
Losing Stones- Anyone Care to Make Me Feel Better?

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
Honestly guys I feel sick that I lost another gemstone. A few weeks ago I was wearing my 3.6 reddish/purple spinel in a gemstone holder (the ring type) and poof it was gone! My house (not to brag, it is a sickness) is spotless so the only explanation I could come to is that it came out of the holder and the dog ate another gemstone. I checked his stool when I was home, but 4 out of 7 days DH walks him and no he is not going to check his stool. I have moved appliances, and took a flashlight to every crevice in the house and still it was not found.

I am happy my dog did not get sick but really disappointed in how careless I have been once again. DH enabled me to buy another similar spinel to replace my loss, but until I see it who knows if it as nice as the one I lost. And I loved, loved, loved the one I lost.

Has anyone else done this once or even thrice (like me)? I am starting to think I should not be trusted with gems and should give the hobby up.
Aw, that sounds so disappointing. I'm sorry to hear about your spinel. Maybe the new one will be even better! Don't give up your hobby, though.
Lisa, So sorry you lost your stone. Many of us here advise never ever to use those ring gemstone holders because stones always pop out of them, and they chip stones. I've lost a couple of stones before, but found them days later, so don't give up hope. You may still find your spinel. I lost them because they were in 18K gold, and the prongs were too soft.
I don't lose them. My practice is dropping and cracking them. My son laughs at me now, because he knows whats coming and can't believe I am not more careful. I swear there was one time right after he had told me to look out, that my arm, with the stone on the back of my hand, involuntarily flung itself into a doorway, the gem bounced right off and landed smack on the tile floor 4' below. :o I mean how could I possibly be so uncoordinated? Anyway, for a while after something like this happens, I am sooo careful, and then I start sliding back into bad habits, with my son shaking his head in disbelief when it happens...

Oh and I am so so sorry to hear about your stone - I would be on a poop hunt every day for a 3.6ct spinel!
Oh no, I hope it shows up. ~3 ct spinels are the soft spot for me.
Hope you find it soon!
My pup takes my stuff and hides it in his crate. He took my wallet, and my appleTV remote and hid them in his crate under his blanket. He's a little clepto! Thankfully he hasn't actually harmed anything, but I looked everywhere for my wallet ALL DAY and didn't find it until I went to wash his blanket. Didn't even realize the appleTV remote was gone!

My point is, it could turn up at any time, and anywhere!

I really do hope you find it, and preferably not in excrement! :shock:

edited to add:
Cute puppies always make me feel better, so you can borrow mine for a bit:

I hope it turns up soon.

DK :))
Thanks guys! :) I am snuggled up with BailyC's pup and feel a little better now.
BaileyC: I've cracked multiple stones so can I get some puppy love and cuddle too?!! Granted, none of mine was a large spinel but still...
Oh no poor you. If it's any consolation how about this for stupidity?

I once took a natural pink diamond outside to photograph it. The wind suddenly whipped up and ............. no pink diamond.

Oh and currently, we are short of one phone. We've searched the entire house and it's nowhere to be found (and we don't have a dog or cat so can't blame it on them)!.
Lisa, I totally get it........and I'm obsessively careful. Over the weekend I took my sparkles outside to see them in the sun. Thinking I'd better be careful I took them to the newly mowed grass instead of the concrete/pavers. There I stood admiring my gems when I looked up and my hand moved. I saw one (a spinel) fall into the grass and astonishingly 'disappear'. :roll: Putting the others down I returned to hunt for my stone. I could not believe how much it seemed to snuggle and move in the grass! I did find it, but not before I had cursed myself inside out and spent time hunting and sweating for it.
I hope you DO find your spinel........they can migrate and hide really well. Just keep yourself open to that possibility and expand your hunt area all the way to walls or carpet in every direction from where you were. Hoping it will show itself sooner or later....
Has anyone tried using UV lights to look for lost stones? The fluorescence in a dark room might be easier to see. Just a thought :)
we often suggest waiting til dark (or turning off the lights) and using a flashlight, but a UV light is a first I think.
Oh no I hope you find it soon!

I haven't lost a gemstone but I did accidentally throw out a 22ct gold necklace that my grandma gave me. I had put it in a jewellery box to "keep it safe" hidden under the display panel. I acidentally turfed the box during one of my spring cleaning moods months later, not realising anything was inside. I felt sick for a month and still feel sad when I think about it. It was the only piece of jewellery I had from my grandma. :((
airplay355|1430276384|3869440 said:
Has anyone tried using UV lights to look for lost stones? The fluorescence in a dark room might be easier to see. Just a thought :)
So sorry to hear this. If your stone has fluoro, this is a great idea, if not, just a regular torchlight in the dark works better.
I smashed a huge chunk out of a fairly expensive gemstone on the weekend. Does that make you feel any better? I was totally p@#*ed off with myself....
This is going to sound ridiculous, but after I lost a very important thumb drive several people suggested a St. Anthony statue buried upside-down in the back yard with the promise to unearth when the lost item is returned. I was absolutely certain it was gone for good, but with nothing to lose I tried it anyway. A couple weeks later it turned up in my mailbox with a note from someone who had found it on the dance floor of the bar 3 weeks after I'd lost it there. This little man now has a place of honor in my kitchen.

Anyway, good luck an I hope it turns up for you!
minousbijoux|1430279244|3869461 said:
we often suggest waiting til dark (or turning off the lights) and using a flashlight, but a UV light is a first I think.

Good idea. To find one of my stones, as I suspected it was in my car on the floor somewhere, I went in the garage, turned off every single light, and brought a small flashlight. I saw something sparkle under the car seat, and there it was! It was also a 3 carat spinel. It didn't have UV fluor, but I think I would have found it much more easily if it did.

My other stone was in a cookie bag! I was munching on a cookie, and it fell off in there. I saw something orange in the cookie bag, and there it was. It was a six carat spessartite, so you can imagine the grief if I lost it for good, but it does happen.

You never know!

In any case, please stop using those stone/ring holder things Lisa, they're awful, and for everyone, make sure your prongs are secure and the stone isn't rattling. I was so worried that I had extra prongs added to the spinel ring, and I also added thicker or additional prongs to some settings where I felt they needed them.
I'm so sorry, Lisa. :(sad <hugs> I have done this, but I sit on our king bed when I open stones. And I freshly make the bed before doing so, so that if the stone does pop out I have an easier time finding it.

Keep your chin up, keep looking, and I'm sure it'll turn up. Although we don't have a dog, I do have a hilarious picture of my son wearing bunny ears...if you think that might cheer you up. ;)
I hope you find it. lots of dust!!

In 2009 I lost a ridiculously beautiful 6x7 red spinel, and unless I tear up the deck there's no retrieving that one! (fell right through the slats) that was the last time I took loose stones outside.
Last week I pulled one out of a pair of Jeff Davies sapphires to see if it was the right size for a new project. I tripped, and whoops, down the sink.... It wasn't a diamond, so I didn't call the plumber. I was pretty ticked at myself!
Oh no! Hugs for you and hope you find it soon.
Oh no! I have a good idea. Get one of those cheap LED UV flashlights from a big department store. At night, turn all the lights off and search everywhere. My natural purple spinel glows like crazy and yours might too! Best of luck.
Sorry. I should have read through the whole thread. Others thought of this first!
You might want to look in the trap of the sink. My wife lost her wedding band down the sink and it was just hanging out in the trap. I had it back in less than 5 minutes. It's worth a look :)
Not that this will make you feel better but I lost a whole Ziploc bag of fine jewelry - things I didn't wear because they needed to be resized, fixed. etc. Rubies, jade, mabe pearls, etc.. At the time, I didn't have a local bench. So I packed them all up to take to a jewelers down by my parents over the holidays a few years ago. I was so proud of myself for finally getting to it. Anyway, I got down there and couldn't find the bag in my assumed I left it back home. Got home..nothing. All I can think is that in my haste to pack, I threw it in a garbage bag full of Christmas presents and it was left at the bottom. But I still hold hope that someday it will appear (I'm not as organized as you are) and that your stone does as well.
Oh no, these are scary stories! I hope you all find your stones and jewelry.
Any luck finding it?
Lovinggems|1430548967|3870998 said:
Any luck finding it?

Sadly no. When I lost it I looked everywhere at least four times in daylight and in the dark with a flashlight. I took the trash bag outside, and went through the trash while wearing gloves. Then later I did it again with a flashlight. I checked every drawer, moved every piece of furniture and every appliance. Checked in the couch cushions. Checked every stool from my little dog (but hubby had taken him to the park for walks so those I could not check). Checked the dryer vent. Went into the yard in the dark with a bright flashlight and checked the grass. Then as suggested I checked the trap of my kitchen sink. Also checked my purse, and my work bag.

Nada. :(

I wish I hadn't lost it because I know I won't find another one like it. Thanks everyone for making me feel better though. :)

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