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- May 12, 2006
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So the other day my wife wasn''t feeling too well and because we dont'' have insurance I rushed to the store to pick up some cold meds and a thermometer. She took some medecine and we laid dow nto go to bed and at 3:00 a.m. she woke me up and said she was really sick. I reached over and put my hand on her to kind of calm her down...halfway so that I could go back to sleep...and halfway so that I could maek sure she was ok. When I touched her she was VERY hot and I got up immediately. We took her temp. and it was 101.7...which is VERY high for her becaus she usually has a below average temp. We stayed up until about 4:15 a.m. watching episodes of Full House that she ahd recorded on our DVR.....I sat there on the couch half asleep thinking...I am now officially an adult because I''m up nursing my wife in the middle of the night haha.....she began feeling better the past couple of days...but today in class she leaned over and said she thought her throat was starting to hurt again............NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! haha......stupid changing of the seasons!