I actually first joined this site and lurked since 2013 when my husband and I first became engaged. We didn't have a ring, in fact, we were on my couch watching T.V. It was a marathon of my big fat gypsy wedding, I was in ratty sweats, and it was negative four degrees outside. While I love jewelry, and so does my husband, a blessing and a curse I promise, it took forever to find a style we both liked. My husband saw this style with a round diamond and said, this is it! This is you. The only thing I banged was to make it for an oval.
While we were looking, we also checked a few places online and brick and mortar. Upon having a conversation with my uncle and describing some of the comedy surrounding a couple of store visits. He mentioned that he was friends with a bench jeweler. Once we went there, we knew this was it. He is not only a bench jeweler himself but third generation. Would never have found him as he does minimal advertisement. Most of the work he does is a referral or sent to him from other jewelers. He made both mine and my husbands ring.
I genuinely love my ring, and my wedding band was never picked out with the intent to wear together. I wear my wedding band on my right now. Originally i wasn't able to wear my engagement ring to work. I want to wear a band with it but am at a lost. I would love thoughts in what to place with it? Occasionally i have done a 4mm flat band which slides underneath. I apologize for not fabulous pictures. I always love looking at all of yours. My husband also will look over my shoulders upon occasion.

While we were looking, we also checked a few places online and brick and mortar. Upon having a conversation with my uncle and describing some of the comedy surrounding a couple of store visits. He mentioned that he was friends with a bench jeweler. Once we went there, we knew this was it. He is not only a bench jeweler himself but third generation. Would never have found him as he does minimal advertisement. Most of the work he does is a referral or sent to him from other jewelers. He made both mine and my husbands ring.
I genuinely love my ring, and my wedding band was never picked out with the intent to wear together. I wear my wedding band on my right now. Originally i wasn't able to wear my engagement ring to work. I want to wear a band with it but am at a lost. I would love thoughts in what to place with it? Occasionally i have done a 4mm flat band which slides underneath. I apologize for not fabulous pictures. I always love looking at all of yours. My husband also will look over my shoulders upon occasion.