
My ever changing special Rose in her new cvb_id setting!


May 23, 2017
I have been on a quest to set my Rosie into a setting that does her justice and let's her shine. She is a 10 X 7 X 3 rose cut with W/X color and VS1 GIA grading. She is a gorgeous buttery yellow that I adore. None of my previous settings allowed that to shine so my husband sent my stone to Caysie to see what she could come up with for my very active lifestyle. She truly is a blessing and a wonderful woman. She listened to everything I said and came up with a perfect rendition of her Astrid for my stone, while making adaptions that fit into my lifestyle. I am so excited to receive her. I will post those pictures when she arrives. For now I will show the previous two settings and the pictures Casey shared with me .

The first setting was from jyb and was a simple bezel setting but it sat to low on the hand.

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The second setting was by DK and I loved it but it didn't bring out the color that I loved about the stone.
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Now she is set in the Astrid rendition from cvb_id and I feel like she is home. It brings out her buttery shimmer and she came to life in such a beautiful way. She is in a very organic feeling setting with the finishing and has beautiful touches added in. I love the different contrast zones from the brush finishes and milgrain, and the wearability of the ring. I love how she twinkles constantly. I am looking forward to wearing her! She will have a matching band with a rose cut center to stack with. I definitely feel like this is a a piece that I can wear for a very long time and my daughter can later enjoy ❤
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Holly spitballs!!!!!!! Yay, it is a PSer's ring YAYYYYYY.
I love it. Congrats.
Oh WOW :appl::lickout::love:
She’s beautiful. Can’t wait to see handshots!
Stunning!!!!:love: :love: :love: Can't wait to see hand shots, it's going to look amazing on you!! By the way, all of your photography is just gorgeous!
All three versions are lovely, but I think you hit perfection on the last one! I love the angularity contrasted with the rounded milgrain – antique yet modern.
Wow that's gorgeous!!!!
That is beautiful. I think this is just perfect
Very beautiful setting! Really compliments the stone!
Wow, you managed to get the geometry of the setting to match the facet pattern. That is one of the most spectacular rings I have ever seen. Congrats :D, it is lovely!

Thank you! I love how it came together with the facet pattern too.
Stunning!!!!:love: :love: :love: Can't wait to see hand shots, it's going to look amazing on you!! By the way, all of your photography is just gorgeous!
Thank you! I will post handshots asap and try to get some pictures with my other rings from Caysie.
All three versions are lovely, but I think you hit perfection on the last one! I love the angularity contrasted with the rounded milgrain – antique yet modern.

Thank you so much! I feel like it's finally perfect
QUOTE="MissGotRocks, post: 4239920, member: 14576"]Very beautiful setting! Really compliments the stone![/QUOTE]

Thank you I love how all the angles work together. I am so excited to get it.
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It looks beautiful! Congratulations!
Third time's a charm, your diamond is finally home and is so gleamingly happy!
Wow, I adore your new setting...its like a beautiful frame for your stone...nice job CVB!
I just realized somehow my spell check changed the jeweler from the first ring. It was supposed to be "JbG". I do not know how to edit the original post. I apologize for the mistype.

I also wanted to mention that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the original settings. They were both executed beautifully, they just were not exactly right for me and what I wanted to showcase in regards to the stone.
I can't wait to see handshots!
Is it possible to edit the original post?