
LOL...first the dress was too small, now it''s too big


Mar 3, 2009
and I have 8 days until we leave for our this point, all I can do is laugh and drink another beer. Ugh.
Looks like I might really be naked on the day of!

What''s wrong with the dress now? Well, originally it was about 3" too small in the waist area, now it''s about 4" too big in the bust---on both dresses. My Qi Pao is obscene, you can see my boob from the side. EEK

I found an alterations lady would will see me tomorrow and promises that she can fix it in 3-4 days. I think that with all the measurements that we had flying around between me and the dressmaker we ended up with 2 right and 1 wrong.

Please send me some dust that we can get this fix before next Friday. Otherwise, looks like I''ll either be naked or wearing some random dress.

Oh and FML...seriously.
Sending you lots of dust! I hope everything ends up perfectly, and the seamstress can do what she says!
Dustity Dust Dust Dust!!!!!

Jeez, you just can''t catch a break with this dress! I''m so hoping this dressmaker can work some magic!!!!

Dusting you cupcake!!
Thanks ladies, it's probably a good thing that I've gotten alittle bit of perspective with FI's accident, otherwise I am sure I would be freaking out right now.

These dresses are now becoming my "porriage" the first was too small, the second too big, hopefully the third time will be a charm!

I'm hoping to get this all sorted out when I take the dress in after work tonight. I can post pics some pics then, the dress is GORGEOUS--too bad it doesn't fit
. And even though it doesn't's just amazing to look at and I love how it looks on me. Too bad I don't have DD boobs to fill out the top.
Date: 6/4/2010 10:18:53 AM
Author: cupcake*muffin
Too bad I don''t have DD boobs to fill out the top.
Super padded bra?

Dust that the seamstress will fix it perfectly for you. After everything you''ve been through to get here, you deserve it!
Awwww....tons of dust! **************
Cupcake, how''s FI doing? Any better?
Date: 6/4/2010 8:59:06 PM
Author: beadchick
Cupcake, how''s FI doing? Any better?

Hi bc--thanks for asking. FI isn''t improving so he got an epidural and steroid shot yesterday. He is very scared of needles and that pretty much made him a mess yesterday, not to mention the needles is huge! He was told he had to lay around for 12 hours and not move so the meds could settle. They said it could take up to 24 hours for it to kick far, he is still in alot of pain so we don''t know when it''ll start working for him since he got it yesterday at noon
. They gave him the meds so that he would be more comfortable driving on Friday but as of right now its not working. We are still hopeful that he will start feeling better soon.
sunnyd--don't think a padded bra is going to save me now.

LOL, after the seamstress pinned up the top we realized the hips are too big too...ugh!
Wishing you the best! Can't wait to see your pictures.

I really, really hate the kid who did this to you guys. He would go on the list of the "who do you hate" thread. Actually, I hate his parents more. I won't write here what I wish for them.

ETA, I want to say how much I admire you for not complaining about your situation every second. I can't imagine the trauma you're going through.
Dust, dust, dust, dust, dust!
Thanks Choro--just trying to stay positive. Won't know if my dress is ok until tomorrow. Final fitting is Thurday...ekkk! I'm just worried about the cost. If all else fails, I will make a pitstop in Chinatown and order something from JCrew. At this point, I think it's out of my hands anyways.

Oh and FI punched me in the mouth last night in his restless sleep. I have a fat lip and I cut the inside of my lip. Great. Seriously...I think there might be a black cloud over me/us. Hopefully this just means we are getting over all the bad stuff early

Well, off to pick up my pocket-sized Grandma and (regular-sized) cousin from the airport. I hope they have a good time in the US, they haven't been here in years!
cupcakemuffin, just wanted to send some ****dust**** your way for tomorrow & also let you know that your attitude is so admirable. you are really able to stay focused on the big picture despite all these setbacks you seem to be running into. i hope from here on out you both have nothing but wonderful health, happiness, & success. you definitely deserve it!