Oh no..don''t be fooled by it. When I''m talking to him about flower or color choices his eyes glaze over. But when I''m talking about something that cost mucho deniro then he''s all about it.Date: 2/20/2006 2:53:11 PM
Author: XChick03
Yeah, I still have over a year to go, too. At least your FI is involved, mine is just like ''Yeah, that''s great, honey.''
OMG! I think we are dating the same guy. I had this exact conversation with my FI. Except I sent him pictures of flowers; bright pink, light pink, ever shade of pink. He responded 'Are you kidding me????' So I went home and said 'look you can't pick and choose what you want to be involved with, either you are 100% involved or not at all...your choice. If you are just concerned about the budget, them just be concerned about the budget!' So then about a week later, I decided on the colors I want (periwinkle) and the flower choices (lavender & white tulips and blue Hyanthius (sp). I asked him if purple was okay..he said 'yes, purple is fine'. A couple days later, I went to his house and showed him the bouquet that I was thinking.. his response was 'Purple flowers?!?!?!?!?'Date: 2/20/2006 3:24:06 PM
Author: XChick03
LOL! I was actually forbidden to have pink too! I was originally planning pink bridesmaid dresses and pink vests/ties for the groomsmen, which I thought looked really nice. He said 'You're kidding, right? I am not asking my friends to wear pink. Find something else.'
You should. I picked ''other'', but my other was my FI. Love him to death, but honestly, he was my biggest pain in the a$$ about the whole thing. When i asked his opinion on something, i might as well have been talking to the kitchen sink. On the few things he did need to do (like pick a tux) we had a HUGE knock down drag out about it (he thought ordering his tux more than 2 weeks in advance was crazy/stupid).Date: 2/20/2006 4:19:54 PM
Author: Caribou
You should add ''Fiance'' LOL!