
My 20th Anniversary, 50th Birthday Present is Here!!


Aug 17, 2015
Per diamondseeker's request, I'm starting my own SMTB thread for my 20th anniversary, 50th birthday present.

I've been a lurker for many years long before I joined in 2015. PriceScope has been my constant companion in life, seeing me through illness, then, a horrific and tragic loss. You've provided me an escape from unimaginable sorrow, day in, day out. You don't know me but you've propped me up when I really needed it the most. You continue to do so. And for that I thank you.

You see, I've been ill for so long. And the times when I was bedridden, unable to move, I needed something to distract me from my physical pain. My love for jewelry led me to discover PriceScope. And through hospitalizations, infusions, chemotherapy, PS was there with me. Constantly. I don't mind the illness. In fact, I would gladly go through all that I've been through physically a million, billion, gazillion times over if it meant my son would return to me. I was ready to go. I was at peace with my illness. But then, my son left instead. You see, I lost my only child a few years ago. There was no rhyme nor reason for his passing.

I'm the luckiest mother out there for having a son so gracious, accepting, forgiving, loving, funny and smart. He's beloved by everyone he met. To this day, he is profoundly loved and affectionately remembered. A college graduate newly promoted in his first job, he left us a day before what would've been his 23rd birthday. I was devastated. I still am. And those who say I need to "move on" don't understand that when you lost the love of your life, there is no such thing. He was my meaning, my purpose, my smile.

I'm sharing all this because I want to thank you, PriceScope. You were with me. Always. And I want the world to know that I am the mother of a son who was a kind and decent human being with an enormous heart. A young man who had this gift of making you feel you're his best friend, even if you just met him. He would invite a stranger who seems like a loner to his parties just so that stranger wouldn't feel so alone. He's known on campus as the life of the party...always happy, never cruel, never judgmental. His smile was as big as his heart. My son is someone who I can only aspire to be. I am very lucky indeed.

I also want the world to know I'm lucky and grateful for having a partner who, in spite of her own grief, nursed me back to what now seems like a semblance of a life. My partner, family and friends knew I needed distractions, in all shapes or form. They'd give me projects, big or small just to keep me busy. My partner even bought me different stones in the course of 3 years but I'd always find a reason to get rid of them (Hegemony Cricket's mom now owns one of my stones). In fact, I almost got rid of the emerald I have now. Nothing seems to bring me joy. I thought a diamond's glow doesn't compare to the warm hugs of the person who gave you so much joy in your life. Not even close. How frivolous, I thought.

In my despair, I was missing an important point, however. What I realized is my partner was trying to spark a bit of life back in ignite some interest in all the things I used to love (learning i.e. education, fashion, history and jewelry). She's been my rock, my support, my everything now. I wouldn't be here were it not for her. If not for family and friends. My partner of 20 years who helped me raise my beautiful, wonderful son would urge me to log on to PriceScope hoping that it would somehow cheer me up. So yes, you, PriceScope members have also been part of my long, arduous, heartbreaking journey of life, love and loss. Thank you. Thank you for sharing all your stories. Thank you for listening to mine.
Apologies for the lengthy backstory. Below are photos of my ring but first, specs:

Center stone: 3.54 ct., VS1, L-colored, GIA certed with Faint fluorescence
Side traps: 0.89 ct., VS1, H-colored uncerted (courtesy of Israel Diamonds- Brad, in particular, for his patience)

Caysie van Bebber who designed the ring and whose artistry also helped me through sleepless nights.


And now for some hand shots...prepare for photo overload!!! Diamondseeker, I'm not able to find a DLSR to borrow. So excuse the iPhone photos. It's very challenging to capture an emerald-cut diamond's beauty on camera but I know step cut lovers out there will be more forgiving of my photos :)



And last batch of hand's stormy here in NorCal. This is the best I can do...and thank you everyone for looking!!



Absolutely gorgeous! And I'm so sorry for your loss. Your son sounds like a wonderful person. ((((HUGS))))
Dear Maita13,
Oh my.. your post truly moved me to tears. I'm so so sorry that you had to endure such hardships in your life in the past few years. I'm sure NOTHING can ever replace a child that is lost.. he sounds like he was truly an amazing soul.
His memory will live on in you forever. That will never change.
On a positive note.. how thankful you must be that you are better from your illness and that you have such a kind, caring and supportive partner in life. That is a true blessing.
On a much lighter note.. your new ring is a true beauty as you are. The stone and the design of the ring are just perfect.
How nice that it gives you so much joy. You absolutely deserve it.
Enjoy it.. be well.. always be good to yourself and happy happy 20th and 50th. :love:
Your ring is perfection and I hope it helps you rediscover the things that give joy.
Thanks very much, Irishgrrl!

Rubies, your response made me cry...thanks so much for your kind words.

Thanks, kgizo! It's just a ring, I know, but it's the gesture behind it that makes me smile again.
Maita....oh my goodness, I, too, had tears reading your story. So heartbreaking all the trials you have had to endure. I cannot imagine the sadness in losing your only child. I am thankful you pulled through your own illness, and you are at the point of actually celebrating some major milestones in life! (I will tell you that I have had different trials with a child over many years, and PS also was my happy place of escape, and so much so that I can't leave! lol!)

Now to the is so elegant and beautiful! :love: :love: :love: I love emerald cuts in general, and Caysie created a gorgeous, classic setting for your lovely stone! She truly is a wonderful artist and designer! :appl:

Happy anniversary and birthday! I wish you happiness in all the days ahead!
Welcome and thank you for joining us. Your pain is palpable through your words and my heart breaks for you and all you have endured. I wish you peace in your continuing survival from physical as well as emotional struggle. Your son certainly sounds like a wonderful young man and one of which I am sure, you are very proud. His memory and goodness will live on through you I am certain.

I think many of us can relate to having lost ourselves in Pricescope when life is challenging. I am glad we could be there to some extent for you. Your ring is just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing it and I hope it brings you some joy every day. Please continue to join us when you can!
First let me extend my very heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved Son. I'm deeply moved by your story and humbled by your strength and resilience. Let me also wish you healing in your health battle and sun back into your life again.

I saw your phenomenal ring on Caysie's Instagram! It's glorious!! :o :love: I hope it brings you joy. It looks beautiful on your hand. You are blessed to have such a caring partner. All the best to you maita13 :wavey:
Diamondseeker!!!! I've so enjoyed your posts and beauties as well as countless others here on PS. Thanks for encouraging me to start my own SMTB! I found myself enjoying the process of posting i.e. taking iPhone photos of my ring while filling gas, parked outside my doctor's clinic, pushing a grocery cart, picking up dog poop in the backyard... :lol:

And I'm sorry to hear about your own trials...Yes, PS has been a great escape from the harsh realities of life. Thanks again, PS!

@MissGotRocks- I've enjoyed your posts and beauties as well!! Thanks so much for your beautiful words!

@Bonfire- thank you, thank you! Just thank you...

Everyone is making me cry with their generosity and kindness...thanks so much again.
A beautiful ring, thanks for sharing!

DK :love: :love: :love:
Your ring - needless to say - is an absolute stunner, hands down! :love:

But your strength, and your love both for your son & your partner, that is truly admirable and the shining star in an otherwise dark time. I am so very sorry for your unimaginable loss, and wish you much comfort & hope as you rediscover that which brings you happiness. (hugs)
Your story is heartbreaking but you are so blessed to have a wonderful partner at your side to see you through. Your son sounded like an amazing man. As the mother of three adult sons I can understand your pain. I hope your health continues to improve, mentally and physically. I hope your beautiful ring gives you great joy! Happy 20th anniversary and 50th birthday!!!!!
Maita, this ring is as beautiful & as stunning as your soul is :love:

I hope it can remind you how lucky you are to be over illness & about having such a wonderfully loving & supportive partner. I am heartbroken for the loss of your son, something I imagine nobody can ever 'move on' from, but I hope when you look at this ring you can see the beauty of life, YOUR life, the life that you are now able to go on living. Our world is precious & it gives us diamonds from deep down in its core, but it also takes things away from us. Who knows why it does either? Enjoy the sunshine on your face & the sound of the rain on your windows.

Sending lots of hugs x
Your ring is truly stunning and looks gorgeous on!
Your post is beautifully written, and I always appreciate when people can bring such intimate thoughts into words. Big hugs to you, for your suffering through illness and such an intense loss. I'm so glad you have your partner, and that you allowed her to convince you to find some joy in something. Your ring is absolutely stunning! <3
This is my FAVORITE ring on Pricescope!!! Congrats on both 20 years and 50 years!!!!!!
Your ring is beautiful. I am so sorry you have been through all the things you have been through and so glad that you are in a place to bring joy back in to your life. It is very special and you will cherish it always!
Wowza - this is a beauty! Congrats!
I'm so sorry for all you have been through and for the loss of your son. Wishing you only health and happiness ahead. And happy birthday and anniversary! Gorgeous ring! :love:
I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Your ring is beautiful! Happy 20th anniversary and 50th birthday! Wishing you good health and much happiness going forward!
Maita, I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved child has to be the worst pain imaginable. Hugs to you. So thankful you have a partner who loves you and was close to your son to help you through it. Your ring is gorgeous. May your health continue to improve and you find joy and blessing in your son's memory.
This is the nightmare for every parent. So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear child. You seem to have a truly amazing partner.

Your ring is beautiful!!! A true piece of art. Enjoy wearing it and I hope you health continues to improve.
Maita, I am so sorry about the heartbreaking loss of your son. Big hugs to you. I am glad you have a partner that has helped you through such difficult times.

Your ring is beautiful!
I am so moved by your post and the things you have gone through. Many hugs to you and your partner. I know the loss of a child is something that you will never get over but I am so happy to read that you are starting to take back pieces of your life that brought you happiness. It is a truely stunning ring, one of my favorites ever posted.
Thanks everyone for your lovely words!!

Motownmama, acicnom, marcy, luv2sparkle, porkandham, aac, jocojenn: thank you!!

And to those I failed to mention here and others who will be responding, know that I'm also very grateful to you.

Tourmaline, I was once told that people take their emotional cue from me. I've been holed up for far too long. And the times that I did venture out, I found myself having to pretend I was/am okay while feeling the complete opposite. Finally posting here on PS is helping me though. The anonymity that the PS platform provides also allows us to be ourselves. To be able to express one's thoughts and feelings is a liberating, therapeutic thing. That said, apologies if I made anyone uncomfortable or sad. I was simply chronicling my life's journey and sharing how PS has helped me along the way. Please know your kind words are filling my heart today.

On a lighter note, I told my partner this morning I posted on PS and she was very surprised I did. I read your responses to her in an attempt to let her know just how much she's appreciated beyond the 4 walls of our home. I also told her everyone has a name for their beauties and asked what I should name mine. She said for me to tell you guys, my ring's name is "her left kidney" because she had to sell hers to buy the ring :lol: :D :lol: :D

Next up is her 5 years maybe... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, more shots coming your way...excuse the grime on both rings. I've been wearing them non-stop since I got my CvB ring.


Maita, you are absolutely right that when someone experiences a terrible loss, others look to that person for cues as to how to behave, wanting not to add to your grief. To the degree that you can be authentic with people, as you have been here, I think you may find interactions with people to be better (less draining, more enriching). It's good to give people an opportunity to meet you exactly where you are. ❤