
Looking for a Paraiba


Jul 24, 2003
Can anyone tell me what vendors might have them or where you have purchased yours?
Yvonne from Cecile Raley Designs has several gorgeous quality paraiba right now (plus she's running a 15% off sale). The ones I'm adding are of a higher quality (so more expensive) but you can search for paraiba on her page and some more affordable options will come up.

This one I'm crazy about (but can't afford right now). :cry2:

I love this one too. It looks so saturated. The 15% isn't showing up on this one yet.

It's worth checking LoupeTroop and DB too. Sometimes they are posted there pre-owned.
Ditto for a paraibainternational recommendation from me. I've purchased a small stone from them and was very pleased. They seem to have one of the bigger stocks of top quality paraiba tourmalines out there. They aren't exactly the cheapest though! As is so often the case though, you get what you pay for ;))
I have seen time and again on here, folks getting affordable cuprians of decent quality from Yvonne. I would steer that way at first, if I could recommend someone.

Paraiba International is a rip off.....
The prices are ridiculous and the stones are not very note worthy(at least on the first page they are).
The bi-color Paraibas at the top, the ones that cost 5 figures each, they are perfect examples of the insanity and gullibility that the the average consumer has. Granted, I think they pretty of course, especially the one with purple, but for that kind of money it's ridiculous!!
Does it matter one bit really, that they have copper or not? doesn't mean squat except for "allowing" them the usage of the name "paraiba".
It's a scam, at it's core. They tack on "paraiba", then jack the price up to something outlandish, and then wait till some poor soul gets hustled.
It has become a time where just having the element copper in a stone, makes it instantly quadruple in value, regardless of whether that copper was acting on or imparting its effects into the stone.

In one of the stones, there is purple and green. Most likely the color is being caused by Manganese and iron, with possibly a dash of titanium with the green.

Where is the chromophoric properties copper is imparting? I see no blue, blue-green, turquoise, etc.
For $17,000 dollars, all your getting is a stone that has trace amounts of an element you can't even tell is there.
This gemstone is basing it's value off something that has done nothing to make the stone worthy of the price being asked for it.
It's like the snake oil salesman of gemstones.

I also saw on most of the paraibas they had for sale, even the cabs, all said "neon" in their color description. "Neon blue"..."neon blue green" etc.
I am confused by that now, because I didn't think the cab they had for sale, and labeled "Neon blue/green" was worthy of the price asked...$1900!
How is that stone below considered to be "neon"? How does that stone like that, justify a price tag of..$1900?
thumb (2).jpg

If that stone above is "neon", according to them, then the majority of paraiba are neon.

I shot these photos last night of a piece of rough stone and one cut stone. What do you call my stones below, if the stones they have are considered "neon"?
A122 - 20171224_194616.jpg A126 - 20171224_194636.jpg




Paraiba International is overpriced - you can get these qualities much cheaper....
But maybe the easier way to buy one instead traveling to a gem show.
And I doubt that the only treatment is heating.
The small stone - Hauyne or Cobalt spinel?

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