
Looking for honest opinions, please


Jun 23, 2018
323410A4-EA92-4392-B0D9-85E582844FAC.jpeg 9A1DBD29-0E09-4DDB-BC0C-8FE1193DA44D.jpeg
Hi everyone,

I’m just looking for opinions on whether or not this stack looks okay on my hand. Too bulky? Makes my already wide hand/fingers look wider? For the past few weeks I’ve beem wearing my ering and diamond band only on this finger and the plain platinum band and thin gold diamond band on my right hand, but I really want wear them all together- I just can’t find a combo that I love. I’d so appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you!
I think the diamond band makes it look bulky. It’s a beautiful ring but I prefer the look of stacking thin rings together.
Hmmm. Hard to say. I do see a little of what you might be seeing in person. Can we see various options. Like ER with Diamond band. ER with plain band and diamond band. It also looks a bit backwards to me like your stack is upside down? Of course if you love them that way thats really all that matters! But I say give us a few more pics with the various varieties. I probably wouldn't wear them in that order with the bands on top either way.
7E7AC01C-7FA5-476A-932C-897277B8CEE1.jpeg 60D4CDDE-4552-43A6-BA85-5E54CED963E2.jpeg Thanks for your opinion. Here are some pics, the whole stack but not upside down. And one of just the diamond band and ering.
Hmmm. Hard to say. I do see a little of what you might be seeing in person. Can we see various options. Like ER with Diamond band. ER with plain band and diamond band. It also looks a bit backwards to me like your stack is upside down? Of course if you love them that way thats really all that matters! But I say give us a few more pics with the various varieties. I probably wouldn't wear them in that order with the bands on top either way.
I think the larger diamond band is too thick, and the thinner one is too thin. It might look better with a white gold diamond band of the same width as the solitaire.

The four rings do not seem to want to be together in the pictures, but... this would not be first time I do not see things on a screen as they are. I trust your judgement.

The solitaire is sooooo elegant!
I agree with the comments above. I think the diamond band is too much and the others too thin. That elegant ering needs something to complement it!
I honestly do not like the diamond band with the engagement ring. They are both beautiful and yet together they detract from one another. Just my .02!
Oh yes, I think so too:roll
7E7AC01C-7FA5-476A-932C-897277B8CEE1.jpegThanks for your opinion. Here are some pics, the whole stack
This one looks good - the big band at the bottom is balanced by your ering at the top and the two bands in the middle are thin so give some visual difference. The way it was before, the big pieces were too close and the ering on the bottom looked smaller and overwhelmed
I honestly do not like the diamond band with the engagement ring. They are both beautiful and yet together they detract from one another. Just my .02!
I like the fact it is an eclectic mix :))

I was going to suggest that if you are wearing them as in the first picture, you could add another very thin band nearest to your hand, so you have thin-Ering-thin-eternity-thin, to balance the look out!
323410A4-EA92-4392-B0D9-85E582844FAC.jpeg 9A1DBD29-0E09-4DDB-BC0C-8FE1193DA44D.jpeg
Hi everyone,

I’m just looking for opinions on whether or not this stack looks okay on my hand. Too bulky? Makes my already wide hand/fingers look wider? For the past few weeks I’ve beem wearing my ering and diamond band only on this finger and the plain platinum band and thin gold diamond band on my right hand, but I really want wear them all together- I just can’t find a combo that I love. I’d so appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you!
Personally I wouldn't wear so many rings on 1 finger. With all 4 rings, they look really tight on your finger, is it comfortable?

The eternity band with the ering looks okay.
Thanks for your opinion. Actually not too tight, and not uncomfortable. Unfortunately I have a neurological condition that causes my fingers to bend at the angles you’re seeing which I think contributes to the tight look.

Thanks again for your thoughts!

Personally I wouldn't wear so many rings on 1 finger. With all 4 rings, they look really tight on your finger, is it comfortable?

The eternity band with the ering looks okay.