
Mikimoto surprise find


Jun 26, 2007
Today I was in a thrift store looking at the jewelry.
There was this glued together mess of a pin. I hate that people rip apart vintage jewelry and make something ugly!
Anyway, this one caught my eye because it had some nice pearls on it. For $1.00, I took a chance.
Lo and behold, I discovered a 14k Mikimoto earring! Unfortunately, the clip part has been removed. The hot glue was really hard to remove. :angryfire:
I took the photos after I started pulling it apart. It has the Mikimoto mark, an "M" in an oyster shell.
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So pretty! Would be beautiful as a conversion - what will you make?

I'm not sure yet. Maybe a pendant. Something I can do myself.
I've got to put some thought into it.
But one thing is for sure--the next time I see one of these glued together pins, I will look at it VERY carefully!
Gorgeous little hidden treasure!
Amazing! You have a good eye!
Hey @YadaYadaYada , come over here to Pearls and see what I found yesterday
Hey @YadaYadaYada , come over here to Pearls and see what I found yesterday

I remember these types of cobbled together pins with the watch in the middle. If I recall these were very 90's think poet blouses with the ruffles down the front and on the sleeves, the tapestry vest craze and the baby doll tops with stirrup leggings and ballet flats.

That's pretty amazing that you found a real gold and Pearl earring in that mess, excited to see what you do with it!
I remember these types of cobbled together pins with the watch in the middle. If I recall these were very 90's think poet blouses with the ruffles down the front and on the sleeves, the tapestry vest craze and the baby doll tops with stirrup leggings and ballet flats.

That's pretty amazing that you found a real gold and Pearl earring in that mess, excited to see what you do with it!

OMG, guilty as charged! I wore all that stuff!
You certainly got the 90's pegged! I really never liked vests, though.
But those poet blouses, yeah.....that was me!
OMG, guilty as charged! I wore all that stuff!
You certainly got the 90's pegged! I really never liked vests, though.
But those poet blouses, yeah.....that was me!

I loved those poet blouses too! I had a white and a rose colored and they had to be worn with certain color jeans, thought I was hot you know what lol!
I loved those poet blouses too! I had a white and a rose colored and they had to be worn with certain color jeans, thought I was hot you know what lol!

You are still hot 'you know what'!
Wow ! Nailed the 90's :D Well done ! And the pin - good eye!
I'm not sure yet. Maybe a pendant. Something I can do myself.
I've got to put some thought into it.
But one thing is for sure--the next time I see one of these glued together pins, I will look at it VERY carefully!

i like the pendant idea
how lucky you rescued it
Great find, @stracci2000 ! I can see it as sideways pendant, attached to a gold chain, or collar and in many other ways. Congratulations!
Talk about a diamond in the rough!!! Wow!
Several “pieces of flair” lol
Nice find!!

Andie Walsh definitely would have made and worn a pin like that. It may have been her mother's earring!! lol
Nice find!!

Andie Walsh definitely would have made and worn a pin like that. It may have been her mother's earring!! lol

OK, I had to look that one up.......It's been a looooong time since I saw that movie!
@Bluegemz, @TheGarnetGirl
Can you believe I found this in Socorro, of all places?

I tried it sideways, but the easiest way to make it a pendant was to attach a simple loop to the back for a chain. See below

The universe must be off its axis....Mikimoto in Socorro?!

I love the conversion! Sweet lil' pendant now!
It makes me happy as the child in me is reminded of a bouqet of balloons!
It looks fabulous as a pendant! That is amazing that you found that in Socorro! There have been times on road trips that I’ve stopped at little thrift stores in tiny towns...just to see what might Possibly be there. At times, I’ve been truly surprised!
It is fascinating imagining how lives were lived, what people collected, etc in these places!!
It looks fabulous as a pendant! That is amazing that you found that in Socorro! There have been times on road trips that I’ve stopped at little thrift stores in tiny towns...just to see what might Possibly be there. At times, I’ve been truly surprised!
It is fascinating imagining how lives were lived, what people collected, etc in these places!!

I travel around northern NM for my job, and I have discovered that most little towns have some sort of second hand shop.
I seek them out and regularly stop once or twice a month while traveling for work. It's my own little treasure hunt!
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So glad you liberated the pearls from the ugly homemade brooch. What a lovely pendant they've make!
Today I was in a thrift store looking at the jewelry.
There was this glued together mess of a pin. I hate that people rip apart vintage jewelry and make something ugly!
Anyway, this one caught my eye because it had some nice pearls on it. For $1.00, I took a chance.
Lo and behold, I discovered a 14k Mikimoto earring! Unfortunately, the clip part has been removed. The hot glue was really hard to remove. :angryfire:
I took the photos after I started pulling it apart. It has the Mikimoto mark, an "M" in an oyster shell.
Your Mikimoto brooch is missing its pin in back but for comparison, here is the identical brooch that sold on ebay a while ago.
Also, I would take a closer look at that silver ball, does it open up?

Wow! Thanks for that!
I had no idea it was a brooch. I always thought it was an earring!

The silvery ball was just a costume jewelry earring component.