
Milky blue sapphire ... keeper or not?


May 11, 2022
So I just purchased this milky sapphire and still within the return period. Thought it deserves its own thread and I'd love to hear what yall think!
Unheated, 2.7ct 8.5mm round
yellow lamp light:

low natural light (evening):

in front of window (morning):


It‘s more opaque than I thought due to the milky inclusion/color band across its top.
If the light hits right it reflects yellow/green.

The price is rather high (900/ct) and I'm debating if I should keep it.
I agree $900/ct is very high for the quality (not transparent, obvious colour zoning). If you really love it, I would negotiate. If not, return and keep looking.
I took it outside in the sun


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I agree $900/ct is very high for the quality (not transparent, obvious colour zoning). If you really love it, I would negotiate. If not, return and keep looking.

Thank you for your input!
If this was, say, $300/ct, I would have kept it straight away lol. I brought it and paid the price based on the seller's video in which it looked like this:
I've never tried negotiating after paying for and receiving the item though.
The screenshot from the video is gorgeous and I can see why you purchased it. It does not seem like it lives up to your expectations in person. Do you find it attractive most of the time?
Does it ever look to you like the vendor’s images? In any lighting?
Did the vendor show any images of the banding and as opaque as you see it?

Negotiating price after buying and receiving it is pretty tricky - in my opinion.
Especially if there’s no prior relationship with the vendor, and if you might want to purchase from them again someday? Vs a return, that is. Again - my opinion.

If you wish to negotiate - can you find cheaper comparabiles to this one readily available? Round, unheated, nicely cut, 2 3/4 ct? Or same price without that banding? ( How set are you on a round shape, is not that harder to obtain and come with a premium?)
That’s also a comparative vendor? Not a close to source -wire only - no/difficult to return vendor option?

Finally - if you keep it -
Does the money spent postpone getting something else you really want - and does that irk you?
I love it, but then I love milky, unusual sapphires. How does it make you feel?
So, I must agree that the price for this type of sapphire is giving me pause. However, it's a really cool stone. I think it's just going to be a matter of how you feel as far as it being worth keeping. I've overpaid for (and kept) plenty of stones I've loved. :lol:
Does it ever look to you like the vendor’s images? In any lighting?
Did the vendor show any images of the banding and as opaque as you see it?

Negotiating price after buying and receiving it is pretty tricky - in my opinion.
Especially if there’s no prior relationship with the vendor, and if you might want to purchase from them again someday? Vs a return, that is. Again - my opinion.

If you wish to negotiate - can you find cheaper comparabiles to this one readily available? Round, unheated, nicely cut, 2 3/4 ct? Or same price without that banding? ( How set are you on a round shape, is not that harder to obtain and come with a premium?)
That’s also a comparative vendor? Not a close to source -wire only - no/difficult to return vendor option?

Finally - if you keep it -
Does the money spent postpone getting something else you really want - and does that irk you?

The seller did show a clip of its banding and being opaque but said that was taken in front of a flashlight. He assured me that it was going to look like the best pic (taken shaded indoors) most of the time. Unfortunately the closest I can get is placing it in direct sunlight, but the banding and zoning are a lot more obvious.

I do think it's nicely cut and a relatively large round is hard to come by.

I agree that negotiating at this point is tricky and I don't think I'll attempt that. I still like it a lot but I try to work carefully with my budget. For close to 1k/ct I think I can do better :(
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Ouch that price is reaaally steep to be honest.

I think it IS a cool stone, but…it’s quite opaque and if you were just looking for milky/silky this may not be what you really want

As others are saying, if you love it and don’t mind knowing you’ve overpaid…sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants
I love it, but then I love milky, unusual sapphires. How does it make you feel?
Same, I really like sapphires with weird color!

So, I must agree that the price for this type of sapphire is giving me pause. However, it's a really cool stone. I think it's just going to be a matter of how you feel as far as it being worth keeping. I've overpaid for (and kept) plenty of stones I've loved. :lol:
Ouch that price is reaaally steep to be honest.

I think it IS a cool stone, but…it’s quite opaque and if you were just looking for milky/silky this may not be what you really want

As others are saying, if you love it and don’t mind knowing you’ve overpaid…sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants

Yep, you guys get me!
I went in fully aware that with that price I could get a relatively nice traditional blue sapphire if I shop close to the source. My hope was that it would look similar to the seller's video (some of you might recognize the seller...). For that I can justify the price.
Like yall said the stone is really cool with special traits, making me really want to keep it. But the rational part of my mind is saying that I overpaid, A LOT, for what I got. And I'm trying to be budget-conscious.

It'll probably end up going back. Now I'm just sad I don't have a larger budget :cry2::cry2: sigh
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Same, I really like sapphires with weird color!

Yep, you guys get me!
I went in fully aware that with that price I could get a relatively nice traditional blue sapphire if I shop close to the source. My hope was that it would look similar to the seller's video (some of you might recognize the seller...). For that I can justify the price.
Like yall said the stone is really cool with special traits, making me really want to keep it. But the rational part of my mind is saying that I overpaid, A LOT, for what I got. And I'm trying to be budget-conscious.

It'll probably end up going back. Now I'm just sad I don't have a larger budget :cry2::cry2: sigh

We've all been there, my friend, so don't feel bad! Any chance you may want to write the seller and just let him/her know how you feel? Perhaps a partial refund might be in order? Then you can keep the stone, but feel a bit better about the price? :)
Nah, sorry.
its gorgeous in the vendor shot but real life, nah.
very disappointing unfortunately.
It happens.
No doubt it looks very nice in bright direct sunlight but you’ll find that you’ll be wearing much more often in “inside lighting” or be in the shade or at night and that’s when it looks blah.
Way too expensive for that type of sapphire.
Dont give up, there’s another out there!
Thank you for your input!
If this was, say, $300/ct, I would have kept it straight away lol. I brought it and paid the price based on the seller's video in which it looked like this:
I've never tried negotiating after paying for and receiving the item though.

well its hard to tell from my phone screen and i do love the air force blue i see in your photos
but it looks nothing like this vendors pictures
perhaps you could negotiate a discount ?
Same, I really like sapphires with weird color!

Yep, you guys get me!
I went in fully aware that with that price I could get a relatively nice traditional blue sapphire if I shop close to the source. My hope was that it would look similar to the seller's video (some of you might recognize the seller...). For that I can justify the price.
Like yall said the stone is really cool with special traits, making me really want to keep it. But the rational part of my mind is saying that I overpaid, A LOT, for what I got. And I'm trying to be budget-conscious.

It'll probably end up going back. Now I'm just sad I don't have a larger budget :cry2::cry2: sigh

overpayment is all relative
let me take you down the mall and show you what you would get for your $$$$ in NZ :(2 :(2 :(2
I agree $900/ct is very high for the quality (not transparent, obvious colour zoning). If you really love it, I would negotiate. If not, return and keep looking.

I agree it seems really high compared with other sapphires you could get!
@chrono Could you message me on LT please under my same name? Sorry if this is not allowed and feel free to remove mods. Thanks!
@cloud_less The right one will come along and it is better to return it now than to look at it over and over again on your hand wishing it looked different!
Did you make a decision? I have kept a lot of stones that I should have returned. The money could go towards something else that you like better as opposed to if you keep the stone the money is gone and you may never decide to set the stone if it doesn’t thrill you. I would return. If only I had taken my own advice on a few purchases!
Based on your photos, it's a "no" for me. A little milky can be cool but with this lack of saturation and with a translucent more than transparent character, I think it's crossed over from cool to undesirable.
Thank you guys all for your input!!
I'm returning this, the hunt continues...