
LIW''s - would you peek?

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Oct 21, 2003
my BF has the ring, has had it since before Christmas. No proposal during the holidays, he is an anti-commercialist international business grad, go figure. And he HATES Hallmark, thinks Valentine''s was invented by greeting card companies to juice us for more cash. He is probably right!! I am still a big sap and I still LOVE holidays. Whatever, this is totally not the point of this thread.

We live together. The ring is in the house. I have not tried on MY setting in over 3 years!!! 3.5 years to be exact... and when I did try it it was not even exactly my size, but I knew it was the one the second I had it on. That "click". I am sure you all know what I am talking about - what you look at in the case is dazzling until you try it on, you admire, you like it, but you''re still willing to try other things on until all of a sudden this little thing slips over your knucke and it''s YOURS. I covered it with my other hand and stepped away from the jeweler, completely out of instinct!
He laughed and told BF "Looks like you found the one!" HA! So right. Again, not the point of this thread... I am just so full of emotion over this ring and this moment that I ahve been hoping for and waiting for and friggin holding my breath for for what seems like FOREVER. Argh!!!!!

I know you gals can relate!!!

So here I am , in the house... ALONE!! I am sick today so I did not go into the office. He had to leave for a few hours. The ring... is in... the house.... with me.... and no one can stop me!!! MUAHAHA!!

So what did I do?? I rummaged around where I know he keeps it, close to the damn computer he is always playing around on, I find the box! It''s in a box in another box in another box!!
I knew it as soon as I picked it up. It''s like it hums to me through the cardboard or something.

I open all the boxes until I get to the little black one.... and I stop. I had this thing cupped in my hands for about three minutes, my heart thumping, and I am thinking... can I actually do this???

I opened the box facing away from me, and turned it toward the window so it could soak up some sunshine, poor thing so cold and lonely in the dark for so long...

but I did not turn it around. I did not peek. I got so calm all of a sudden, filled with love and trust for my boyfriend, knowing how much he must trust me to leave me alone in the house with my greatest temptation. I told him truthfully that the first time I want to see it again is with him right behind it on bended knee, and I know he is looking forward to that moment with as much (um, almost as much) anticipation as I am.

I could not take that away from him. Closing the box without looking was actually surprisingly easy. It took some of the edge off this waiting. I feel like my patience is refreshed, replenished somehow.

I may actually do this again therapeutically to help deal with the insanity of waiting, to remind me of what I am REALLY waiting for. He is asking me this so we can be married for life, a team, "you and me against the world" as we like to say to each other. Peeking would be like a feather in the girdle of our future life together. (I don''t think anyone else would actually get that metaphor).

Phew, that was intense! I just had to share.

So! What about you girls?? Would any of you dare to peek? How would you feel about it afterward?
I''m such a snoop so I would have to peek! I don''t know how you had the self discipline and willpower to not open that box!!!
Hell yea. I did peek and Im damn glad I did.
My fiance had my ring for a good month before he gave it to me. We also shared an apartment and i came across the box a couple weeks before he proposed sitting on his computer desk under a piece of paper. He must have pulled it out and forgot to hide it again. It was the same thing, box inside a box. I open the first, but stopped at the next one since it was the actual ring box. I wanted to look SOOOOOO bad, but i couldnt bring myself to ruin the moment he really did propose.

I used to sneak peaks at the presents santa would leave me when i was little and thought i was the BEST at still acting surprised, but im sure my mom knew, and i didnt want to disappoint my FI. It was hard, but luckily i only had to wait a week and a half more before he finally asked.

It was hard, but im so glad i didnt look!!!

My ring has been done since before Christmas too! But, my bf and I don''t live together because he lives 2 hours away but I was there for a week over Christmas. However, bf knows I hate surprises, well I like them when they truly are surprises but this isn''t. I hate waiting for a surprise I know I''m getting, make sense? Well, my bf hasn''t even taken it home from the jeweler yet! Shows you how much he would trust me! But actually it''s both of us. I think if it was in his house and I was there even if he wasn''t proposing he would be tempted to show me. I have an idea of what it will look like but it was custom made so haven''t really seen what it looks like.

I can see why you wouldn''t look though! I think it is going to be so spectacular when he proposes and you are going to be so happy you didn''t peak!!! I would TRY to do the same if I had a chance!!

Good Girl!! I couldn''t have done it

Different type situation, but similar at the same time....
Begged for a Facets shared prong eternity ring for Chirstmas. I work from home and a few days before Christmas, FedEx rings the doorbell and I sign for the package. Yes....addressed to hubby, not me, and from SIGNED PIECES!!!! I ripped that sucker wide open and popped open the lid on the blue box and there was that beauty just begging to be tried on and try on I did!!! I then proceeded to take a picture of it with my camera phone and send to hubby''s phone at work with the words "I Love You" typed in the message. He got a kick of it, and needless to say it''s not been off my finger since
WOW!! You have amazing discipline! I''m really impressed, I wouldn''t have been able to put it away without trying it on, much less not looking at it! I think that''s really sweet of you though to keep your promise to your bf and not look at it until he is proposing.

Way to go!!!
As bad I as want him to propose and would love to see the ring, I know my BF and he would want it to be a surprise. So, I don''t think I could look.

My Mom once told me when I was little, that if I needed to, go ahead and snoop for my Xmas presents. But, I wasn''t allowed to be all bummed out on Xmas day when I already knew what I was getting and there was no surprise left in it. BF and I didn''t pick out a ring together. I made some suggestions as to what I liked and I hope he listened. So, I know he would want the ring to be a surprise. So, since you picked it out and know what it looks like, maybe its not so bad to look...? I don''t know, this is a toughie....

I say if you do look, don''t ever tell him you did. LOL

I can''t wait for him to propose to you so we all can see the ring!

Good luck in your wait!
WHAAT!?!!?!??!? You are the master of self control!
I agree, although I would tear the house apart while searching..I''d most likely stop at the box... You mean you didn''t even take a teeny tiny peek?
VA - I can''t do it and not tell him!! I would have to tell him. We tell each other everything!! If i didn''t it would be the invisible feather in the girdle of our love... so to speak. It would create a flaw in our trust that may crack in two one day. Can''t do it, ain''t gonna do it... even if I am reaaaaaly tempted!

I swear I am gonna post pics the second I stop bawling my eyes out long enough to see through the lens of our camera!!!
Wow--I tip my cap to you, Miss Honeynut!!!! WOW. I am not sure I could have resisted. I LOVE that you had to let the poor cold baby have some sun!!!!

Can''t wait for you to get it too!
I am very proud of you for not doing it! Kudos!

And I wouldn''t be able to not tell my man if I peeked too. We tell each other everything. This being said, I would feel so bad telling him that I saw it that that alone would keep me from doing it.

I had a friend, who knew where the box was, but didn''t want to look, so when I came over to her house one day, she made me look for her. LOL I just told her if I thought she would like it or not. I didn''t give her so much as a hint to the shape, size, etc...

She ended up loving it!

My BF is the same as yours...would never ask on a holiday. He would pick a random day, just to make it "our" day. So, I knew Xmas and New Years was out of the question, and I definitely know V-day is out too.
You''re a saint. I would have peeked. Tried it on. Took pictures for the ladies in waiting. Then put it back and pretended tp be surprised when he proposed. I know. I''m bad. That''s why my avatar has horns.
allycat...I love your avatar!

I may have to get more creative with mine.....
Vagal: Thanks! My brother made it for me using photoshop. But your dog is a sweetie!
I agree, are a saint! I actually tore the house apart looking for mine. But was glad that I did not find it. What I did find was my FI''s wishlist on Bluenile...(when went to the website it was there!) So at least I knew he was looking. It actually calmed me too.
Oh--how sweet you were to let it have some sun! I cannot wait for you to have it on your finger!
Blue, Tybee - thanks! I can hardly believe it myself. I am terrible at not being able to wait for surprises. Lovey, not even a peek! I didn't even see one little speck of refracted light. I just stared at the box feeling the weight of the moment. Alley - that's exactly what I would have done if I caved into the tempation! I was like "the girls!! I have to show the girls!!!!"

OMG - imagine this: I could open the box with my eyes closed, point the camera in what I hope is the right direction, and take a picture of it!! Then I could post it on SMTR for you all to oogle... but I still wouldn't be allowed to peek! I actually believe that would be an even bigger torture than having the real thing right under my nose. Nice to know that as bad as it is now, it could actually be worse!!!

VA - maybe we will get engaged on the same day!
You just made me laugh out loud---SERIOUSLY! How cute are you. You could also close your eyes and just feel it...try it on...touch it....Oh, make me stop. I would totally peek, so I am the worst influence. You stay honest, you''ll be glad you did!
There is ABSOLUTELY no way I COULDN"T have peaked!

Many many Christmas ago my mom insanely left all our presents boxed, unwrapped, and out in the open. I went through all of them...tried on all my clothes, looked at all the toys, and put them right back where I found them. I was probably 13 at the time, a bit moody at points, and come Christmas morning I grumpily shook each box and sarcastically asked "Wonder what could be in this little black skirt perhaps? oooh and what about this box, maybe that hot pink mock turtle neck with the shoulder pads that I asked for?". It was bad, probably one of the most depressing Christmas to date.

Fast forward to December 2004. I''m using Nate''s computer while I''m waiting for mine to reinstall some things and I happen across his open email box (open as in, I went to the icon, clicked on it, and the box magically opened for me!). I had about 30 seconds of hesitation before I perused the emails looking for virtual receipts for my soon to be Christmas gifts. Sure there was a bit of guilt and that little angel on my shoulder telling me not to scroll down, not to read the itemized lists, but I couldn''t help myself :P

The weird part though, was that I totally wasn''t disappointed on Christmas morning. As I had opened each of those emails I let out a little sigh thinking "how cute he bought me ______" or "how sweet of him to get me a _____". After that I excitedly waited for Christmas morning to finally open all of the thoughtful gifts that he had purchased.

No lesson learned

and by all means, I absolutely think you should march in there and take a photo for all of us!! While you may have unbelievable willpower, I know I don''t, and I''d love to see your soon to be beauty!!

That would be sooooo cool if we got engaged on the same day!!! Just think of all the pictur posting! But, I think your day will come sooner than mine...I don''t know if he has even bought a ring for me or not...
But, if you get engaged first, I will get to live vicariously through you!

Allycat- thanks for the compliments. My dog is such a love. We rescued him a few years ago. I can''t remember my life w/o him. Is that your cat? I love the coloring! your dog and his/her spots! I am partial to dogs w/ spots. LOL
Date: 1/11/2005 1:47:56 PM
Author: Libster
Good Girl!! I couldn''t have done it

Different type situation, but similar at the same time....

Begged for a Facets shared prong eternity ring for Chirstmas. I work from home and a few days before Christmas, FedEx rings the doorbell and I sign for the package. Yes....addressed to hubby, not me, and from SIGNED PIECES!!!! I ripped that sucker wide open and popped open the lid on the blue box and there was that beauty just begging to be tried on and try on I did!!! I then proceeded to take a picture of it with my camera phone and send to hubby''s phone at work with the words ''I Love You'' typed in the message. He got a kick of it, and needless to say it''s not been off my finger since
Exactly what I''d do. haha

When my wedding ring shows up Ill be ripping that open.
ohh man! i would be SO TEMPTED! and not being in the moment, i''d say that i wouldn''t look- but if it was RIGHT THERE in front of me it would be sooo tough. but i think i would want to preserve the surprise that my bf has worked so hard to create. i wouldn''t want to take that away from him- or me!!
Yes, I would definitely peek. Without a doubt.
hmmm. not even a PEEK! I totally understand because..well.. you see I''m a ''blusher" (could probably be a sienfeld episode) and the world''s worst liar. I would be a terrible poker player. My BF is the type of guy to outright ask me if I peeked and I''d, of course say "umm nooooo" but all the blood would be rushing to my head and he would just know. So yeah. Better not to look!!
Date: 1/11/2005 2:36
5 PM
Author: honeynut
Blue, Tybee - thanks! I can hardly believe it myself. I am terrible at not being able to wait for surprises. Lovey, not even a peek! I didn''t even see one little speck of refracted light. I just stared at the box feeling the weight of the moment. Alley - that''s exactly what I would have done if I caved into the tempation! I was like ''the girls!! I have to show the girls!!!!''

OMG - imagine this: I could open the box with my eyes closed, point the camera in what I hope is the right direction, and take a picture of it!! Then I could post it on SMTR for you all to oogle... but I still wouldn''t be allowed to peek! I actually believe that would be an even bigger torture than having the real thing right under my nose. Nice to know that as bad as it is now, it could actually be worse!!!

VA - maybe we will get engaged on the same day!


i think it''d be hilariaous if you even tried...much props for not peeking
36.gif willpower pales in comparison
Ginger: Starsky + Hutch! "Do it! Do it!" lol
what if you opened it and the box was empty?
I don''t want to spoil your fun, lol, but I''d just like to say that if I was a guy - and I am - and I was about to propose to the woman of my dreams with a beautiful ring that I had researched and picked out just for her, I would be absolutely gutted if I found out my gf had peeked at the ring. so please don''t do it! don''t give in to temptation! go for a walk or something instead, use it as a great excuse to go shopping - if you need an excuse! lol

go on... have a peek... he''ll never know... you know you want to... and remember, there''s chocolate cake in the fridge...

nooooooo! don''t give in to temptation, remember that he loves you, be patient, you will have a lifetime to look at it. oh and don''t eat the cake, have a banana
Ok, between HoneyNut''s "DO it, DO it" a la Stiller and DG''s very funny angel/devil emoticons, I just went

"HEH. HAH. Heeeee" outloud.
DG - you can read my mind!!!
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