
Lord, please don't let me get ripped off!


Mar 20, 2021
Found my absolute dream stone on gem rock auctions (of all places)!

Seller was extremely responsive (I decided to contact him through instagram). He is extremely transparent, has AIGS certification on this stone that can be checked online (all descriptions link up with what has been certified), has given me a very straightforward price ($1200 per ct), very clear on shipping, is happy to accept returns, and has 100% positive feedback on over 1200 sales on gemrockauctions. He is also a verified seller.

I am a complete novice. I want to buy a wholesale sapphire so I can get more bang for my buck. But I don't want to be ripped off! My biggest concerns is that the stone is real and verified, but I won't be sent the real stone, but rather a fake. :confused:

The seller assured me that I can pay through PayPal which has buyers protection. Meaning that funds aren't released until I receive and am satisfied with the stone, and have the cover to withdraw those funds if I can prove that the stone is not as described/return it. I intend on taking it to an expert as soon as I receive it to verify.

Is buying any expensive stone from gemrockauctions a complete rip-off, or can I actually do this? HECK.jpeg


Apr 22, 2004
Has he shown you the colour change? All I see is sunlight portion.

You have a 3 day window review period, which if the expert can verify measurements and etc, should be able to tell you whether the stone matches the AIGS memo.

Do not be taken in by the word "wholesale". If it is truly wholesale, the vendor will not be selling it directly to you. I see a bit of a bowtie and a small window, which many will forgive. What I am more concerned with is clarity issues. You can see it more clearly in the backside up picture. I can spot them in the face up pictures as well. I don't know how visible they will be in person under normal viewing distance.
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Feb 5, 2014
There is no such thing as wholesale to an end user. Many try to use this but that by itself is always deception. That said if you like the stone and can verify the facts, are happy with the price then it could be fine. I would, however, always rather recommend buying from a reputable, recommended source which people can advise you with here. Why take chances?


Jul 31, 2014
Has he shown you the colour change? All I see is sunlight portion.

You have a 3 day window review period, which if the expert can verify measurements and etc, should be able to tell you whether the stone matches the AIGS memo.

Do not be taken in by the word "wholesale". If it is truly wholesale, the vendor will not be selling it directly to you. I see a bit of a bowtie and a small window, which many will forgive. What I am more concerned with is clarity issues. You can see it more clearly in the backside up picture. I can spot them in the face up pictures as well. I don't know how visible they will be in person under normal viewing distance.

This. I would want pics/video of the color change. The word "wholesale " is meaningless.

I also worry it will be dark IRL so I would want pics or video in natural light (shade or indoors)


Jul 18, 2020
Has he shown you the colour change? All I see is sunlight portion.

You have a 3 day window review period, which if the expert can verify measurements and etc, should be able to tell you whether the stone matches the AIGS memo.

Do not be taken in by the word "wholesale". If it is truly wholesale, the vendor will not be selling it directly to you. I see a bit of a bowtie and a small window, which many will forgive. What I am more concerned with is clarity issues. You can see it more clearly in the backside up picture. I can spot them in the face up pictures as well. I don't know how visible they will be in person under normal viewing distance.

Not really such a thing as wholesale anymore, and the people who sale to trade only as wholesalers ask more for their stones than what you can buy on the internet. People would be shocked at some of the pricing. One reason brick and mortar retail is so high, because they buy from wholesalers, not origin sources.


Jul 18, 2020
Found my absolute dream stone on gem rock auctions (of all places)!

Seller was extremely responsive (I decided to contact him through instagram). He is extremely transparent, has AIGS certification on this stone that can be checked online (all descriptions link up with what has been certified), has given me a very straightforward price ($1200 per ct), very clear on shipping, is happy to accept returns, and has 100% positive feedback on over 1200 sales on gemrockauctions. He is also a verified seller.

I am a complete novice. I want to buy a wholesale sapphire so I can get more bang for my buck. But I don't want to be ripped off! My biggest concerns is that the stone is real and verified, but I won't be sent the real stone, but rather a fake. :confused:

The seller assured me that I can pay through PayPal which has buyers protection. Meaning that funds aren't released until I receive and am satisfied with the stone, and have the cover to withdraw those funds if I can prove that the stone is not as described/return it. I intend on taking it to an expert as soon as I receive it to verify.

Is buying any expensive stone from gemrockauctions a complete rip-off, or can I actually do this? HECK.jpeg

I looked at the enlarged video on the link. There are at least four feather inclusions under the crown. One looks like it might go under the table a very short way.

These may be hard to see with the crown faceting camouflaging them, but then again that is a coin toss. you may be able to see them. The main thing is to find out of they reach the surface. If not, it should be no problem setting as Sapphire is a tough stone. Look at all the Emeralds they set that look like they could crumble.

Go for $800.00 a carat and see if you get a bite.
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Apr 30, 2005
I am a complete novice. I want to buy a wholesale sapphire so I can get more bang for my buck. But I don't want to be ripped off! ...

Tell him you are a wholesaler too, and want to sell it to a wholesaler, who wants to sell it to a wholesaler too, who is also a ...

IOW, work with a retailer instead of a liar.
(S)he's more likely to be honest.
If this guy's lying about one thing, why believe him about anything else?

Please slow down.
Don't buy anything till you advance beyond your self-described status of "a complete novice".
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Mar 3, 2018
Is buying any expensive stone from gemrockauctions a complete rip-off, or can I actually do this?

I think you'll be OK. May be a bit undersaturated but I like that hue and tone. The dimensions make me a little concerned for window -- but it will face up quite large. For unheated, decent cut, and Malagasy origin, I think it's a fair price. (Others here will know pricing better.) And I agree with all the comments above about the "sales tactics."

I think the return window is too short. I would line up the expert now. My city has a thousand appraisers but there are only one or two that (seem to) know anything about colored stones.


Tell him you are a wholesaler too, and want to sell it to a wholesaler, who wants to sell it to a wholesaler too, who is also a ...

IOW, work with a retailer instead of a liar.
(S)he's more likely to be honest.
If this guy's lying about one thing, why believe him about anything else?

Please slow down.
Don't buy anything till you advance beyond your self-described status of "a complete novice".

The word "wholesale" is so off-putting I refuse to interact with anyone who uses it in buying/selling capacity to me as a solo consumer anymore. It took getting ripped off twice as a total noob to reach that mindset.


Jul 22, 2024
This post was so long ago the stone has been purchased or not long ago, but I wanted to chime in with my two cents.

$1200 per carat is very expensive. Establishing that value will be difficult if you can't establish what clarity, cut quality, and exact color is being offered.
I hear you if you don't want to pay some huge retail markup and are more interested in the stone than in 'designer' jewelry. You're likely to pay too much for a color change sapphire for the same reason as a huge retail markup if it's not a well-established brand--no one knows what it's supposed to be worth.
They are nearly always real because it's not difficult to identify sapphire and no one will try to rip you off that way. The question is quality. Please don't pay top dollar for anything just because it's real. I winced a little bit thinking of stones I've seen priced lower than something with the same chemical composition with a decent photograph. Although it's expensive at that price it means that other people have it too. If you do some poking around a metro area or online you should be able to find gemcutters, jewelers, and dealers who will work with you to find your dream gem not sight unseen.


Jul 22, 2024
If it's the look you want, I've bought color changing stones on gem rock auctions that are remarkable in that aspect and very beautiful, they look similar to the photo and cost less than $50, because they are not sapphire although they are untreated earth mined gemstones. When you mentioned $1200 per carat it definitely sounded like there were many to choose from, that are cut to maximize weight, that's one problem I've seen on that site.


Feb 26, 2024
Just to chime in, I've already bought from this seller (through auctions, his items prices are very high but I guess you can always negociate) and the stones have always been as shown : contrary to a lot of people on this platform, they don't cheat with the lightning and the videos. Got two pieces certified by Lotus, which came back exactly as advertised. Not the best stones (windows) but some good deals.
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