
Midwest GTG - anyone game for the August gem show?

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Woo hoo! My first GTG!

ETA: HAVE to come so I can see your ring!
Ok, I just talked to FI (who JUST got out of working a 17 hour day, poor guy) and he thinks that it sounds like a great idea, but he''s not wild about the prospect of driving 8+ hours in one day. So, we''re going to think about it and we''ll get back to you within a couple of days.
Not sure if you have the time or the inclination, but since you haven''t been to Chicago before it might be fun to stay over night and take a stroll down Michigan Avenue. Lots of good resturants and window shopping! (Just an idea.
Great idea...and the blue line stops in Rosemont!
I wish i had known about this earlier. Then I would have been able to make it work with my vacation and whatnot. I took 2 days off this week and next week so I cant get the days off, since I live in western wisconsin and the drive is almost 6 hours....and money...I need money to buy big sparklys.....maybe december??
I''ll definitely try to arrange another GTG in December. And that one should be easier to put together because I will know what''s around there and have been to a show by then. This one is a bit "by the seat of my pants" - LOL!
Date: 8/15/2006 2:31:41 PM
Author: Blenheim
I''d be coming from Ann Arbor. I keep meaning to go visit Pearlman''s sometime -- it''s not that far away. Please tell me how the construction is!

My brother has driven to and from his house up at school in Ann Arbor with out any complaints this summer. The trip seems to go smoothly for him, obviously that can always change! But so far he has said it isn''t horrible.

I''m mostly MIA lately, and that weekend my bf is supposed to take me out... if I figure out a little more about his surprise plans maybe I could meet up at the restaurant, but it may be tough.
Blue it would be great if you could join us!
Just bumping this up to keep it near the top.

I won''t make the reservation at Harry Carey''s until Friday (will plan on 11:30 Saturday on the outdoor patio with the reservation under the name "Price"), but feel free to commit early so I can get a feel for how many can make it.
It is unlikely that I can make it this time. I have a heating contractor appointment in the AM and am not likely to get free of it and a few other items before noon; and it''s at least a 3.5 hour drive depending on construction and traffic in Milwaukee (that''s just to get to the north Chicago area).

I look forward to December.

Oh; enjoy all the strings of various collored rocks and other things. If you are into making jewelry - or rock collecting - It''ll be great (assuming it is like the Minneapolis show I was at in June).

If you have kids who are into rocks (or could be into rocks) - I suggest you take them... with some spending money. Of course if you are local; you could always run home and bring them back later in the day.

Lots more than just rare jems at these shows.


There are also shows in Minneapolis from time to time (at the State Fair Grounds).

That should be a lot closer for you.

By the way; what part of Wisconsin: Us Wisconsinites need to stick together....

Hi Dee Jay,

Count me in on the reservations, I''ll be there!
Perry - sorry to hear you can''t make it, but I look forward to December!

And Catmom, so glad you''ll be there!
You can count me in also Dee*Jay. =)
Catmom and IrishAngel - will you be bringing anyone with you? Just want to make sure I give a good count to the restaurant.

And how ''bout the rest of you Midwesterners -- anybody else in?
Bumpity bump!

Making the reservation tomorrow kids--who else is in?!
Sorry, DeeJay, not this time. I''d like to attend, but I can''t leave the area right now because of my uncle. Maybe in December... Hope you have a great time!
Equestrienne - we'll absolutely miss you but totally understand. Hope to see you in December and big hugs once more going out to you and the rest of your family.
Date: 8/22/2006 9:56:07 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Catmom and IrishAngel - will you be bringing anyone with you? Just want to make sure I give a good count to the restaurant.

And how ''bout the rest of you Midwesterners -- anybody else in?
No, just me this time. My house is being renovated so my hubby is staying home.
So far then it''s Catmom, IrishAngel and me.

Blenheim, Grace, Blue - are you out there? Can we entice you with the promise of good food first, lots of gems second? Let me know! (Making the reservation on Friday afternoon.)
I''m sorry, I won''t be able to make it
Hope you guys have fun though!
That''s too bad Blue, but hopefully you''ll be free for the December show.
OK, here's the plan:

Lunch at Harry Caray's at 11:30 tomorrow. It's at 10233 West Higgins Road in Rosemont (847-699-1200). They don't take reservations for lunch on Saturdays but I'll get there right at 11:30 (or earlier if they'll let me in) and tell them we're the "Price" party. I'll ask for a table for 4 (even though I think there are only three of us as of right now) and if the weather is good and the outdoor patio is cute that's where I'll request that we be seated.

The convention center is at 5555 N. River Road in Rosemont (about 2 miles from the restaurant). Phone # 847-692-2220. Should be pretty easy to get there from the restaurant.

How much fun is this going to be?!?

P.S. - My husband is SOOOOO thankful that you girls are going to meet me becuase otherwise I was going to make HIM go to the gem show with me.
Make it a table for FIVE!

ETA: In case that isn't clear because of the 3 people/table for 4 stated above, FH and I are both coming.
Woo hoo! Then it will be a table for SIX because I'll make my happy hubby come too so your FH has someone to talk to.
Just got uncle is back in the hospital with a myriad of problems no one can figure out yet...I hope I can make it tomorrow. I''ve been looking forward to my first GTG! I''ll know in the morning what time we''re going back to the hospital. I hope to see you ladies there. If not, take lots of pictures of the sparkles for me and we''ll plan another one soon!
Irish - we certainly hope you can make it, but family is obviously more important. If we see you there that's great, but if not we totally understand. And yes, pictures galore!
To everyone who missed today's GTG, we missed you!

Blenheim (and her FI), Catmom, and I (with reluctant hubby along!) met at Harry Carey's for lunch, then headed to the gem show.

O.M.G. Almost overwhelming.

Soooo much stuff all in one place--enough to cause the faint of heart to run screaming back to the car. But not us!!! We walked up and down EVERY aisle and saw everything there was to see. Lots of pearls and beads (happy hubby's comment was "well now I know where beads come from"), loose stones, made up jewelry, mountings, estate pieces, and who knows what else in between. Plus a few booths of knock off purses and some random fur coats (???) but we did skip those, LOL.

And we all managed to pick up a little something along the way! Blenheim got a pearl ring with diamonds on the sides, Catmom found an oval pink sapphire with diamonds, and I got a wide band with teeny tiny little diamonds to wear when *the big bling* is too much.

The best pieces were the 5 ct emerald with tapered baguettes that Catmom tried on--a mere $65K!--and the 6 ct cushion that Blenheim had her eye one. Yum yum!

We don't have many pics (I put the hubby in charge of the camera early on and apparently he isn't as pic happy as us PSers) but here's what we've got:

The show again.

More show...

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