
More photos - opinions appreciated


Mar 13, 2012
Below are the additional photos I requested. More to be added in post below.
Thanks all








Do you know what it is that is causing the color to look so uneven? Is it light reflection? extinction? inclusions? If you like the color you see, can you ask this question and also ask how accurate the color is - I would be interested as the photos make the palm of his hand look pinkish. Sometimes cameras do that and if you aren't careful, it subtly changes the color of the stone as well.

I would think that if you are seeking the bluish toned stone, and you are willing to search a little more, than this stone is not one I would choose for you - but then again, the color of the stone may have been thrown off a bit...
Looks a little yellowish/olive to me.
It's hard to tell by computer exactly what a stone looks like; it's fine line sometimes -- photos are often good for ruling one out, rather than telling you if this is THE one for you. You can decide only by seeing it in your own paw. The cut looks good on this, size is fine for a ring.

Every computer is different -- I see a modifier toward yellow in the pics with more sun, not so much in the shady ones. If it appeals to you, the next step is to take a RL look at it. If it's not what you want, return it -- I assume the return policy is good?

--- Laurie
athenaworth|1362074319|3392719 said:
Looks a little yellowish/olive to me.

Yes, the olive is what I am seeing ever so slightly, and I think that might be enhanced by the slight bias towards the reddish tint in the photo...
I concur that this tsavorite isn't top colour; there is a tint of yellow and olive to it. On the positive side, it looks very sparkly. I understand that you are having a difficult time trying to find the right shape and with the right measurement to fit the pendant so you are very limited in that regard. I don't know how much wiggle room BB has but knowing that it is on the expensive side, it would not hurt to ask if he is open to a slight discount.
Ah, Chrono, I don't want to be impulsive just because I want/need a stone to fit the pendant. However, I was in touch with two vendors today, one being Eric from Swala (with whom I have been in contact with for a while) who told me that for the last few years production has been poor. The other vendor said that he had no rough and didn't know when he would get more because the rough that he is seeing is either too small or overpriced. I really need to make a written list of every vendor who has told me this because I am starting to lose count!

I have not ruled this stone out but I would also feel more comfortable if I had several stones to be able to compare side by side (I already know that this will never happen due to how exact the dimensions of the stone has to be and the seeming scarcity of tsavorite).

I know that color is a very personal decision and tastes vary from individual to individual but I not only have a very inexperienced eye but the only time I saw tsavorites in person was at Prima. I will ask anyone willing to answer if they were in my situation would they even consider this color tsavorite for themselves?

Also, yes, BB is a bit on the pricey side. Should I decide to take a look at this stone in person, is there a tactful way of telling a vendor that his price should be lowered because the color, cut, etc. is less than ideal?
JLW05|1362085731|3392923 said:
I know that color is a very personal decision and tastes vary from individual to individual but I not only have a very inexperienced eye but the only time I saw tsavorites in person was at Prima. I will ask anyone willing to answer if they were in my situation would they even consider this color tsavorite for themselves?

Also, yes, BB is a bit on the pricey side. Should I decide to take a look at this stone in person, is there a tactful way of telling a vendor that his price should be lowered because the color, cut, etc. is less than ideal?

You have asked such a difficult question. In my shoes, I would continue to hold out. Why? Because it is my nature to not settle and I am extremely patient, willing to wait years for the right stone to come along. My sweet spot is something better saturated with a touch of blue. Then again, I do not have such limitation as it must be a square cushion of 7 mm. You also probably do not have such time luxury as stated that you don't want the pendant to languish in the drawer for too long.

You sound terribly undecided. At this point, I think there is little else we can tell you that you don't already know. Perhaps it is time to actually see the stone in hand, unless shipping (import tax or etc) is going to be a challenge. From there, you can decide if this stone is right for your pendant or that you should consider a different coloured stone. Once that decision is made, then you can ask BB about any possible price reduction based on what you deem as negative characteristics.

I did not notice that the color was uneven or that there is a tint of olive. I get so fustrated with myself. I know that it takes a long time to develop an eye, but still. As for a blue hue, the vendor was quite honest in stating that this stone does not have one.

I am wondering and worrying whether tsavorite will become even scarcer and the quality poorer in the future. One vendor did have rough and cut a stone with the dimensions I needed. It was very included and the vendor was very honest prior to even sending me a photo of the stone. Even though the stone was precision cut and the price was most reasonable, I passed on it. I didn't even bother to post the photo on Pricescope.

My husband used to poke fun at women who had extremely high standards when it came to men. He would joke that they needed to lower their standards (I would joke that that was exactly what I did when I married him) but maybe I need to somewhat lower my standards when it comes to a tsavorite. Maybe a medium stone without that blue hue would be more realistic.
In your new pics, there is a stronger yellow modifier than your previous shots. You can ask BB which picture (among all the ones you have) is the most accurate for color, and if it has a yellow modifier and under what light settings. Pictures often are not accurate for color, and I believe BB will be honest about the real-life color.

Do you want a blue modifier? Or do you want a more neutral green? I can't tell from your posts. If you want a blue modifier, I would hold out and let BB know to contact you if he happens upon another candidate. Blue modifier is considered "top" color, but then you have to pay "top" price, and I'm not sure if you want that. If you want a more neutral green, then you can ask BB about the color. I think both colors in tsavorites are fine. I would personally avoid a tsavorite with a _noticable_ yellow modifier. Color is a personal choice.

In your original pics, the 3rd photo is the largest, and I believe best for evaluating color distribution. I did not note any issue with color distribution. Again, you can ask BB about this. Any concerns you have, you should communicate because the majority of pictures are very small and difficult to interpret.

When I bought my stone from BB, he was in the US. I did not return, but I anticipate that if he is in the US, you will not have issues. Part of buying online is not seeing the stone and having to deal with returns. I would try it once, and if you get too frustrated, you might have to buy in person at the next Intergem from Prima or Vance as many other PSers have done. I think you mentioned you already looked at Prima.

I think that buying online is very difficult if you have not seen many gems of the same type on person.
Yes, Chrono, I am having a tough time. I am going to ask BB a few more questions and then make a decision about whether I want to see the stone. I am under the impression that he is in the US at this time. I did make a few weak inquiries about a Mahenge Spinel (my second favorite stone) as a possible substitute to some of the vendors but there too I got no bites. One precison cutter told me that he has been seeing some really ugly Mahenges of late, that tsavorite was too expensive and that if this trend continues he might end up as a greeter at Walmart!
I will post what I decide to do.
I thank you for your imput.
I will ask BB about the points you made, thank you. Yes, the pictures are very small and I posted them hoping that sharper eyes than mine would be able to get something out of them. A blue modifier would be ideal, but I would be willing to accept a neutral green.

I actually looked up the Intergem schedule as you suggested. Great idea. I live in NYC and there will be one show in White Plains on April 12th and darn, I have out-of-town plans that can't be changed. However, there is another show in Philadelphia in late April and if nothing happens in terms of locating a stone by then, I am determined to be there.
Sorry - coming to the party late!

If I remember correctly one of the "essentials" in your wish list is that the stone should have some blue? Have I remembered correctly? If so, this one doesn't tick that box and the ones you've had photos of before were nearer the mark and less yellow. I know you like honesty because you've said so before so I'm going to say that I was really surprised when I opened the thread and saw these photos because (to my eye) they're heavy on the olive/yellow end.

For a comparison will BB put this one and the other two you looked at before into one photograph? If you've discounted the other two then forget that suggestion.

If I've completely remembered your wish list incorrectly then please ignore all of this! :lol:
Hi LD,

Yes, LD, I am a believer in honesty and you are correct, I most definitely have said that I want a stone with a blue modifier. The stone in this thread is actually one of the two I posted previously. I had a family emergency that took a few weeks to sort out. During that time I stopped actively looking for a stone. When I spoke to BB after I got things sorted out, the other stone had sold in Tuscon. I wasn't surprised because it was closer to a medium-dark. The photos I posted at the time were very small and I don't know if it had a blue hue or not but I am pretty certain that it didn't have a yellow modifier. I don't know if you read my previous posts in this thread but I am having a nightmare of a time finding any tsavorites at all in the size/shape I need and so maybe I am becoming more flexible or my standards are slipping! I think if I want to stay true to what I really want then I am going to have to hide my pendant somewhere where I won't see it sitting empty almost everyday and sit tight for perhaps a long time!
I *know* how frustrated you are, as I'm right there with you!! BTW, I never replied in your other thread, but I DID see how Celletani had modified an ID jacket to hold a OEC diamond for a pendant, and yep, that was where I got my inspiration to do the same thing but with a tsav... only she used smaller diamonds in the jacket than I want. Once I realized they have jackets with larger diamonds, I thought of how nice a pendant would match my tsav earrings in their jackets.

I've been obsessed with the idea, but I've just about given up on finding a tsav. Instead, I just spend my discretionary jewelry money on a preloved DBTY bracelet and a pair of diamond bezel studs from IDJ. The tsav project will, sadly, wait for who knows how long?

If this really is the same stone I saw in person months ago, then I'm afraid what people are seeing in the pics (that it has a yellowish/olive modifier) is pretty accurate to my recollection of it :( It didn't have any of the velvety richness of color that I associate with tsav. I'm so sorry that your search isn't going well. That pendant you got is absolutely gorgeous and it would kill me too, to look at it sitting empty and unworn!

( last-ditch backup plan is to see if my husband can cut me a tsav. We have some rough on order now, but it hasn't arrived yet. I posted a thread about him becoming a cutter as a hobby.. it's going really well and he's doing some beautiful work, but he's understandably a bit intimidated to start grinding away at a $400 piece of rough!)
Thanks Tara. I feel your frustration as well. Perhaps once your husband gets more experience he will feel more confident about tackling a $400 piece of rough. I have stayed away from all other Pricescope forums in order to focus on this project but I am certain that you posted about your newest acquisitions. I am drooling just thinking about your DBTY bracelet and bezel studs.

I don't know if you remember but I gave up my IDJ DBTY project (my birthday gift) in order to buy the pendant and to set aside enough for the tsavorite for the pendant and a chain. I was also hoping to have enough $ left over for 5mm stones for my IDJ studs. Now I have angst every time I look at that beautiful pendant. I think that I either need to hide the pendant so I don't have to look at it (an out of sight/out of mind approach!), sell it or have an inexpensive but pretty stone (not sure what yet) cut specifically for the pendant so I can wear the pendant. If an when the right tsavorite appears, I could switch out the stones. You never know, but I think that I might be waiting a very long time for a tsavorite.being that the pendant will only hold a very specific shape and size stone . I may just be dreaming the "Impossible Dream". As you know, I have a collection of e-mails from vendors who are telling me that there is nothing out there for me. Bet you have similar e-mails.

I thank you for the info about the stone. It sure sounds like the same stone you saw in person. I asked for honesty and from the responses I received from you and other members I think it best that I ask BB to notify me if and when he comes into possession of a stone more in line with what I really want.
JLWO5 - please please please don't compromise on colour. Compromise in other areas if you want but not colour. In my experience, if a colour doesn't hit the right note with me, I get really fed up with it and want to change it quite quickly! I dislike seeing grey, yellow and brown in the majority of gemstones (of course with some exceptions) but I returned so many Tsavs because of seeing yellow rather than blue (which is what I wanted to).

I'm wondering whether perhaps you should look at an Emerald? It's far easier to find one that has blue and I reckon you could find one in the size you're looking for.

If you don't like that idea then PLEASE just keep on looking. Don't buy this one (which I think is fairly pricey) UNLESS you really do love it. I'm assuming there are no burning deadlines to meet other than a desire to get this sorted out?
Thank you, LD. There are no burning deadlines, except in my mind. I guess I was just agonizing over whether I end up with a tsavorite that is not quite what I wanted or perhaps no tsavorite at all.
I have one more vendor I am waiting to hear from but i am not expecting good news. Then I think that I will tuck my little pendant away for a short while and think about my next step.
JLW05|1362142272|3393481 said:
Thank you, LD. There are no burning deadlines, except in my mind. I guess I was just agonizing over whether I end up with a tsavorite that is not quite what I wanted or perhaps no tsavorite at all.
I have one more vendor I am waiting to hear from but i am not expecting good news. Then I think that I will tuck my little pendant away for a short while and think about my next step.

Tsavs are not rare and although there may be a shortage of what you're looking for (this often happens when you start a search), you will definitely be able to get one at some point. If it were a rarer gemstone (in terms of availability) I wouldn't say that but there's always Tsavs around but they seem to come in waves.
Thank you, LD. I did not contact the vendors you mentioned - but I will now. AJS just slipped by me and I didn't contact mulit because most of the tsavs I saw on their website were inexpensive and not all the stones were attractive to my eye. I assumed they wouldn't carry the quality that I was hoping for.
Hi LD,

Don't know if you will see this but I did hear from AJS. No go. I was advised that when it comes to tsavorite, buying the setting before the stone is not the best move. Along the line I figured that one out for myself!!!!!
Oh JLW05! I very much hope you end up finding your perfect stone. You have been so persistent!
Thanks, Agneau. Hopefully the right stone will eventually come my way.

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