
My new Julia B bling!


Mar 10, 2017
Hi, everybody! I'm new here, and I wanted to say hello and thank y'all for being such a great place to learn more about gemstones! For the last 22 years the only ring I've worn is my wedding ring, which is a trinity ring and we both wear them on our right hands. I have a nature habitat garden and we have six cats and I play the cello, so there are reasons to keep my nails short and not wear lots of bling. But it was high time! To my surprise I got fascinated with the natural variations of color, both the beauty and the science of it. Now I am on a rainbow project of loving all the different color possibilities. Thanks to the helpful people here I've found some wonderful vendors who really care about the work they do and are passionate about gems. I wanted to share pictures of my first commissioned project, a pink-to-purple color-change pyrope garnet from Earth's Treasury. It was set by Julia B in her daisy design with rose gold. The other stone in the photo is a lavender sapphire that I hope to have Julia set in her lily solitaire design with bezel set diamond side stones. Please share your Julia B bling below! And thanks again to everyone who gave me good guidance, whether you know it or not!
I'm kind af new to taking pictures so I hope these are okay! I didn't even know my ring size, lol. This daisy design fits great with my tri-color bands. My life has changed!!
Nice! I can only speak for myself, (and don't feel obliged, obviously, lol) but I like lots of pictures, from different angles and in different lighting, especially when there are colour shifts. :D
Ooh, a daisy ring. I've loved that style for years (and it's actually on my wish list when the right stone comes along. :mrgreen:

Love the garnet. Please post more pics. I'm starting a chant below.
*Post more pics!* *Post more pics!* *Post more pics!* :lol:
The color on your garnet is amazing! I need one I think. Love the setting too. Congrats.
I love both stones. I am very partial to those colors. Your garnet ring is just a gorgeous classic!

Really, really lovely!

So pretty! I have been wanting to have a purple sapphire I own to be set in one of her gorgeous settings forever. I love the color of both stones.
I love the story about this ring, and how ready you were to have it. It's absolutely beautiful on you and even more beautiful is your love of it! Congratulations! I am so happy for you! It was high time indeed.
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Beautiful purple sapphire ring. It looks perfect on your hand.
Thanks for your kind words, everybody! I'm really tickled! I really appreciate the compliments. I got some more photos today and will post them tomorrow.

It's a neat garnet with some different personalities. Although the colors don't change hugely, I think they're all pretty. There was a story on these garnets in Gems & Gemology with some good color photos.
Hopefully this shows some of the colors I get. Inside in ambient light it's kind of a purplish red, very pretty. In bright sun or computer light, it's more pink with some neon, and in the shade it's more purple. It washes out a little in bright sun. The clarity on these stones is not as good as some of the other garnets. I am amazed at the variety of garnets out there! Super fun!
Oh, I'm in love! :kiss:
Those new pics are gorgeous. I love the color of your new garnet and the ring in general is one of my favorites. Can I ask the mm size of the sidestones? The flower pics came out beautifully. :love:
Love the new pics in the garden with the flowers. The colors your gem changes to are all so lovely.
Thank you, princessandthepear. Since the ring is a flower design it seems really at home in the garden. The color changes feel so natural. My favorite thing about the garden is the changes, like what's blooming today, or what birds are feeding their nestlings, or what bees are visiting the flowers.

Elle, your avatar ring is one of my inspirations. I love your contrasting side stones! The balance of color intensities is perfect. My garnet is 6.7 mm and the "petals" are 3 mm. Since I am a ring newbie I needed a lot of help from Julia B to make sure the proportions wouldn't be out of scale for me. She has several examples of daisy rings with different sizes of centers and petals. I obsessed over her videos. The daisies look good with even smaller center stones too. How big are your red side stones? They look great with your glowy oval paraiba!
Gorgeous garnet, I love these stones! The sapphire is beautiful, too. And your cat! He/she looks at the ring with Ecclesiastes' expression on his face, "There is nothing new under the sun", lol.
Thank you, Arkteia! Miss Bangles would say she is the prettiest! Ha ha.

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