
Lost diamond, then found GOG


Apr 28, 2014
Hi all,
I just wanted to thank everyone here for their valuable advice while I was trying to replace the engagement ring I lost. I settled with my insurance company, which went very well, and then before purchasing, I found my engagement ring (lodged in the lining of my pocketbook after falling off due to weight loss:) ) In my search I was able to use all the valuable advice here and went to every brick and mortar to see what shape stone I liked until focusing my true efforts with online vendors recommended here (whiteflash) and lastly making a trip to "Good Old Gold". Well it is true! What a difference a ideal or excellent cut diamond can make. I sensed I would see that when I went to Good Old Gold, and boy did I ever. There diamonds are amazing. I questioned whether I wanted another after going to several other stores (Jared's, Zales, Littman's etc), but once I was at GOG there was no question. I wanted another!! My old diamond was GIA I color and a good stone. I loved it because my husband gave it to me, but the quality at GOG blows away the average diamonds out there! I do think mine is above average but ideal is ideal. I met Johnathan and worked with his son David. He, like his Dad Is super nice and at no point did I feel pressured. He answered my emails right away, and I bombarded him with questions before visiting, he was never impatient or unkind. He really was attentive to what I wanted, liked and didn't like and tries very hard to work within your budget. The ASET machine is very cool, and they pull it out for you to view each diamond you look at. I found that to be very helpful...and fun!!

Well after visiting the store, I found my diamond and have very mixed feelings. Happy because it is lovely and it is what my husband picked out, and a little disappointed because I won't be getting one of GOG's gems (what can I say, I am being honest). However, I decided after my ordeal with losing it, I would treat myself to a new setting (as old one is way too big anyway) and of course going to GOG. I loved Lynda who I met there as well(she works with settings) and I felt very comfortable in the store. It's really a great place, prices are competitive with the internet sellers and top notch beautiful quality stones with a large variety!!

I am considering a recut of my stone and will consult with them on that, however it's a 1.5 round, good polish, good symmetry, I color GIA with depth of 62.4 and table 62. It is very pretty and I sense it may not be advisable to go below thee 1.5 mark in terms of value of the stone. However, I am going to look into that with them.

Well, even though I won't be buying another diamond right now for GOG, I wanted to at least let others know, just like I learned here, of my experience at GOG. Thanks again everyone, this forum is a wonderful source for us non-experts!
A little footnote: I am sending the money back to the insurance company and my agent told me that I was the third or fourth person in his 25 years to do so :) Well maybe there will be a big diamond waiting for me in the sky one day :saint:
I will tell you that I had a 1 ct stone recut to .80, and I'd far rather have an ideal cut stone in a smaller size than one that is larger and not! I do have my original diamond but my upgraded diamond came from GOG as an anniversary gift. Many people get a new diamond for an anniverary and reset the original diamond in a pendant or even a three stone right hand ring. So you don't have to give up your dream of having one of GOG stones eventually! Happy for you that you found your original stone, though!
That's great that you were able to have a recut and only lose .2 weight! Was it a big difference ? I'm so curious to know the details! Were you nervous about damage? Did it look smaller after or did brightness compensate and what was the stone like before recut? Thanks!! Any details are appreciated!
I'd be happy to hear the details too! Good for you on your honesty! Now when you lose your $150k diamond they'll believe you. :eek:
lostdiamondsad|1398734116|3662308 said:
A little footnote: I am sending the money back to the insurance company and my agent told me that I was the third or fourth person in his 25 years to do so :) Well maybe there will be a big diamond waiting for me in the sky one day :saint:

My Mom got insurance compensation before finding her lost earrings. Your story made me miss her! She sent the money back much to the consternation of her friends.[one said - "I would have sent them the earrings!" ]
I'm proud of you both :appl: