
My 3.21ct AVR in CvB setting! Lots of pictures, ready?

Blessed1|1416369588|3786196 said:
Gorgeous!!!! One of the most beautiful rings on pricescope!!!!!

Thank you, Blessed1!
Congratulations on achieving your dream ring :appl: Love that you added personal touches to your design! Enjoy
Those pears are so CUTE!! I saw them after I came back to your thread for the third time. :love: :love: :love:
Oh, I have a question! You had a similar ring made earlier for your AVC that you exchanged for the AVR. I am very curious how you feel about this ring in comparison to the SK ring.

I'll have to say, I noticed the pears and think this is superior to some other similar rings I have seen.
Oh my!!
S T U N N I N G!!!!!!!! :appl:
woofmama|1416406238|3786404 said:
Congratulations on achieving your dream ring :appl: Love that you added personal touches to your design! Enjoy

Thank you, woof mama! It is my dream ring indeed. Caysie and I worked on the smallest details to make it just so. I knew exactly how I wanted this ring to look. Caysie's artistic approach was the vehicle that materialized this ring in the end. I can't say it enough how thankful I am to have had the chance to work with her and her team!

LLJsmom said:
Those pears are so CUTE!! I saw them after I came back to your thread for the third time. :love: :love: :love:

Thank you, LLJsmom! The pears are fat and luscious, definitely high on the cute scale! Still can't believe this is on my finger!!!

diamondseeker2006 said:
Oh, I have a question! You had a similar ring made earlier for your AVC that you exchanged for the AVR. I am very curious how you feel about this ring in comparison to the SK ring.

I'll have to say, I noticed the pears and think this is superior to some other similar rings I have seen.

Thank you for the kind comments, DS! You are asking a tough question! It's hard for me to answer, to be honest. Firstly, I don't have the knowledge that you have to discern at your level. I will say though that I like the proportions of this ring on my finger. We have the same ring size but our hands are so different... I have a pudgy portion on my ring finger that may dwarf 3 carats of diamond, as where your AVR looks HUGE on your slim elegant ring finger. In other words, I like the finger coverage on this setting with AVR vs the SK with AVC.
I am enjoying the dramatic taper from the center to shank - makes the ring more feminine less bulky looking to my eyes (especially with my muscular finger lol). I am loving the pears on the sides, f holes and open view of my stone pavilion, the whiteness of the 900 plat/iridium versus the 950 ruthenium blend (was more grey than white, but still beautiful).
When I opened the ring box, I was so surprised how delicate, dainty and so fine the ring's details were. From the pictures and foreknowledge of cast rings, I was expecting something more bulky, definitely more bulky than my SK ring. It simply was not so - they look equally dainty to my eyes and memory. The CvB ring was cast in pieces, as you know, and they were put together. You may have noticed the double millegrain layers - halo and another layer below, this was for structural integrity. I don't think it takes away from the beauty at all, but more like a nod to the adjacent shank sides which house single cuts and the double f holes, the theme of doubles run all over the ring. The pears were Caysie's idea, like so many others on this ring, it's a really nice touch. The SK setting was a beautiful setting. I'm glad I had the ring made by CvB ID for my AVR. I feel relief to have found such a beautiful stone and the perfect setting for it; I believe this is my forever ring until I pass it on to my son.
I am really looking forward to seeing what you choose for your AVR, DS!

Rubies-R-Me said:
Oh my!!
S T U N N I N G!!!!!!!! :appl:

Thank you, Rubies-R-Me!
Thanks for that very detailed explanation! I am very interested in the fact that you can see a difference in the platinum alloy!!! My Beaudry rings are all 90/10, so I am really glad to know you prefer it over the 95/5ruthenium! As far as the proportions go, I think Caysie is gifted in design abilities. The taper is perfect. The milgrain is perfect....your customized sides are really special, too! It certainly is a heirloom that you'll be proud to hand down maybe even to a granddaughter some day! :appl:
It's Beautiful :love:
Hi Elysian,

I know this thread is old, but i'm thinking of working with CVB for my ring as well. I LOVE your ring! And her work! It's simply amazing. I saw some of your sketches with halo sizes on the other page. Can i ask what halo you went with? the 12mm or 11? And what is your ring size? I'm trying to see what a good size would be for me. I'm a size five. I'll have a halo similar to yours, but more of an octagon shape, and a thinner band. I would love to have a comparison of sizes!