
#JOTW Meet "Uisce"


Apr 7, 2017
Good Morning, PSers!!!
After months of scrolling (and trolling), and drooling, and sharing, I finally decided to start my own thread to introduce my Engagement Ring (and my Wedding Band-after all, they ARE BFF's)!!
Recently, I posted a thread about how to "name" a diamond. After several hours of debate & discussion, I did some research & I came up with a name that suited my center ER diamond: Uisce
(Pronounced "Ish-ka" or "Oohsh-ka", depending on the dialect)
"Uisce" is Irish Gaelic for "Water".

Background Story:
My DH proposed to me, upon blended knee, on a bridge that overlooks a beautiful lake, in October. The water was clear & still, and it was a beautiful, sunny day. I couldn't have created a more picture perfect scene for a proposal, if I had tried.
When he opened the box, a gorgeous Emerald Cut Diamond stared back at me; clear and mesmerizing...just like the lake. She was absolutely stunning, and I had to close the box to concentrate on him, rather than the hypnotizing sparkler!
From that day on, I have always remembered that day, and how perfect the lake was; how clear & beautiful. Every day I look at my ring, I think how much she resembles the water, and it's mesmerizing qualities; smooth, clear & endless.
My DH & I share many heritages, but the one we chose to integrate into our wedding ceremony was our Celtic Heritage. Inscribed on the inside of our wedding bands (and written on the outside of our ceremonial programs) are the words "Buann gra' gach rud". Translated LITERALLY: "Love Wins Everything". Our slogan throughout our relationship has been "Love Conquers All". We face every obstacle & challenge head on, together, and that has only made us stronger & more united.
When carefully choosing a name for my beautiful, clear Emerald Cut, I decided to follow the Gaelic theme for her name: "Uisce"; "Water". Water is associated with so many other likenesses: fluidity, adaptability, and balance, which I believe defines who he & I are, as a couple. "Uisce" fits, perfectly.

Without further ado, I am completely ecstatic to formally introduce you to Uisce

As you can imagine, choosing just ONE photo, or a "few" to share was painstakingly difficult, and I don't like photo clutter, so, I created a collage of SOME of my favorites of my beautiful Uisce.

Emerald Cut Diamond
G color
SI2 Clarity
VG Cut/VG Symmetry
6.90 x 4.74 x 3.28mm
L x W ratio: 1.45:1
No Fluorescence
(Her certificate does not give me specs on her table, girdle, culet, etc. If an ASET exists, my DH never kept it-he's not a jewelry person *GASP*! lol!)

She is Cut very well, and faces up quite large. Her table is long & slender & creates a very still water effect. The facets sparkle magnificently, and she loses very little to no light for an EC. She dims & brightens in all the right places; her flashes are intense, and blinding. She has beautiful reflective qualities, just like the lake; she is quite impressive for her size.
I can share more details about her setting, mounting, and BFF wedding band upon request; this thread was created just for her.

I should mention that my DH & I did shop together for ideas for my ER, but he was the one who ultimately decided what to purchase.
He was also very involved in the selection of my wedding band.
Considering he is not familiar with jewelry, I think he did an AMAZING job!
OMG beautiful! The set is gorgeous, congratulations!!! What a pretty stone!
Gorgeous and I love the wedding band too
Beautiful ring, and beautiful story! <3
OMG beautiful! The set is gorgeous, congratulations!!! What a pretty stone!
Thank you!! I'm so in love...and she just makes it!! ;)
Beautiful ring, and beautiful story! <3
Thank you, Tourmaline!! I need to check out your threads...your profile photo is enough to make my mouth water!! :love:
Gorgeous and I love the wedding band too
Thank you, Kalmen22!!
The WB was customized to match the ER setting design. My DH insisted they match as a set. Our local jeweler obliged without argument, and I couldn't be more thrilled with the final product! :mrgreen:
Beautiful diamond and band! They look great together. Thanks for sharing!!
Beautiful diamond and band! They look great together. Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you, Poshmommy!! I adore her, and I'm head over heels for the man who selected it just for me!! :mrgreen:
Such a lovely elegant set!
Such a lovely elegant set!
Thank you, Austina! You know how I love your posts of your sparkling beauties!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! ;)
Looking back on your posts of your wife's ER, WTG!!! That Royal Asscher is AMAZING, and it looks so nice in a pink diamond halo! She's a keeper...and so is the!!!
I love this set! Classy and unique and so well done.
I love this set! Classy and unique and so well done.
Thank you, Kylier!
I think DH did a wonderful job!! He knows me so well!!! :mrgreen:
Your rings are just beautiful and I love the story as well! May you live long and prosper!
Your rings are just beautiful and I love the story as well! May you live long and prosper!
So very sweet of you to say, MissGotRocks!!! Thank you so much!!!
How beautiful! My DH and I are the same way. 29 years of total unity. We really never argue, but talk about everything. It works for us.
How beautiful! My DH and I are the same way. 29 years of total unity. We really never argue, but talk about everything. It works for us.
That is wonderful! Congrats on 29 years!!! Blessings for an eternity more!!!
Looking back on your posts of your wife's ER, WTG!!! That Royal Asscher is AMAZING, and it looks so nice in a pink diamond halo! She's a keeper...and so is the!!!

:lol: LOL Thanks! I love your set. We're also crazy for step cuts here! Hoping to own a fancy colored royal asscher one of these days... Coincidentally I also proposed by the lake. And shortly after, while having a picnic, a blue jay gave us its blessings. :lol:
:lol: LOL Thanks! I love your set. We're also crazy for step cuts here! Hoping to own a fancy colored royal asscher one of these days... Coincidentally I also proposed by the lake. And shortly after, while having a picnic, a blue jay gave us its blessings. :lol:
Love it!! :lol:
Contrary to your story, my DH didn't have to ask me what shape/Cut I wanted; I made it very! We had a conversation about marriage, and I told him that, "All diamonds are beautiful, but if you want a 'yes' outta me, it MUST be an Emerald Cut! I don't care what size & I'm not concerned with the setting...but an Emerald Cut Diamond it MUST be!" LMAO! He did a great job! I planted some seeds & he went with my heart's desire! I'm very satisfied! I can't imagine ever changing it. My boss & I had a conversation about upgrades. I told her the only way I'll "upgrade", is if I move my ER to my R hand & upgrade my! I just can't part with this stone!
I started designing a custom Asscher Anniversary Band with my jeweler, last month. They are searching for the diamonds that I need to get the project moving. I told them I want Royal Asschers...not square emeralds. They have to be as close to 1.00:1 l x w ratio as possible...each. This band is going to be off the hook! I'm torn between trellis and u-prong settings, but I'm leaning more toward trellis, now. So many details to finalize! Thank God I have time to get that all pulled together! It will take some time to save the money, and get the project finished, but I know it will be fun, and well worth the wait!! :mrgreen:
Please let us know when you get that Fancy Colored RA!! My heart will stop from shock, I'm certain!! :D
I'm surprised a Blue Jay didn't peck your eyes out for your food, rather than give you its blessing; they are notoriously mean ass! That's most definitely a good sign! :lol-2:
Thank you for the lovely compliments, though. It means a lot to be able to share my babies, and know others appreciate them almost as much as I do! :mrgreen:
Wow royal asschers band??? :eek: I can't wait to see it!!

Are you doing eternity? Half eternity? 5 stones? Omg it's gonna be gorgeous!

I saw a 5+ carats fancy intense yellow royal asscher not too long ago online. Wish I have a money tree! Dies...
Wow royal asschers band??? :eek: I can't wait to see it!!

Are you doing eternity? Half eternity? 5 stones? Omg it's gonna be gorgeous!

I saw a 5+ carats fancy intense yellow royal asscher not too long ago online. Wish I have a money tree! Dies...
The Royal Asscher band is symbolic of our blended family; between the two of us, we have 6 children. Rather than birthstones, I would prefer to have diamonds to represent them. My DH loves the idea, even though he could care less about jewelry. He promised me before we got married that I could customize this ring to symbolize our children. Since 6 is an even number, I have decided to do to symbolize the love that brought our families together, and one for each child. I have a size 5.5-5.75 finger, but my hands swell quite a bit in the humidity, here, so I always get a size 6 ring. This band will likely cover 1/2-3/4 of my finger. What's left of the exposed metal (white gold) will have scroll design & mill grain detail added to match my set. I intend to stick with the round and step-cut theme, and have tiny rounds along some of the prongs, and the others, I'd like to have mill grain detail an alternating pattern, in trellis formation, if that gives you an accurate visual?
I have requested SEVEN 0.20-0.25ct Royal Asscher Diamonds at F-G color SI2-VS2 clarity 1.00:1 l x w ratio.
We shall see where this!

I found this trellis style on Pinterest, and that is what persuaded me to reconsider my setting style. I think this is amaze balls!

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Wow royal asschers band??? :eek: I can't wait to see it!!

Are you doing eternity? Half eternity? 5 stones? Omg it's gonna be gorgeous!

I saw a 5+ carats fancy intense yellow royal asscher not too long ago online. Wish I have a money tree! Dies...
As for your money tree...we wish we had one, too...esp now that my DH married a high maintenance diamond queen, and we have kids going into college, soon! :$$): :$$): :$$): :$$):

5+ carats would be amazing!! If you find that money tree, pull off a couple seeds & send them to me!!! :lol:
Wow just a beautiful ring:love: and a romantic love story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Thank you for sharing this with us Matthews1127.:love::appl:
Wow just a beautiful ring:love: and a romantic love story! LOVE LOVE LOVE! Thank you for sharing this with us Matthews1127.:love::appl:
Awe! Thank you, Missy! I did things a little backwards, but after finding a suitable name for her, it was time to introduce her to Pricescope, appropriately! :lol-2:
That's beautiful and so is the proposal story. Wear it in good health!