
May Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Happy May. Some of you are already enjoying spring / summer weather but I know at least Sharon and I are still looking forward to leaving the cold, wind and snow behind and having some nicer days. If Marty would start playing golf after work I know I’d be more ambitious to get out for an evening walk. Of course first we need some warmer weather and less hurricane strength winds.

I mentioned in one of my posts earlier about craving chicken parmesan but I had to come up with a substitute for that since I can’t eat chicken. In order to eat healthier we all have tricks and substitutes to help cut calories, fat and sugar. What things do you do?

I buy the 45 calorie slice bread, I buy baked chips, I buy 100 calorie snacks so even if I do have a snack it is very controlled. I used to get fat free cheese but we both decided we don’t like it in baked or cooked foods to now I buy low fat but we just eat less of it. I always buy lean cuts of meat and use the 96% lean hamburger. I use cooking spray instead of oil. We eat low fat ice cream as an evening treat. I keep baggies of raw veggies cleaned up and ready to eat in our produce drawer. I prefer real butter over spread but save it only for a few things and try to use it in moderation. We make our own pizza using low fat cheese and meat plus lots of veggies. Summer is nice because we can all get fresher produce not only in the stores but at farmer’s markets. I’ll take a big bowl for fresh fruit over almost anything else.

Of course there are just some foods that there is no substitute and I try to stay away from them or save them for a special treat.

Our lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer will be here soon. We of course won’t be lazy we’ll be out there burning off some calories. As for crazy - well I won’t try to make any claims in that area. Ha Ha.

Have a great day.

Good evening! Good topic, marcy. I have gotten to the point that I crave fresh fruits and veggies, so I always make sure I have a nice variety stocked in the house. If I want something crunchy (which hasn't been for a while), I'll make a bag of light popcorn or eat a serving of baked chips. I have to be sure to measure the serving on my food scale, or I won't stick to one serving! Since I count points and have a very limited number of them, I have learned to try to make everything I eat count. Mostly I try to focus on the "filling foods" which aren't many points because of their nutritional value, and you actually feel like you've eaten something rather than had a bunch of empty calories (which always makes me feel guilty). I do really well during the week, so I splurge on a sinful dessert & tall beer or two on the weekends.

marcy - I hope your weather clears up soon. We had a really nice, fast walk this evening before it started raining again. It was 74 outside, and lots of people in the neighborhood were out working in their yards or playing with their kids. I love spring! It's going to be cold and rainy tomorrow...our grass is so green and lush. We do have a lot planned for our house this year. We have lived here almost 13 years, and the house was new when we bought it. The lady who had it built ended up getting married and never living here. We put down hardwood floors on the whole 1st floor the first year, and we had the entire interior painted (I know you love pink, but I'm not a pink person and the entire downstairs, 2-story foyer, and hallways upstairs were powder pink. I couldn't take it!), and we have done nothing other than maintenance in almost 13 years. This poor house is due for an upgrade!

Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I have a hair appointment right after work, so we usually leave the house at 7am and get back around 8:30 pm. I plan to fix soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner since it will be ugly outside, but we may end up picking something up on the way home. We had spaghetti & salad for dinner tonight, and I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. I have been buying fresh spinach for salads rather than lettuce since it is softer and easier to chew. Funny how you adapt to things! Have a great day tomorrow!
Deegee, I had to laugh when you said you haven’t been craving something crunchy for quite awhile. I am looking for soft food all the time now too. I ate my dry cheerios this morning - but very slowly. Very good point about making every calorie count. Filling up on low calorie food can make a big difference for curbing hunger and cravings. Glad you guys got out and enjoyed the nice spring weather tonight. Yes, I do like pink but I don’t think I’d like it on my walls. We’ve been in our house 16 years and we bought it new. We need to do a few more things here too. I hope your long day tomorrow goes by quickly.

I started my penicillin today. I don’t know that my mouth is any better but my sinuses cleared up by noon. I can breathe out of my nose. Yippee!

Work was interesting today. I gave all 5 of my employees their annual performance appraisals. One girl I had to bring up how much time she spends on personal things at work. I flat out told her - if I have to leave I will recommend the other guy who can do my job as my replacement because she sets a bad example. We’ll see if she improves. I think last Thursday she spent over 2 hours out of the room socializing or on her phone.

I also got assigned to a task committee that will be reviewing scheduled maintenance plans so no one makes a mistake. I will be a full time job for at least 90 days - I don’t have the time to take on another full time job PLUS I worry I’ll have no idea what I am doing (at first). I’ll be working with 20 other people one from 20 different departments. I am not looking forward to that. At least we are going in to our slow months.

Food was mostly good today except for a decadent chocolate frosted peanut butter cookie. I had cheerios and peaches for breakfast, leftover pasta and steak for lunch and we had veggies, hamburger patties and oven fries for supper.

I discovered Marty’s point and shoot camera takes better closeup photos than mine does so I took a ton of photos of my new ring this morning. I asked him if we could swap cameras but since mine is pink I got a negatory response on that request.

Take care.
Whoa! Sorry I crapped out on the last thread (April HLT)...I am back!

I managed to lose a couple lbs during the past two weeks by steering clear of pasta and bread and cheese, but my tummy was going crazy! Worked in more fiber in the form of TJ's flaxseed infused tortilla chips and that seemed to get me back to normal. Too many fruits and veggies at once will wreak havoc on your innards! Sorry for TMI!

Marcy, love your new stone, it's gorgeous!

Along with recent dietary changes, I've been walking to and from work again and that has contributed to my weight loss as well (plus muscle gain--my calves are firming up again!) but unfortunately we're having so much rain here that I won't be able to walk to work this week probably... boo. I hated today, it rained all morning, all day (I was off work) and all night, so no chance for a walk at all. It left me feeling very dejected and anxious! I want to work out! There is no place to work out really in our house, either. Once we move to the new one (Memorial Day weekend) I will have lots of space, though. :appl:

Will try to catch up on everyone else soon! Until then, thanks for the welcome and take care! :wavey:
Monnie, yay for losing a few pounds and toning up those calf muscles. That is great you’ve been able to walk to work. Boo for rain keeping you in doors. How exciting to be moving to a bigger house. You’ll enjoy that plus moving definitely burns off calories.

So far I have not received any further notice about the task team I am being put on. My director pulled me aside today to tell me if it does turn out to be a full time job he’ll replace me on it. That was good to know.

I can chew slow churned ice cream on my left side. Woo hoo!

I left roast in the crock pot today with baked potatoes on time bake in the oven. How wonderful to have supper ready when we got here. Marty was going to make himself some gravy and the shaker for the thickener kind of blew up on him and we have gravy makings everywhere. I told him “nice splatter pattern”. He cleaned up quite a bit of it, I kept finding more when I cleaned up the dishes. I think we’ll be finding stuff for awhile. I was giving him a hard time he doesn’t know how to properly use Tupperware.

Well, take care and have a great evening.
marcy - you and I sound like we're in the same boat, being pulled out of our jobs for a full-time project. I wasn't expecting my full-time project work to start so soon, but realized when I got the email not to take time off June 2-August 5 that dang - it's starting! I think there will be a reprieve August-December, and then to the project full-time for who knows how many years. I have so much that I need to do before June 2. Argh. I'm with you on the feeling like you don't know what you're doing. Maybe they'll put someone else on your project if you don't want to do it. (I'd be jealous) Poor Marty - he's had a few cooking accidents, hasn't he? At least this one didn't involve burns or anything...just a mess.

monnie - it seems like it has rained forever here! We haven't been able to walk every day like we're used to. When we do walk, it's during a break in the rain. I've noticed lots of people have been walking anyway with umbrellas or raincoats, but I don't want to walk the dog in the rain because she gets really stinky! I hope your tummy is back to normal. I eat lots of fresh fruits & raw veggies and my belly feels kind of yucky sometimes. Yay for moving into a new house and more room. Woo-hoo!

It rained again today, but cleared up this evening so we could take our walk. It's only in the 30's outside, after being in the 80's earlier in the week. We had soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner again (which is also what I had for lunch). Poor Matt-he's been such a trooper eating all this soup because he knows I'm having a hard time chewing. We went to TCBY for a treat afterwards, and drove by a house that we had been thinking about going to see. The neighborhood was awesome, but the house really is too big for the two of us. It's about 1200 sq ft more than we have, and we weren't looking to go bigger! We'd like to get our house updated before we seriously start looking anyway. I'm off to bed. I'm cold and sleepy, and can't wait to cocoon myself in my blankets in my toasty warm bed. Have a great day tomorrow!
Hi. I was mostly bored at work today so that made for a long day. I needed to get Mother’s Day cards so I could send one of to my MIL so I ran out and got some cards and then picked up tacos for us for supper (I had to get soft shell even though they are more calories). After we ate I got the card ready to send so ran back to the post office. I told Marty when I got home I am going to have to leave my ring here when I drive all that sparkly is far to distracting when I am driving. LOL. I picked him up a blizzard and me a small soft serve for a treat tonight.

Tomorrow Marty is off to our corporate offices for a meeting with a senior VP. I hope it is a good thing. Wish us luck on that. He wants to leave between 7 to 7:30 so I’d best get around quickly so he can drop me off at work or I’ll have to drive the big truck. Aak.

I took some macro shots of my ring tonight using my digital SLR, light box and tripod. After about an hour of work I got 3 pictures I like. Too funny.

Deegee, that is nice you get a reprieve for a few months but rats that you’ll go back on it for a long time after December. I didn’t hear a peep today about that task force but I am sure it didn’t magically go away. I keep finding more splatter everywhere in the kitchen and I swear I tried to clean it all up last night. It sounds like it got chilly there for you. That is great Matt is eating soft food with you. Marty likes the crunchy stuff but he’s had quite a bit of soft food recently too. Is your jaw feeling any better?

Well, I’d best get to bed so I won’t be tempted to hit the snooze alarm in the morning. I don’t want to drive the big truck.

Take care.

marcy - I hope everything went well for Marty at the corporate office. Did you get moving early enough? Your comment about leaving your ring behind while driving is too funny. Just wait until the next time you fly. My ring goes nuts on a plane. Matt actually told me once to turn it the other direction because it was distracting him. You just reminded me that we forgot to get my MIL a card...oops. Thanks for asking about my jaw. The spot that was fractured is healing well, but has a scar and a knot. I'm having problems with the other side at the joint, right around my ear. I forgot to wear my mouth splint last night and was sorry today. How's yours? I hope you're getting better. Are the antibiotics helping?

We haven't walked yet tonight, but we will. It's cold, but not raining so we have to take advantage of it. I'm taking off tomorrow to await delivery of my new appliances. Woo-hoo! We had grilled chicken, broccoli and corn for dinner. We've been eating stuff from the freezer this week so we don't have to try to store things while the new fridge cools down. I had to stop by the Acura dealer on the way home tonight because I found a nail in one of my tires. Grrrr.... I have had to put air in it 3 times in the last 2 weeks, which really stinks since I have only had my car for 4 months. I hope the plug lasts! The nice technician washed my car for free. That was very kind, and I needed that today! Matt's root canal didn't go so well today. He had a complication and it took almost 2 hours to get done, and he's feeling really lousy tonight. He's staying home with me tomorrow, so hopefully some rest will help. Have a great Friday!
Hi everyone. :wavey: We finally had a pretty decent day here; I wanted to go for a walk so I got in a quick one after dinner. Maybe spring is finally here. Yippee.

I did get up early and Marty dropped me off at work at 7. I hope to go to bed early tonight. Yes, I know - good one but I have good intentions. :bigsmile:

We went out to supper then picked up Marty’s folks mail so I got to run back out to the post office just when the evening sun was perfect for making my diamond sparkle. Funny thing is I have 2 more things to mail so I might just make another quick trip to the post office tomorrow night about the same time.

I got the email today about the task team they put me on. The name works out that the acronym for it is SMaRT. Some people at work call me Smarcy so I found that very funny - Smarcy is on the SMaRT team. LOL.

Deegee, Marty’s trip to corporate went better than I thought it would but we doubt anything will come out of it. A senior VP wanted to see why he is looking for another job. This guy is pretty straight forward and no nonsense. Marty didn’t go in there pointing fingers or whining so they had a decent discussion. Time will tell. Ooh, now I want to go on a plane ride. The restaurant I picked tonight was because they have nice diamond lighting. How funny is that we remember places that make our diamonds sparkle. It sounds like your jaw is about the same as the last time you gave us an update, it seems like you’ve been dealing with it for a long time and I am sure it seems longer to you. Those kind of things just take so long to recover from. Sorry to hear you forgot to wear your mouth guard last night and that it made it worse for you today. My mouth can take a little bit more each day but crunchy food is still out of the question. Sorry to hear about Matt having complications with his root canal. I am sure he is miserable right now. That’s nice you’ll be home with him tomorrow. I hope he recovers quickly. Woo hoo to getting new appliances tomorrow. That is always very exciting.

Tomorrow is Friday.
Howdy from the wild west. :wavey:

I hope you had a great day and are ready for a fun filled and healthy weekend.

Our day started with the Bat Phone going off at 4:11. Marty had to go to work for about an hour. I never really fell back asleep so when he got home we had breakfast and got ready to go back to work. It's been a long day.

I attended the first meeting for the task force. I still have no idea why I am on it. Hey, it'll get me out of the office every morning for an hour. LOL. The best part is it was first listed as a conference call. I called in to the bridge and no one was there. I tried it 3 times. I finally went back to my desk to check my email and found they moved it to a conference room. I showed up about 12 minutes late then. Good way to impress the directors and senior VP, eh? :bigsmile:

Tonight I played with taking some macro shots with my point and shot and Marty's point and shoot. Overall his camera kicked my camera's butt. They have a blue one like his on sale at Office Depot for $109 so I might go buy it. I called them about 8:30 and they said they had one left. I wasn't going to run out and get it that late at night but hopefully they'll still have it first thing in the morning. Since it's Mother's Day weekend I hope it doesn't sell before I get there.

Speaking of Mother's Day - any fun plans? My sister and BIL are coming to town and we are having dinner with my parents.

I'd best get to bed. I need to go dig my laptop tray out of the trash. I just threw it away tonight but my Mac seems to be overheating right now. The fan kicked on the bottom is hot. Oh no!

Take care.
Howdy from the mountains!

Today was frustrating. Matt and I both took the day off to wait for the appliances which were supposed to arrive between 10-2, and then we had planned to get some things done afterwards. The fridge and stove came at 11, at which time we got a call that the microwave and dishwasher would be between 2-5. They were coming from the same place, but the microwave and dishwasher had to be installed and were being brought by the installer. They never came. The installer called at 5 and said he couldn't find them anywhere in the warehouse. And the worst part is that we never got an answer from anyone as to where the appliances are. I guess we'll continue to fight that one tomorrow. The fridge is awesome though! We went grocery shopping tonight and bought tons of food and drinks, and there's still room for more. Woo-hoo! We went to Lowes and bought a light fixture for the master bath (which I hope doesn't take 2 years to get put up like the ceiling fan), and I bought some cute lamps for the night stands. We had hamburgers and beer at a restaurant we hadn't tried before but will definitely be back. That was probably the best hamburger I have ever eaten, and Matt said the same thing about his. I was really bad and had onion rings and tried Matt's fries, both of which were amazingly good. The waitress who brought our drinks said "Holy crap, that's the sparkliest ring I've ever seen!" She said she noticed it from all the way across the room as she was walking towards us. I got a compliment on it at Lowes too. You're right marcy - about knowing the best places to show off your sparklies!

marcy - poor Marty! He's in high demand. I decided to check my work email on my blackberry only once today, but I heard that dang thing buzzing all day. I did get good news, that the person in my department that I wanted to promote to my vacant position was approved. I called to let her know, and she was excited. So, I filled my vacant position...with someone already in my department...which leaves another vacant position. Hee-hee-I just have to laugh! Don't you hate it when meeting plans get changed and you're the last to know? Matt has a pretty good point and shoot. It's a Cannon powershot something or other IS. It takes really good macro photos. I can't believe how cheap good cameras are these days. We're heading home to KY on Sunday for mother's day. I think the plan is to have cook-out type food, although we'll probably be cooking inside because of the weather. Hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad... the first of that kind of meal for the summer. Yummy!

Have a great day tomorrow!
Deegee, have fun in the mountains. Glad you like your new frig but how frustrating to have to wait for your other appliances. Too funny about the waitress noticing your sparkly ring, since yours is bigger than mine I imagine it’s a real sparkler. Sweet. Your burgers sound great too. I would have to say a cheeseburger and fries is one of my favorite meals. Then you get a compliment on your diamond at Lowes - sounds like you had a great day! That is great you got the approval to promote your employee. Good luck filling the vacant position though. Enjoy the cookout tomorrow.

We got up about 7. I made breakfast and did dishes with time to spare since I wanted to get to Office Depot by 9. I spent a great day of my day running errands and working on laundry. Our company has several people in local bands that were playing in the park today so I stopped by for about 30 minutes to hear them. Marty played golf this afternoon and we met for supper when he was done

I got paged in to work at about 3 this afternoon. My employee on call did not answer their cell phone so they escalated the problem to me. This is the 3rd time I can think of this one employee not answering her phone when she is on call. Time to have a “chat” again with her.

Marty is off to Texas for work this week. It’s in the 90’s where he is going.

We had a beautiful day here. I even turned on the air conditioner.

Take care.
marcy - we have another member of our soft food only club. Poor Matt is having the hardest time with his tooth. Apparently his teeth have freakishly long roots, and the roots on the molar he had the root canal on Thursday were so long that they curved around the root of the tooth beside it. The endodontist said it was the most challenging root canal he had ever done. I hope his pain is only temporary because the boy sure doesn't handle pain well. That really stinks about your employee not answering, especially when she's on call. Hopefully your "chat" will help. I have 2 employees who are awesome, and one I have to stay after all the time. He drives me nuts. I hope the week goes by quickly for you since Marty will be out of town. I think Matt will have to go to Louisville this week, but I don't know if it will be a day trip or multiple days.

Today was a very unexciting Saturday. We went to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant, made a quick stop in Lowes and Walmart, and then came back home. It's been raining all evening, so I spent about 2 hours cleaning the master bathroom and doing a few loads of laundry. I was hoping the rain would stop so we could walk, but that's not going to happen. We still don't have an answer to what happened to our missing appliances, and the salesperson said she couldn't look into it until Monday. Grr... I tried to convince Matt that it would be really fun to put up the new light fixture in the master bath, but he didn't buy it. I wonder if I could do it myself. Hmmm.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who are moms.

Deegee, poor Matt. Sorry to hear his roots was so long. I hope it gets better and doesn’t bother him after awhile. That’s love eating soft food with you, huh? I want to go to the movies but keep putting it off until I can eat a little popcorn. I was able to chew and brush a little on the left side yesterday but today it’s reminding me I shouldn’t try such things. LOL. I am down to about 5 penicillin pills. Then we’ll see what happens. I would bet I’ll have more trouble and end up getting a root canal. That is great 2 of your employees are great. I have 2 that are very hard workers but one of those makes quite a few mistakes. My newest employee has been with me over a year but hasn’t gone past very basic beginning knowledge. The other 2 are more worried about their social life than working so it’s rough to keep them focused and busy. I hope Matt feels well enough to travel this week. It sounds like you had a busy and productive day yesterday. Did you attempt the light fixtures? Maybe if you start it and have problems Matt will just finish it for you. That is how my devious mind works.

We got up about 6 am. Sunlight was coming in the windows and I wanted to take pictures but Marty was hungry so I showered then made us breakfast. I made pancakes and cooked Marty some hot sausage. I started to use my Foreman grill to cook his sausage patties because there is a lot less mess that way. I make myself a piece of canadian bacon.

Marty packed and left about 10. We tried to call his mother to wish her a happy mother’s day but she didn’t answer her cell. I will call her later today.

My sister, BIL, a nephew and my parents are all going out to dinner in a little while. My mom made dessert so we’ll go back to their house afterwards. I have a few batches of laundry to do so will get it that when I get home.

Since Marty is out of town this week I dug out my jewel jet so I can steam off my jewelry this week. I usually only use it on weekends.

Take care.

Went to the Yoga studio and did the 1.5 hours class; then ran outdoors for the first time this year! The weather has been improving so I am stoked at get on my bike and do the river walk with my friend. I intend to keep on at the pool until the summer schedule changes and all the kiddies lessons begin; I ususally don't use the pool/gym in July/Aug anyway since i am outdoors all the time and on vacay.

Keep well and fit folks!

Good evening!

marcy - I like your devious mind. I'm thinking I should go downstairs and start flipping breakers, and then when he asks what I'm doing I'll tell him I'm going to put up the light fixture. He'll figure out that I'm bluffing! I'm so lucky that I have my 2 awesome employees. I don't have to worry about them at all because I know they get everything done without me asking twice, and its done correctly. The third - well it's even down to silly things, like weekly timesheets. 2 are perfect, and the other one I have to give back to the guy for corrections - every single week. Every calculation he gives me to check ends up going back for corrections. My 2 ladies - perfect almost every time. I had an internal application within 5 minutes of announcing the promotion/vacancy. I inherited the guy but hired the 2 ladies, so hopefully I have decent judgment. I did hire an intern that I had to fire after a few weeks. She lived a few blocks away and I discovered she was sneaking home. I'm sorry to hear you have to keep a few people focused. Why can't people come to work to work? Did you get your jewel jet out? Oohh - I bet your new stone will sparkle like crazy when you steam clean it! I pulled mine out a few weeks ago but then remembered that I have the bead set stones, and figured I'd probably knock a few out so I put it away. I still haven't had my ring fixed from losing a stone in November, and I was taking one of the flower earrings Matt got me in January out of my ear last night and the post fell off. It's such a pain to have to send things back to be repaired. I miss popcorn. Really bad.

Hi sharon! Glad you're starting to get some outdoor time!

We got a phone call from the installer today and they have found the appliances. They're going to bring them after work Wednesday. Since they made the mistake, they're actually working around our schedule instead of giving us a 4 hour window to be home. We were going to insist on that, but they offered without us getting ugly. I put a pork roast in the crock pot this morning, so we had that, fresh corn on the cob (which I had to cut off the cob), broccoli, and potatoes. I had cantaloupe and yogurt for dessert. It didn't rain at all today, so we're heading out to walk. Have a great day tomorrow!

Sharon, I am glad to hear the weather is getting nicer there and you were able to run outdoors for the first time this year. Sounds like you’ll enjoy the summer.

Deegee, too funny about thinking of flipping breakers to get Matt’s attention. I can’t fool Marty either. I think we both have a few good employees and also those that need frequent supervision. Right now we are slow so I cut them some slack for a few months because generally we all work through breaks and lunches. Wow, I can’t believe that lady would sneak home from work. You wonder about some people and where they got the idea it was okay to do things like that. Yes, the jewel jet really makes my solitaire squeaky clean. I agree that’s probably not a good idea to steam clean bead set stones though. I can’t believe your earring broke. It’s from WF, right? I hope they fix it for free but what a pain to send it off to be fixed. Mmm popcorn. Glad it was nice enough to walk tonight.

We had beautiful weather again today. I went to lunch with a friend and we had time for a quick walk when we got back to work.

I went to work early so I could talk to my boss about the task team I got put on. He was on vacation last week. He came to me this afternoon and said they wanted me to stay on the team for now. Marty said I should talk a lot come up with logical ideas and they’ll kick me off the team. I thought it would be better if I made stupid ideas and talked a lot. Rats. At least that conference room has great lighting for my diamond - it shoots off a lot of fire in there. At least it can keep me entertained while I am bored.

Tonight I got a lot of exercise between the couch and our computer room. I was trying to print out 5 pictures for my mom but they were streaked. I cleaned print heads, changed ink cartridges, printed test pages and wasted about 10 photos. After 90 minutes I finally googled the problem and Mac prints the fastest way which doesn’t work for photos.

Last night I was startled awake about 12:30 because of some noise outside. I think it was a bird getting back in a nest or something like that but it really freaked me out. I finally moved to the other bedroom because there aren’t any trees outside that window. It’s funny the noises I hear when Marty isn’t here. It took me about an hour to get back to sleep too.

I finished my penicillin. I’ve been trying to chew a little bit on the left side and my teeth are not happy with me. I told my friend at lunch I’ll probably just ignore it until it gets massively painful again then go see about a root canal.

Tomorrow I finally get my performance appraisal from 2010. Wish me luck!

Take care. :wavey:
Hi everyone. I got promoted to manager today. Yippee.

I went to lunch with a friend; her boss came along which was kind of strange. He kept getting phone calls and kept leaving then we had to wait for him to finish eating. It was like have lunch with Marty. LOL.

After work I stopped by and visited my parents then went to pick up a few things at the grocery store. I tried a baked potato they have ready to microwave. The suggested time was too long though and it was ruined. Rats. I ate my leftover steak with just veggies.

I am going to lunch with my parents tomorrow, supper with a friend then have a girls night out Thursday. My dance card is full this week. Ha Ha.

I hope all of you had a great day.

ETA: I wrote AGS laboratories online and asked if I could buy an AGS lanyard from them and explained I had a diamond that was cerified by them and added I have an GIA lanyard that I picked up at the Tucson Gem Show. They sent me 2 of them in the mail. Sweet. :appl:
marcy - woo-hoo! Congrats on your promotion!!! You deserve it! Any celebratory bling in mind? I don't blame you for moving to a different room. I'm such a chicken when Matt is out of town, but Lily is a great little companion. She follows me everywhere I go, and I actually sleep better when he's away now that we have her. When we just had the cats - well, they're more chicken than I am. Any little noise and they were under the bed. I'm glad you have a full week planned. The last time Matt was out of town for a few days, my going out buddy was at the beach with her husband and I was bored to death all week.

We had some monster storms this afternoon, which produced pretty large hail and caused flash flooding and mud slides. It's too dark to see the creek behind our house, but I can sure hear it roaring. We're so saturated right now, but I'm sure we'll will be praying for rain later in the summer. We had leftover pork roast made into pork barbecue for dinner, and I tried a new beer for dessert. I can't remember what it is called, but it starts with an L and it's a dark beer. I have an appointment to have my hair straightened tomorrow right after work. My original straightener was supposed to last 3 months, but it has lasted 10. I got my money's worth! Instead of having the Brazilian keratin treatment, I'm having the Brazilian blowout, which isn't as strong from what I understand. My hair still dries straight, but when I'm outside in the humidity it turns back into a fuzzball. My remaining 2 appliances should be delivered tomorrow, and then I can move on to counter tops. I ordered some samples from the company and I'm excited to get them. My niece told me that I was officially really boring. Hee-hee! Have a great day tomorrow!!!

(and congrats again, marcy!)
Thank you, Deegee. I won’t be looking for any new bling - I think I’ve spent enough recently. LOL. I am glad you have Lily to keep you company when Matt is out of town. Wow, it sounds like you had a really bad storm. It is raining here right now and we are expecting snow tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night. You did get your money’s worth out of your last hair straightening. My perms last about 6 - 8 months which is really good. Funny you want straighter hair and I want curlier hair. How exciting to finally get your other appliances tomorrow and then can start looking for counter tops. You are going to love your new kitchen!
Hi everyone. I hope you had a nice and healthy day.

Work wasn't bad. I met my parents for lunch today. I ate half of my sandwich and will have the other half for lunch tomorrow. For supper I went out with a girl friend. We chatted for quite a while then wandered around a few stores.

I am doing a batch of laundry tonight and hope to go to bed a bit early.

We've had a lot of rain and some snow. It was back in the low 30's today. I still just work a fleece and was very sorry with that choice. I turned on my seat heater and steering wheel heat. It was NICE.

Take care.
Greetings from soggy WV.

marcy - if my hair would just be curly, I'd be okay with it. It starts out the day curly, but by lunchtime it doesn't look anything like it did when I left the house. At the end of the day it is huge, and if it's rainy outside - ugh. It is super straight again right now, so I'm right there with you when you're needing a perm! I can't believe you had snow. It was 86 and very humid today. Our house was horribly hot when we got home, so we had to turn on the air conditioner. Glad you are keeping busy with Marty away. Is he coming home on Friday? Did I tell you that when Matt was in Houston, he looked up the address for Whiteflash and took a picture of the building, and then texted it to me with the message "don't you wish you were here???" Mean.

Today was a crazy, lousy day at work. We had a managers meeting that turned into a vent session that lasted for more than 3 hours this afternoon. I had 2 urgent issues that came up at the end of the day, but I had to rush out anyway because I had a hair appointment across town. I was late already, and got almost all the way to the salon and discovered the street I always take was closed. Cops were directing traffic away from it. Because I couldn't turn I had to go through the part of town where you don't want to accidentally go down the wrong street. I finally found my way back to where I needed to be without getting lost too bad, but I really hate to be late. I'm dreading work tomorrow because I have to make 2 unpleasant phone calls, and I've been rehearsing them in my head all evening. We were able to take our full walk tonight (yay - no rain!), and we had leftover pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. I had a ton of points left over because I didn't get lunch today, so I had a snack of Greek yogurt with cherries and a hand full of peanuts. The peanuts were a mistake because they're too crunchy, but I ate them anyway! Have a great day tomorrow!!!!
To copy Deegee, “Greetings from cold and wet Wyoming”. Crazy weather out there these days.

Deegee, I am glad you made it to your appointment okay. It sounds kind of scary. So you have really straight hair right now? I am far too lazy to fix my hair in the morning so I like body perms - I just wash my hair, comb it, shake my head a bit to give my hair some body and I’m done for the day. You were about 50 degrees warmer than we were today. We are getting up in the 50’s tomorrow though. Woo hoo! That is pretty funny about Matt taking a picture of Whiteflash and sending it to you. He and Marty sound so much alike. He should have taken your earring with him. Marty has been in Austin this week. Small world, eh? I hate when I keep rehearsing things in my head for work the next day. I have a hard time falling asleep too because I keep going over it trying to make sure I am ready. Good luck tomorrow. Rats for having crunchy peanuts but your yogurt sounds good.

I spent 2 plus hours today on my task team. We had a conference call where we had to logon to a website and watch what they were talking about. Some poor lady didn’t have her phone on mute and really went on a tirade about how stupid this is. Finally someone told her we could here her and you hear a click that someone hung up and we didn’t hear anymore. I told my friends tonight I would have at least said “D’oh” first to add some levity to the situation. I felt bad for her.

One of my employees was out sick but since we are a little slow right now that gave the other employees a little more work to do.

After work I went to Olive Garden with some girl friends. We split a bottle of wine, talked a lot and ate a more than we should. All of us took a ton of food home but we did manage to polish off our desserts. I had the lemon cream cake, Marty isn’t a fan of lemon so that is one dessert we never split. I am pretty full right now but for lunch I had 1/2 a sandwich and strawberries.

Marty gets home tomorrow. Yippee!

Take care. Have a great Friday.
Hi everyone. I got to take 2 walks at work today. Woo hoo! It was pretty decent out so I got in a few laps around the parking lot.

Marty got home this afternoon. He is happily playing WOW. I warmed up leftover spaghetti and meatballs for supper.

I have no idea what we are doing this weekend. Marty will probably play golf.

I hope you are having a great weekend. :wavey:
Happy Saturday. :wavey:

Winterlike temps returned here today. Rats. We met some friends for breakfast then went grocery shopping. Marty is cookie Indian food for supper with our friends. I've been back to the store twice now - we didn't get our chicken which I noticed right away and went back to get it. Then a few minutes ago Marty got out the lamb to cut up and asked me where the second package was. Back I went. He said he'd go back this time but he'd just buy a new one - I am too cheap. I paid for it once I want it replaced. :bigsmile:

I am baking myself a potato and will warm up half of a steak I had in the freezer.

Marty is hoping to play golf tomorrow. I hope it is nice enough for him.

I cleaned house this afternoon since we are having company.

Take care.
Is it Sunday already? Rats.

I am working on laundry and watching some old Frasiers. Those shows really make me laugh; Niles and Frasier are so pompous.

I made us each a single waffle for breakfast and cooked Marty some bacon. I am making some mini meatloaves and potatoes au gratin for lunch today. Woo hoo for leftovers for lunch too.

Marty's Indian food was a hit last night. Those guys ate pretty much all of it and were so full they didn't want dessert which of course saved me calories then. Woo hoo!

We played cards till about 11. Marty stayed home today since it's kind of chilly / rainy here today. No golf for him but he's playing WOW.

I hope you have a great day.

marcy - I cracked up when I read about the person who didn't mute the phone. That is too funny. We had a pre-bid meeting which was really long and boring a few weeks ago with representatives from various companies who plan to bid on the job of designing our new computer system. Towards the end of the meeting, the project manager on our staff asked if anyone would like to take a break. A co-worker, who is as excited to be on the project as I am, piped up "Oh good grief! Can we not just get this over with? This is taking too freaking long, and it's boring me half to death." We had about 30-40 people there from companies like Oracle and Deloitte. We (the project members) were sitting in the front of the room facing them, and she said it to be heard by all. I was really embarrassed. Yes, my hair is really straight again. This one was supposed to be less strong, but tell that to my hair! I have tons of layers, so it isn't quite as flat to my head as the last time, but it is straight. I LOVED the show Frasier. It was one of my favorites. I have never tried Indian food. I wouldn't have a clue what to eat!

It's raining, raining, raining...always raining. The temperatures are back into the 40's and 50's this week with more rain. My achy back and joints are protesting. I did nothing but read yesterday, and today I did some laundry and straightened up the house a little. The cleaning crew comes tomorrow, so the house will be nice to come home to. We went to a local restaurant for dinner and I had a grilled pork chop with apple butter, veggies, and a tall glass of Dead Guy Ale for dinner. We went grocery shopping afterwards and I spent some time cutting up fruit and veggies for the week. I'm so not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. I need more days off! When my nephew started kindergarten several years ago, he made the very wise statement that somebody set the week up wrong. Too many days on and not enough days off. Smart kid.

Have a great week!
Deegee, I guess some people just crack in those long, boring meetings. Something I do when I am frustrated is I type up obnoxious emails, have a good laugh then never send them. I make sure not to put a "to" address there though in case I get distracted and end up sending it. That would be embarrassing. Sorry to hear you've had a lot of rain and are so achy from the weather. We've had a rainy weekend too. I've been eating Advil because the weather is making me very achy too. I am with your nephew, it would be nice to have more days for the weekend and less days for the work week. The next Stephanie Plum novel comes out June 21st. Sweet.

We were very lazy this afternoon. We watched TV and I read for awhile. I haven't picked up my Kindle for weeks.

Sweet dreams. :snore:
Monday, Monday! I hope you had a great one. :wavey:

I had strawberries and 45 calorie wheat bread toasted for BF. My mid morning snack was cheerios, lunch was leftovers from yesterday and we had burgers on the grill with veggies for supper. I made us little sundaes with slow churned ice cream for dessert.

Weather here today was windy but near 60. The forecast is calling for me rain.

Marty worked till about 6 so I played Angry Birds on my phone.

I am going to read some more tonight.

Take care!
Good evening! Today seemed like one long meeting. I had one 11:30-12:30, 1-2, and 2-4:30. I had yogurt for breakfast, guzzled tomato soup and jello for lunch, and had grilled cheese and chili for dinner. It's not raining right now so we're headed out for a walk, but I don't think we'll get more than 1 or 2 miles in tonight. My back is very angry right now, and I managed to twist my foot today running from one meeting to the next. It's the foot that has been broken, so now it's angry at me too. Mondays.

marcy - I could use a little sundae! We don't have anything sweet in the house right now, so I'm going to pop myself a bag of popcorn when we get back from our walk. Oh yeah, I'm that crazy!! Maybe since I have had nothing but soft food today I'll be okay. How's your jaw getting along? I'm sorry that you're achy too. I feel so old and decrepit sometimes because of the aches. Most of the time it doesn't get to me, but sometimes it just does. I can't wait for the next Stephanie Plum book to come out! I need a good laugh. I read Water for Elephants on Saturday. I bought it because it was cheap in the Kindle store and didn't realize it was now a movie. I guess I need to watch more tv to see ads for movies.

Maybe I'll skip the popcorn and go straight to bed. Have a great day tomorrow!