamond from BGD and a setting from Leon. All my hints worked :-). I have no idea if he has the ring or is even shopping for it. He really feels strongly about this being a surprise.

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?

- We both just moved to a new state. He came out for me
. We are now living 2.5 hours apart. We are dealing with all the expenses of moving. Both started new jobs. I went from being a resident to an attending. He is managing the marketing of a very high tech product. He has a steep learning curve for it.

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen?

- I am really hoping before the end of the year

Anyone suffering from engagement fever?

- Yes, before he lost his job, I thought we would be engaged before the move. I am 30, and ready to settle down.
How is everyone doing with their wait?
I'm doing pretty well waiting

Any updates to share?

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
nope, but he bought me an expensive early birthday present so i don't think a ring will be coming soon.

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
no shopping(except browsing online) I'm sure he doesn't have the ring.

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
Both of use are in school and working hard to finish. Finances are practicaly nonexistant(as with all students).

What's your best guess as to when your proposal will happen?
Our birthdays are coming up soon, and our aniversary is happening early 2010, so sometimes I wonder about those dates, but I'm pretty sure nothing will happen soon. Probably nothing will happen until this time next year.

Anyone suffering from engagement fever?
nope - I'm pretty chill.
I''m going to be in this place for the long haul, so quite different replies to most I''m thinking!

is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?
I''ve got a lot calmer. I''m in the camp of, ready and waiting, with an SO totally not ready. Here to make sure I don''t blow up at him!

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
Not in the way I would have liked. Our housemate told me her BF had started saving for a ring, while she''s totally not into it like he is. Cause of this the girls in the house have inevitably been talking about marriage, married life, dream proposals, dream rings, dream weddings...all that kinda girly stuff. He and the other BF in the house (we''re one of 2 couples here) have been panicking slightly. He keeps doing the sort of ''oh-so-subtle'' hint dropping about how he''s so not ready for it and how I shouldn''t even begin to expect something to happen. It''s for my own good, and I know he''s not trying to hurt me. Just frustrating!

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
I wish. I can hardly glance across the street in the vague direction of a jeweller!

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
We''re both in uni, me in my final year of a bachelor''s, he in a master''s. Once we finish this, we will inevitably be long distance and in the current job climate it''s difficult to know how long for. We both want to move to London, but for him he *definitely* would have to get a job and move to the city, whereas it''s about an hour or so commute from my hometown. Been discussing this a little bit more, he''s seeming happier about us living together then (we do now, but in a house of 7) so this puts me at a bit more ease.

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen?
It''s difficult to tell. I''d say I''ve got 2 years at *least* before it''s something that could seriously be on the cards. Leaving uni, getting a job, getting a place, becoming financially comfortable, at least enough to start saving for a ring and wedding...gonna take some time. Thankfully, I seem to have come to terms with that. I get pangs of longing from time to time, but I know there isn''t anything to hope for soon, so I don''t get worked up about it. Ask me if I feel this way in 2 years, and you''ll have a different Parsley on your hands!

Anyone suffering from engagement fever?
Not so much engagement fever, as much as the start of an addiction to PS!

All my love P
This is an update for LuckyesheFSIL

How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?
---> She''s doing good. J is patiently waiting and I''m trying really hard not to tell her anything since I know all the details about the ring! She and I talk about being engaged and the wait she''s had with my brother, but she''s good. Not too antsy or anything since she''s focusing on planning my Bridal Shower party and the other parties. Her diamond was purchased in May of this year and the setting will be delivered on Monday! Then he''s just gonna have to get it set locally. The whole thing may be done before Thanksgiving, but we''re not sure since I''m betting a lot of jewelers are busy at the moment. I don''t think he''s gonna propose until next year but at least he''s ready-ringwise.

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
---> They talk about marriage often, but they kinda don''t talk about the engagement part anymore. I think she''s trying to make him make all the decisions. They''ve been talking about getting engaged for a very long time and she''s told him exactly what she likes but she freaks out a bit if there''s a more detailed talk about the ring. She definitely wants to be surprised!

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
---> They went ring looking but the most recent one was when J joined myself, FSU1227, and Lilyfoot at our GTG in Orlando. She tried on a few things and Lilyfoot took photos. Then I showed those same pics to my brother which helped him figure it which setting he likes for her! She has no clue he has the ring, but technically...he doesn''t quite have it yet...After Thanksgiving, that would definitely be a yes.

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
---> They are currently working on moving in together, I believe...some time next year. My brother is finishing up school still and he''s saving up for the proposal.

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen? Anyone suffering from engagement-fever?
---> I''m hoping they''ll be engaged before my wedding which is Sept. 2010. But if they get engaged afterwards I''d be happy either way. I know she''s really hoping for a proposal next year, but she''s trying not to stress him out so he could focus on finishing school.
LIW status: going stir crazy

BF has planned a night out / over night trip for our anniversary next Friday as a surprise. I though that may be it but I''ve found out some of what is planned and I now don''t think that''s the night. Also the flat we were looking at got taken 2 days before we were going to say yes so we won''t even be moved out by then which means little to no chance of an engagment.

Little bit bummed out a dissapointed.

On the positive side went shopping today and saw a woman with some BIG diamonds for NZ and lots of sparkly rings and has fun secretly checking them out.
going really really well.

in fact, he wants to get married so soon, i keep telling him it''s too soon to even be engaged!!

it;s only been 7 months since we met.

i know it''s the honeymoon period still, but i''m very happy.

we''ve been looking at rings as a couple, and i''ve done some of my own research too. i know the very generous budget already
I''m not patient at all so the waiting is killing me !

Mr. Suny just got offered a space in a band and will be leaving on tour in March. I really don''t want him to go because I will miss him so much but it is a great opportunity for him. He mentioned that we might have to move our special day up some. ....but no real details. I hope he lets me know something soon so I can switch the date with our venue. Yes there is a venue and still no proposal LOL

I am still kinda amazed that in the almost three years we''ve been together he went from I''m never getting married to let''s get married soon. I know he will propose before our three year anniversay, March 30th, because that is what we have discussed. I know I don''t have long to wait but it''s still hard.

I just can''t wait to make it official!
Sounds like there are a few exciting developments around here

Here''s the Echidna update:

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?
Not really- we discuss our future children all the time though! I think my SO is happy to *be* married, just not *get* married. I think marriage = fuss for him, so he''s keen to elope!

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?
We have been ring browsing over the last couple of months. We''re in Australia but I''d like to investigate vendors like BGD. I''ve been looking at stones but ther perfect one hasn''t appeared yet. SO is happy to propose without though, so it''s no hold up.

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?
Heaps! We just bought a house together so that was a big expense. I''m trying to finish my PhD (due for internal review next week- eek!) and will start a new job in February. SO is super busy with his work. Just taking things one day at a time...

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen?
Mmm, no idea. SO keeps saying that he''ll surprise us both when he asks! I''m going to broadly guess that it will happen next year
Our two year anniversary is mid-March.

Anyone suffering from engagement fever?
Not really. I''m feeling much more settled now he''s definitely committed to getting married, even though I don''t have a timeline on that.

Lots of ********dust******** to all the LsIW
Hmm yeah we actually talked about it the other day. Apparently I slightly misunderstood last time we talked and thought he meant he didn''t want to propose until after he graduates, but I guess now its he doesn''t want to start looking at rings until after he graduates (in May). So I thought we''d be engaged over the summer but looks like it will probably be more like late fall or winter since I know it will take a while to get a GOG OMC with the stats I want. Wah wah... it''s ok though, i know we''re young and have plenty of time but I wanted to have a bit of a longer engagement which doesn''t look like will happen unless I push back the mental wedding date haha. We''ll see.

I''m doing fine with it, I just wish he didn''t have a concealed panic attack every time I mention it. I''m 110% sure he wants to marry me he''s just taking his sweet time about it haha. His brother and sister in law were dating for 8 years before they got married so that doesn''t help haha.
How is everyone doing with their wait? Any updates to share?

No updates to share!

Have you discussed marriage, engagement or wedding with your FF recently?

Yes, we talk about it often. We''ll most likely elope without telling anyone.

Gone ring shopping? Know he already has the ring?

I don''t think he has my ring but I''ve sent him the "wish list."

What factors are you dealing with (financial, work, school, long distance, etc.)?

I''m overseas doing volunteer work till June but I''ll be home for a month in just 2 and a half short weeks! Oh man. I haven''t been home in a year and a half!

What''s your best guess as to when your proposal will happen?

I have a feeling it''ll happen during the month I''m home... maybe Christmas?

Anyone suffering from engagement fever?

I''m suffering from home sickness much more.
Date: 11/20/2009 10:12:34 AM
Author: winelover23
Well as many of you know J has the ring so I''m just patiently waiting (ok not so patiently but only my LIW''s know that). I think it could be any day but right now I''m betting on Christmas. And the Jeopardy song plays on in my head....
No more betting for me!
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