
Matching old cut side stones...the struggle is REAL!


Sep 24, 2009
I have found 1 side stone that I think will be a good match for my center OEC, but unfortunately they don't have another matching stone for it. Should I buy it and try to find a match or should I wait and try to find a pair? For those of you who have three stone (Old Cut stone) rings, did you source your own stones and if so how long did it take you to find a matching pair that you were happy with? If someone else sourced the stones for you, please share who? TIA :devil:
The struggle is real! I think it depends on your tolerance for how well they match. I’m OK with stones being complimentary which makes things a little easier. Finding a near perfect match is for sure more challenging. Have you looked at earrings? Might be an easier way to find matching stones, but then you pay for settings you may not be able to reuse. Can we see pics and the stats for what you have and the potential purchase? Maybe a WTB in the PL forum will help find a match.
For sure, it depends on your tolerances.
seeing the mismatch on paper, is different than seeing it in person, as well.
Then - seeing the mismatch with the naked eye vs macro photos is another test.
until you’ve seen this type of (mis) matching in person, I think it’s hard to guess what you will/won’t tolerate.

For mine- (and I did it backwards - chose my sidestones first)
After returning a pair from one vendor, and not seeing too many more at all already matched around other vendors to choose from -
I matched out three pairs from looking at OWD’s spec listings, asked to see them so I could choose.
Only got to see one pair, and that’s the ones I ended up with.

-choosing to be patient for the perfect match
Doing the search yourself vs sending to vendor to have them search
Choosing what spec to be lenient on, if you choose to settle,
All are tough!

Curated well matched pairs are a hot commodity and priced that way?

If you found one great to match - I’d be very tempted to snag it and wait for another to pop up. Set a time limit you are ok with and if it doesn’t pan out, select a vendor to source you one to coordinate with the one you found. You’ll have more costs tied up in shipping/possible returns - but then maybe it won’t if you find a pair that might be priced at a premium? Hard to predict.
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I have always had a vendor help me. Typically I have ended up with a center stone and one side stone. Usually, as in every time, for me, I ended up needing help finding one matching side stone. For myself, the effort of trying to find that is not worth the time. I have always simply sent my stones off to the vendor that is going to be doing the setting and asked for their help.
It is hard but if you found one perfect match for your center stone I say go ahead and get it as long as you can be patient and wait for the other match. It can be done. One PSer I know was very patient and got the studs of her dreams by getting one diamond and waiting a few years to find the perfect match. She did it and it was a long wait but it was worth it to her.

If you don't think you want to be patient (it could happen fast but it might not and you just won't know how long it will take) you can enlist the help of a vendor like Adam @oldworlddiamonds. He is super helpful and has access to a huge inventory of wonderful old cut diamonds.