
More About Kanachanaburi Sapphires

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Oct 3, 2004
Okay, I''m going to post a couple more pictures for y''all to ogle and give your opinion. This one is from simplysapphire and I''ve heard y''all say good things about them. It might be a little bigger than what I need. It''s 11 x 8.7 (5.86 carats) but it''s an AGTA unheated stone for 2590.00. The measurements of my ring were exactly 9.86 - the length of the diamonds - and I''m guessing that the width won''t be that important but I think I was told 6 or 7 for width. Do y''all think this stone would overpower the mounting? It''s lighter than the others that I''ve looked at though but I like it.

I've done so much research looking for this stone that things are starting to moosh together. But I don't want to make a mistake since I won't get another chance. I'm so thankful for all of your advice and that I found this website. These pictures are from someone (out of Bangkok, I think) that sent these pictures. I don't know where the stones are from but they are natural (heated) sapphires. The emerald cut one is the one I'd be interested in and it is 3.11 carat, 7 x 10.1 x 3.9, so this one is really closer to the size I need. He says he will send it to me for me to look at and then if I want it, I can send a check. If I don't, I can return it by insured airmail to Lambert Holding Co., Ltd. P. O. Box 4045, Hayward, CA 94540-4045. He says he's a lawyer in Bangkok. Anybody ever heard of this place and anybody ever heard of someone just sending a stone without any payment just for approval? He's asking $585/carat for the emerald cut one and says that it's the stone with the better color and almost no color zoning. Just wanted to get some more opinions since I don't know if I trust my own since I know so little about gems in general.

First one is too light, it will die on that ring. Too much window as well, Lambert??? Have not seen him in 18 years. PM coming in a few min.
Forgive me that I don't know what you mean when you refer to PM. I think you mentioned that yesterday. I don't know the shorthand but I'm trying hard to learn. Lambert was the company name - the guy's name is Dave Glickman. Doesn't sound Thai to me though. Okay, I've eliminated the first one. I was afraid it would be too light. Something else I'm been wanting to mention. My husband and I might have the opportunity to go to India in January. If we did, we'd be on a tour but I was wondering if I should wait to maybe shop in that part of the world for a sapphire. Would it be possible to walk into some jewelry store there and buy something at a reasonable price - better than I could get from an internet purchase? Or if I've found my sapphire, what could I find there that would be worth buying in colored stones? I have another mounting - actually it's an old waterfall ring but it's different in that it has the round stones going down the middle with marquises down the sides. The marquise are pretty nice size for this kind of ring although I'd never wear it the way it is now. I'd like to find another stone to have another ring made and use these as accents. Any suggestions about this anybody?
it means he is sending you a private message through pricescope.
Thanks pyramid. I didn't even realize I could get private messages. You can see I still have much to learn but I have an open mind and I'm willing.
David Glickman is well known in Bangkok, he is an american living here for many years.
You can visit his website following this link:
David Glickman

He has an office in Silom road just a few tens of meters from the Jewelry Trade Center building. He is a regular customer of the AIGS laboratory where I'm working as gemologist. His reputation is to my knowledge very fine in the Bangkok gem trade.

Hoping to have helped,
Thanks Mogok. That's what I wanted to hear about Dave. I'm going to write to him and tell him to send the stone. I can't wait to see it. And I think it's just the perfect size. It will make all the difference to see and hold it an place it in my setting. In the meantime, I'm going to see some more stones that a local jeweler is getting for me on Wednesday. I'm going to keep everyone posted on my progress and when all is said and done, I'm going to post a picture of the final product.
Just wanted to update everybody (if they are interested) in my quest for my emerald cut blue sapphire. Today I went to a local jeweler to look at only the second group of stones that I've seen in person. This jeweler got them from a call out on I really liked one that he had and it was a 2.66 carat with a nice blue color - 9.5mm in length. Scott has mentioned that a stone too light in color wouldn't look right in my mounting and I'm convinced that he's right. My question this time is that the exact measurement of the length of the diamonds running along where the stone will sit (I'm attaching another picture in case you've all forgotten what it looks like - and while I was there he removed the basket so I could get a better idea of how the stone would set). My question is to you experts in placing the correct size stone in the ring for it to look right. I think it would look better for the stone to extend a little over the end of the mounting or at the very least to the end. I'm waiting for one that will be 10.1 mm in length and to my way of thinking, that would be a better fit. I'm afraid that if it is the exact same length it will look a little skimpy. What do y'all think? Oh, and by the way, while I was there I told him that I had someone from Bangkok sending me a stone for approval and he said I should beware of treatments. I told him that it had been heat treated but that was it. Then he tried to tell me that the stones he had were not treated at all - all natural. I told him that that couldn't be since almost all sapphires were heat treated and that if it wasn't, it wouldn't be any where near the price of the one he was showing me. He didn't believe me and called the person who sent it to him while I was standing there. They confirmed what I had just told him - that it was heat treated. I felt so smug and smart and I learned everything I know from this site! And what was funnier, he found out that the stone I liked that he had was also from Thailand. I don't mean to imply that he is not a reputable jeweler. He is and he does good work. He just didn't know as much as I did about sapphires. I felt so smart and I still don't know diddly.

Ring Mounting.JPG
The fact is that very few jewellers or even dealers are gemologist or had studied gemology. It is quite sad... Many people sell jewelry as they would sell "coca cola": Buying and re selling.
Gemologists usually (depending of the place they learn) have realise that even with their diploma they dont know that much as deciding to study gemstone is like entering in something that will turn you as a lifetime student!
The worst gemologists I've met were people thinking they knew everyting, they were overconfident... The best one know exactly the limit between what they know and what they dont.
This is one of the most difficult thing to learn and to accept when you are studying gemology: To accept the current limit of your knowledge and to be able to disclose them when it is required in order not to say something wrong that might ruin your reputation. From this point some excellent gemologists will continue to learn and day after day become a little bit less ignorant.
I still have so many things to learn, you may be cannot imagine the number of questions I've in my head about gems!
But this is one of the reason I've choosen gemology: It reminds me many time one of my chemistry teacher in university who was repeating to us: "Advancing in science does not mean to find the good answers but to find the good questions!"

All the best,
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