
Multicolor Tahitian Pearls - please let me know what you think?


Jan 16, 2013
I have been looking forever for a multicolor Tahitian pearl strand and hope that the pricescope community can weigh in and give me feedback on the attached strand.

The medium color pearls are what I like and am looking for ones with high variance in color, strong luster and hues. After reaching out to the recommended vendors, the following photos of a strand were sent to me. I like the variance in colors and the size. But do they glow?


Type: Tahitian Pearls Multi-Colored
Size: 10mm X 13mm, 16.5 inches (without knots or clasp)
Luster: good, some blemishes
Quality is AAA/AA
Price: USD 3.000

Is the luster as good as pearls of similar quality offered by Pearl Paradise or Pearl Source?
I have reached out to Cees in the past but the pearls were more blemished and am concerned about the drill hole issues in some recent posts.

Thanks for all the help. I´d really appreciate your feedback.

Trade posters cannot comment.
By glow, I take it you mean luster, which is stated as "good". They do have nice luster, but remember, larger pearls are made by larger, older oysters. And older oysters tend to produce pearls that are a bit less lustrous and colorful than smaller pearls, made by younger oysters. My most lustrous and colorful Tahitian pearls are relatively small.

The blemish on the darker pearl 3rd from the center on the left is quite noticeable. I think I would find that distracting.

I can't compare with strands from the vendors you mention as every strand is unique.
As far as I am aware, I am the only poster who has purchased pearls from Cees with poor drilling - you could ask any vendor to verify that any pearls sourced for you don't show the issue.

These pearls are large. That's about all I'll say in terms of positives. Maybe $3000 USD is a fair price for sheer size, but... Well, because there's no standardization or regulation in the world of pearls, any vendor can describe any strand however he or she wants. My opinion of this strand:
1. The colours are bland. These are "ideal" lighting photos - a colourful multicolur would pop! By that I mean that you would see actual colour, not just differences in light and dark, and pearls would all have some degree of overtone - the soap-bubble like halo of colour that the pearl at 3 o'clock shows.
2. Luster is uneven across the strand, and ranges from what I'd consider "poor" to "fair". No standardization, so my "fair" could be easily be someone else's "good".
3. I see enough blemishes that I'd consider it "moderately blemished", but again, no standardization, so...

What is the highest grade of pearl that this vendor offers? If it's AAAAAAA+++++, then sure, call this an AA/AAA.
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We, as trade, cannot comment on particular strands; however, we can offer general advice.

Similar to what @yssie points out, there is no standardization for grading of pearls. This means you really want to ask the vendor you're working with what he or she considers in standards of quality.

It is not enough to say that the luster is "AAA" or some such, because all any standard indicates is the best that XYZ vendor offers.

My advice:

Be really clear to your vendor what your expectations are, and what is and is not welcome on your strand. What are your preferences? As clean of a surface as possible? The highest luster? Best colors? All of these? (Then expect to pay lots, for perfect pearls!)

Lastly, look at as many pearls as you can. The only way to help develop your "pearl eye" is to look at many pearls yourself, and decide what is most important of the quality factors for you
Here's what Cees can do with colour. @icy_jade has astonishing multicolours, if you search for her pieces - hers are what mine dream of growing up to be. Yes, my purchases of Cees' pearls have all been more blemished than I care for, but that's likely something that you could talk with him about.

(Disclaimer: I had listed this bracelet for sale some time ago, but I have retracted it, so it's a personal piece - sharing here only for interest).

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By glow, I take it you mean luster, which is stated as "good". They do have nice luster, but remember, larger pearls are made by larger, older oysters. And older oysters tend to produce pearls that are a bit less lustrous and colorful than smaller pearls, made by younger oysters. My most lustrous and colorful Tahitian pearls are relatively small.

The blemish on the darker pearl 3rd from the center on the left is quite noticeable. I think I would find that distracting.

I can't compare with strands from the vendors you mention as every strand is unique.

Thanks Pearlsngems for your input. I also find that the one pearl distracting. The vendor did offer to exchange pearls that are not to my expectation - at a cost.

It’s been hard for me to compare strands online as the lighting and perspectives differ so from vendor to vendor. Luster is important to me.
I got my multi colour round Tahitian strand from the Pearl Source (9 to 13mm) and the lustre and colour depth is lovely. I have a grey Tahitian baroque strand from Pearl Paradise, which is also beautiful. You can't go wrong with either of those vendors if you don't mind the prices (which have come down hugely in recent years).

The GIA has its own pearl grading system, although the better vendors tend to stick with the AA-AAA designations. On eBay you'll see AAAAAAAAAAAAA+++++++++++ and suchlike!
As far as I am aware, I am the only poster who has purchased pearls from Cees with poor drilling - you could ask any vendor to verify that any pearls sourced for you don't show the issue.

These pearls are large. That's about all I'll say in terms of positives. Maybe $3000 USD is a fair price for sheer size, but... Well, because there's no standardization or regulation in the world of pearls, any vendor can describe any strand however he or she wants. My opinion of this strand:
1. The colours are bland. These are "ideal" lighting photos - a colourful multicolur would pop! By that I mean that you would see actual colour, not just differences in light and dark, and pearls would all have some degree of overtone - the soap-bubble like halo of colour that the pearl at 3 o'clock shows.
2. Luster is uneven across the strand, and ranges from what I'd consider "poor" to "fair". No standardization, so my "fair" could be easily be someone else's "good".
3. I see enough blemishes that I'd consider it "moderately blemished", but again, no standardization, so...

What is the highest grade of pearl that this vendor offers? If it's AAAAAAA+++++, then sure, call this an AA/AAA.

Yessie, thanks for your insights - eally helpful.

I did read and see your post regarding the strand and the uneven drill holes. There was another strand up for sale on LoupeTroop which had a similar issue. I’ll definitely ask about this with any strand I consider.

The pearls are large; larger than I had requested. I am looking for a strand in the 10-11mm range. This was offered to me because it has the color variation that I like.
I also see now the blandness when comparing to the gorgeous bracelet you posted. Such a difference!!!

Luster was described as good. But with further examination and comparing individual pearls, even I see the differences.

The vendor is in Japan. His feedback when I questioned about the grading - “Quality is A to B, Shape is spherical, luster is good but the pearls have some imperfections more or less.” I have read that the official Tahitian grading is in an A-D scale.
We, as trade, cannot comment on particular strands; however, we can offer general advice.

Similar to what @yssie points out, there is no standardization for grading of pearls. This means you really want to ask the vendor you're working with what he or she considers in standards of quality.

It is not enough to say that the luster is "AAA" or some such, because all any standard indicates is the best that XYZ vendor offers.

My advice:

Be really clear to your vendor what your expectations are, and what is and is not welcome on your strand. What are your preferences? As clean of a surface as possible? The highest luster? Best colors? All of these? (Then expect to pay lots, for perfect pearls!)

Lastly, look at as many pearls as you can. The only way to help develop your "pearl eye" is to look at many pearls yourself, and decide what is most important of the quality factors for you

I agree that I will need to be more specific with my requests. Luster and then color are the most important factors to me followed by surface blemishes.

I would like to see more pearls in person. It’s hard for me to compare as the jewelry stores here don’t have many as many strands. I may need to wait until I’m in the US. I will continue looking and gaining experience.
Here's what Cees can do with colour. @icy_jade has astonishing multicolours, if you search for her pieces - hers are what mine dream of growing up to be. Yes, my purchases of Cees' pearls have all been more blemished than I care for, but that's likely something that you could talk with him about.

(Disclaimer: I had listed this bracelet for sale some time ago, but I have retracted it, so it's a personal piece - sharing here only for interest).


This bracelet is breathtaking!! I will read up on the posts @icy_jade. Looking forward to learn more.
I got my multi colour round Tahitian strand from the Pearl Source (9 to 13mm) and the lustre and colour depth is lovely. I have a grey Tahitian baroque strand from Pearl Paradise, which is also beautiful. You can't go wrong with either of those vendors if you don't mind the prices (which have come down hugely in recent years).

The GIA has its own pearl grading system, although the better vendors tend to stick with the AA-AAA designations. On eBay you'll see AAAAAAAAAAAAA+++++++++++ and suchlike!

Thanks Lindsay19, I do feel more confident when I hear about your positive experiences. Tahitian Grading is confusing and I realize that the fine print behind these definitions can be vary from vendor to vendor.
I am not a fan of multi-colour strands, and the colours in this strand do not tickle my fancy as I love blues and greens, so I would pass whether I would mind the blemish on the dark pearl mentioned by @pearlsngems or not (and I do).

The pearls are large though, shapes are good with no obvious drop/baroque, and surfaces reasonably clean except for that unfortunate dark pearl with the very noticeable blemish to my untrained eyes.

IMHO, I believe it is a good price.

All personal opinion and all that.

DK :))
Yessie, thanks for your insights - eally helpful.

I did read and see your post regarding the strand and the uneven drill holes. There was another strand up for sale on LoupeTroop which had a similar issue. I’ll definitely ask about this with any strand I consider.

The pearls are large; larger than I had requested. I am looking for a strand in the 10-11mm range. This was offered to me because it has the color variation that I like.
I also see now the blandness when comparing to the gorgeous bracelet you posted. Such a difference!!!

Luster was described as good. But with further examination and comparing individual pearls, even I see the differences.

The vendor is in Japan. His feedback when I questioned about the grading - “Quality is A to B, Shape is spherical, luster is good but the pearls have some imperfections more or less.” I have read that the official Tahitian grading is in an A-D scale.

Oh! No worries, both those strands were mine - the recent bracelet strand here and the older pastel Tahitians that you saw on LT ::) That explains the plural.

Okay. So taking the vendor's response piece by piece:

Quality is A to B:

Unfortunately, as @amoline explained, every vendor can choose his own grading scheme, and every vendor can choose how strictly he sticks to his own scheme! An example - Mikimoto grades Akoya from A to AAA, with AAA being best: Most spherical, most lustrous, cleanest surface, strongest overtone). As size goes up, sharp luster, roundness, and clean surfaces become more rare. Mikimoto's grading scale doesn't adjust with size - they don't say "this 10mm akoya is the most marvellous akoya of this size there will ever be, so we'll call this gem AAA and grade all other 10mm akoya by comparison to this gem" (which leads to "why is this 7mm AAA more marvellous than that 10mm AAA"?) With Mikimoto, if a 10mm akoya that deserves the "objective" AAA moniker doesn't exist, then it doesn't exist. Most pearls vendors don't do this - their grading scales are relative to their best, whatever that might be. And of course best from Vendor A and best from Vendor B might not match.

So this statement means nothing until the vendor defines explicitly, preferably with photos or video, what their top quality is for you.

Shape is spherical:

At least some pearls are near round, not round. This renders the whole strand "near round" - it does not merit the round premium. Pearl shown at arrow is clearly off-round. And this photo is clearly a crop, the off-roundness is not an artifact of photography (ie. lens vignetting). It's visible in the full strand photo as well, but easier to see here.


In addition to shape being improperly described, the stringing is... Bizarre. Maybe someone else can figure out what's going on here? To my eyes it looks like the vendor was aiming for some sort of alteration of light and dark but couldn't be bothered to find pearls that worked in terms of size.


luster is good:

Again - by what standard? What does "poor", "fair", "good", "great", "best", whatever words the vendor uses mean here?

In this photo you can certainly see that the light green pearl has better luster than the grey pearl immediately left. But what does "good" mean?


Here's an example of an objectively lustrous Tahitian - if you ignore the difference in body colour, you can see how much sharper the reflections are.


but the pearls have some imperfections more or less:

This is an honest appraisal. I see blemishing or discoloration on nearly every pearl, but some pearls are significantly more blemished than others. Examples of some of the minor stuff:


So, when we take the whole statement as a single descriptive unit:
“Quality is A to B, Shape is spherical, luster is good but the pearls have some imperfections more or less.”
It's quite a few seemingly-helpful words that actually tell you pretty much nothing - a vague mix of true, untrue, and meaningless, the sum total of which is (IMO) designed to confuse. A vendor like Pearl Paradise would not subject a customer to a statement like this.

And that irritates me. Whatever type and quality of pearls you sell, be honest about them and sell them at a fair price. Don't deliberately obfuscate and mislead just because you can. Please don't buy from this vendor. And please, please don't pay $3k USD for this strand. If you're willing to go down in size, we can help you do SO much better on all the other qualities that pearls have to offer.
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Hey got an alert and popped by.

My two cents is no for the strand in question? Luster isn’t great and the color combo isn’t good enough to overcome the meh luster and arrangement.

To be honest most of my best pearl strands have some origin from Japan but this is quite meh... I do sometimes see amazing stuff on Rakuten. Let me know @BarbBe if you want to have a look. Where are you based by the way?

Thanks @yssie! Are u referring to the wave strand? Gosh haven’t worn that in ages...

Edit: just want to mention that some of my most loved strands includes super super peacocks that are irregular and blemished but have super luster and strong peacock colors. So I started off wanting round, unblemished strands but have gone over to the luster and color side. You need to see them in person to know if you will like them but it was literally love at first sight for me once I saw the super peacocks.
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I am not a fan of multi-colour strands, and the colours in this strand do not tickle my fancy as I love blues and greens, so I would pass whether I would mind the blemish on the dark pearl mentioned by @pearlsngems or not (and I do).

The pearls are large though, shapes are good with no obvious drop/baroque, and surfaces reasonably clean except for that unfortunate dark pearl with the very noticeable blemish to my untrained eyes.

IMHO, I believe it is a good price.

All personal opinion and all that.

DK :))

Thanks DK168, I like the blues and greens as well. This strand had good diversity of colors which I had requested.
Some people like a more subtle range of colors in multicolor strands, and that is ok. The important thing is that the buyer likes the colors, whatever they are.
Oh! No worries, both those strands were mine - the recent bracelet strand here and the older pastel Tahitians that you saw on LT ::) That explains the plural.

Okay. So taking the vendor's response piece by piece:

Quality is A to B:

Unfortunately, as @amoline explained, every vendor can choose his own grading scheme, and every vendor can choose how strictly he sticks to his own scheme! An example - Mikimoto grades Akoya from A to AAA, with AAA being best: Most spherical, most lustrous, cleanest surface, strongest overtone). As size goes up, sharp luster, roundness, and clean surfaces become more rare. Mikimoto's grading scale doesn't adjust with size - they don't say "this 10mm akoya is the most marvellous akoya of this size there will ever be, so we'll call this gem AAA and grade all other 10mm akoya by comparison to this gem" (which leads to "why is this 7mm AAA more marvellous than that 10mm AAA"?) With Mikimoto, if a 10mm akoya that deserves the "objective" AAA moniker doesn't exist, then it doesn't exist. Most pearls vendors don't do this - their grading scales are relative to their best, whatever that might be. And of course best from Vendor A and best from Vendor B might not match.

So this statement means nothing until the vendor defines explicitly, preferably with photos or video, what their top quality is for you.

Shape is spherical:

At least some pearls are near round, not round. This renders the whole strand "near round" - it does not merit the round premium. Pearl shown at arrow is clearly off-round. And this photo is clearly a crop, the off-roundness is not an artifact of photography (ie. lens vignetting). It's visible in the full strand photo as well, but easier to see here.


In addition to shape being improperly described, the stringing is... Bizarre. Maybe someone else can figure out what's going on here? To my eyes it looks like the vendor was aiming for some sort of alteration of light and dark but couldn't be bothered to find pearls that worked in terms of size.


luster is good:

Again - by what standard? What does "poor", "fair", "good", "great", "best", whatever words the vendor uses mean here?

In this photo you can certainly see that the light green pearl has better luster than the grey pearl immediately left. But what does "good" mean?


Here's an example of an objectively lustrous Tahitian - if you ignore the difference in body colour, you can see how much sharper the reflections are.


but the pearls have some imperfections more or less:

This is an honest appraisal. I see blemishing or discoloration on nearly every pearl, but some pearls are significantly more blemished than others. Examples of some of the minor stuff:


So, when we take the whole statement as a single descriptive unit:
“Quality is A to B, Shape is spherical, luster is good but the pearls have some imperfections more or less.”
It's quite a few seemingly-helpful words that actually tell you pretty much nothing - a vague mix of true, untrue, and meaningless, the sum total of which is (IMO) designed to confuse. A vendor like Pearl Paradise would not subject a customer to a statement like this.

And that irritates me. Whatever type and quality of pearls you sell, be honest about them and sell them at a fair price. Don't deliberately obfuscate and mislead just because you can. Please don't buy from this vendor. And please, please don't pay $3k USD for this strand. If you're willing to go down in size, we can help you do SO much better on all the other qualities that pearls have to offer.

Hi Yssie, i can‘t say how much I appreciate the time you took to look at the strand and reply. It’s people like you that make this forum valuable to people like me who want to learn.

Grading: I now understand that the grading is relative and that the grading is relative. I have found a store in town who carries Mikimoto and will stop by there tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what they have available and the differences in the strands they have available.

Shape: It was so helpful for me to read and see your evaluation. I now understand and see the differences (and i hadn‘t until you pointed it out). My assumption was that I had requested round and that ‘spherical‘ was a translation issue and not the description for near/off round. But with your insight, I can see that some pearls are off round. I guess the order could be changed soemwhat but agree that there must have been some logic. I have seen other strands online with a larger pearl in the center of the strand and have found this misleading when it determines the pearl sizes in the strand. And it looks awkward too!

Luster: This has been the most difficult criteria for me to evaluate online. When comparing the pearls in the strand to the one example you provided, it’s become clear to me that I need to keep looking. :oops2:

Blemishes: The minor blemishes would bother me less if the other criteria would be great. That one pearl at 7:00 o‘clock bothers me though. And the discoloration is not pretty.

Your overall asssessment is powerful and based on other comments the vendor made I also feel that it is intentional. I will let the vendor know that I will not be purchasing this strand. I am willing to go down in size - the goal was 10mm +/- and a ‘straight strand‘ - less graduated.

I purchased a necklace from one of the better known vendors on this forum last December but was forced to cancell the order when the vendor told me that he wouldn’t send me photos of ‘my strand’ before shipping. “we unfortunately can’t send a photo of the necklace beforehand. This is because each necklace is made-to-order and once it has been made, it’s immediately shipped out”. I told him that I had never made such a high $ purchase sight unseen. I have the customs and VAT taxes which I would never recuperate if the necklace wasn’t what I had expected and would need to be returned. That strand was (I believe) USD 3.800 on sale. I‘m checking on the details on what I had ordered.

It will be important for me to work with a vendor that could provide this kind of support and service. I would appreciate if you (and the any other enthusiasts) would please help me shop and find the perfect necklace.
None of us can travel at the moment so if we do not have such an item in stock we can't offer to find it when we next make a buying trip (grrrrr)
Hey got an alert and popped by.

My two cents is no for the strand in question? Luster isn’t great and the color combo isn’t good enough to overcome the meh luster and arrangement.

To be honest most of my best pearl strands have some origin from Japan but this is quite meh... I do sometimes see amazing stuff on Rakuten. Let me know @BarbBe if you want to have a look. Where are you based by the way?

Thanks @yssie! Are u referring to the wave strand? Gosh haven’t worn that in ages...

Edit: just want to mention that some of my most loved strands includes super super peacocks that are irregular and blemished but have super luster and strong peacock colors. So I started off wanting round, unblemished strands but have gone over to the luster and color side. You need to see them in person to know if you will like them but it was literally love at first sight for me once I saw the super peacocks.

It’s great that you have stopped by Icy_Jade! I had a quick look at your posts and love the baroque pearls on you!

Yssie really helped me and I’ve decided not to purchase this necklace from the japanese vendor. I looked before and did see a few beautiful necklaces and bracelets on Rakuten.

I live near Zurich, Switzerland. I am in Zurich tomorrow and will stop by two stores, one carries Mikimoto and the other is a pearl specialized retail store called Gellner. I hope to see some with these hues and luster.

I love the peacock colors on your baroque necklaces, especially when you wear them doubled.
Hi Yssie, i can‘t say how much I appreciate the time you took to look at the strand and reply. It’s people like you that make this forum valuable to people like me who want to learn.

Grading: I now understand that the grading is relative and that the grading is relative. I have found a store in town who carries Mikimoto and will stop by there tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what they have available and the differences in the strands they have available.

Shape: It was so helpful for me to read and see your evaluation. I now understand and see the differences (and i hadn‘t until you pointed it out). My assumption was that I had requested round and that ‘spherical‘ was a translation issue and not the description for near/off round. But with your insight, I can see that some pearls are off round. I guess the order could be changed soemwhat but agree that there must have been some logic. I have seen other strands online with a larger pearl in the center of the strand and have found this misleading when it determines the pearl sizes in the strand. And it looks awkward too!

Luster: This has been the most difficult criteria for me to evaluate online. When comparing the pearls in the strand to the one example you provided, it’s become clear to me that I need to keep looking. :oops2:

Blemishes: The minor blemishes would bother me less if the other criteria would be great. That one pearl at 7:00 o‘clock bothers me though. And the discoloration is not pretty.

Your overall asssessment is powerful and based on other comments the vendor made I also feel that it is intentional. I will let the vendor know that I will not be purchasing this strand. I am willing to go down in size - the goal was 10mm +/- and a ‘straight strand‘ - less graduated.

I purchased a necklace from one of the better known vendors on this forum last December but was forced to cancell the order when the vendor told me that he wouldn’t send me photos of ‘my strand’ before shipping. “we unfortunately can’t send a photo of the necklace beforehand. This is because each necklace is made-to-order and once it has been made, it’s immediately shipped out”. I told him that I had never made such a high $ purchase sight unseen. I have the customs and VAT taxes which I would never recuperate if the necklace wasn’t what I had expected and would need to be returned. That strand was (I believe) USD 3.800 on sale. I‘m checking on the details on what I had ordered.

It will be important for me to work with a vendor that could provide this kind of support and service. I would appreciate if you (and the any other enthusiasts) would please help me shop and find the perfect necklace.

Happy to help!

I think I know who the vendor you shortlisted in December is, and if I'm correct - I don't recommend them because whilst they do have nice pearls my experiences with their customer service have been consistently poor :(sadBuying pearls of this value blind - an international purchase, no less! - is a completely unreasonable expectation.

Do let us know how your viewings go tomorrow! Once you decide how you personally prioritize shape, size, colour, luster, and blemishing, we can certainly help ::) The best way to buy is definitely in-person, but I'm personally very comfy with photos and a reasonable return policy.
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It’s great that you have stopped by Icy_Jade! I had a quick look at your posts and love the baroque pearls on you!

Yssie really helped me and I’ve decided not to purchase this necklace from the japanese vendor. I looked before and did see a few beautiful necklaces and bracelets on Rakuten.

I live near Zurich, Switzerland. I am in Zurich tomorrow and will stop by two stores, one carries Mikimoto and the other is a pearl specialized retail store called Gellner. I hope to see some with these hues and luster.

I love the peacock colors on your baroque necklaces, especially when you wear them doubled.

Oooh, Gellner are partnered with Fiji pearls, those are just gorgeous! Although they will be pricey. Take some photos if you can!
Some people like a more subtle range of colors in multicolor strands, and that is ok. The important thing is that the buyer likes the colors, whatever they are.

Silver Tahitians are usually the cheapest colour.
Hi, You have some great advice and looks like you are following it :) Just a comment on the knots in looks like they may have used little silicon bumpers which is quite common in necklaces from Japan.

An easy quick way to judge lustre from a photo is to look at the reflection of the light, the halo, on the surface. If you look at the gorgeous Peacock that Yssie posted you can see the line is very sharp . On the strand its faded. While not a guarantee , it's a quick indication as to the tightness of the surface.

As Andrew said, the best way to understand pearls and colours is to look at lots of them. You are going to two great stores so ask questions !
Hi everyone, first a thanks to @yssie and @Pearlescence for the help on this journey.

After looking at various strands, I reached out to Cees who sourced these beautiful pearls for me. The Colors are remarkable as is the luster.

They are 10-11 mm round multi-color Haitian pearls from Rikitea; 17 inches, white gold ball clasp.

The colors look awesome! We definitely need neck shots!!
They're wonderful!
The new strand is much nicer IMHO!

DK :))