
My parakeet has medium blue fluorescence.

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Apr 17, 2002
On the advice of somebody here (thank you, whoever you are) I bought a keychain blacklight on ebay (this thing, if anybody else wants one: ), and I''ve been having so much fun!

For one thing, my parakeet fluoresces. His cere (the part above his beak, where the nostrils are) and certain feathers on his face. I knew this was supposed to be the case, but I''d never actually seen it.

For another, several pave stones on my rings flouresce. One lights up strongly and then goes on glowing after I turn the light off. And my K/L OEC turns out to have faint blue fluorescence, too. Strangely, after I turn the UV light off, it goes on glowing long after the pave stone in the setting has stopped, even though that stone is more strongly fluorescent.

Best of all is the low-grade star ruby an old boyfriend gave me. It''s a brownish, purplish red in ordinary light, opaque, with an uncentered star and lots of flecks of stuff in it--sounds dreadful, but it''s nevertheless rather pretty. Under the blacklight, it glows an amazing red. Just gorgeous, with a bright purple star (from the blacklight).

I''ve been having fun going around the house with the lights off, pointing my little light around and seeing what glows. My scissors'' handle. Several beads in a glass necklace. And, of course, the bird.
Oops, meant to post this in hangout. Sorry!
LOL! Sounds like fun. Don't forget to check out hubby and the kids...

You know, we'd love to know what the parakeet is thinking about that little light shining in his / her face
He didn't notice--I waited until he was asleep.

Hm, I wonder if my DH will notice if I wait until HE"S asleep?

Edited to add: the top of his head fluoresces yellow. (The bird, not the hubby.)
On 5/26/2004 10:38:34 PM glitterata wrote:

He didn't notice--I waited until he was asleep.

Hm, I wonder if my DH will notice if I wait until HE'S asleep?

Edited to add: the top of his head fluoresces yellow. (The bird, not the hubby.)----------------

I know my wife's face will fluorescen RED when she finds out i bought a 3 ct diamond for myself.
"I know my wife's face will fluorescen RED when she finds out i bought a 3 ct diamond for myself."

You mean you haven't told her yet? oh boy. better get the couch warmed up.
Maybe you could buy here a 3 carat diaond as well :-)

then you wont need ot warm up the couch

He he

Parakeets (and most birds actually) see in the UW spectrum, so the bird would see itself as you did with the UW on. I bet yours wouldn't like that light straight into it's face!

It could well be, that from your parrot's point of view, you are wearing a small, glowing red light on the finger when you put on the respective ruby.

Gems make great toys, isn't it ?!

You mean you haven't told her yet? oh boy. better get the couch warmed up.

The couch?! I was thinking THE DOGHOUSE!!!
Yes -- at my house he would need a locksmith!

And Glitterata, how cool that your bird and your gems glow! That sounds like a pretty fun toy.....
Oh, now I want one!
A blacklight or a bird, Hest? I recommend both. Mine is very tame and friendly--sits on my fingers while I'm typing, sits on my DH's shoulder and grooms his ear. (The bird, not the light.) It's the cutest thing. Parakeets are at least as smart as cats (which isn't saying all that much, granted)--and plus, they GLOW!

The blacklight's fun, too.
So far, Marty Haske's keychain is the most fun to play with... It has like a zillion variations of those gadgets on it to test all kinds of fluorescence at different levels! We could see it now... Here's what the parakeet looks like under this one and oooh! Let's try this one! Wow! and all the while the bird is thinking "what the freak is wrong with these people! All I want to do is sit around chirping and cracking a few nuts while I read the funny papers and these nuts want to turn my humble abode into a night club!"
Laughed out loud when I saw the title of your post! Sitting here getting overwhelmed by diamond info, and you snapped me out of it!
Tee hee, thanks!
The parakeet we used to have, Reggie Bird, would sit on his perch in his birdcage next to our telephone answering machine. Over the course of a few months, he developed a mimic of the answering machine tone . . . you know, the long monotone beep. It was a riot, but also kind of annoying!

Now if you want to have some more fun around the house, get yourself a fairly good-sized hand mirror. Face the mirror towards the ceiling and hold it about chest level. Look into the mirror (just with your eyes – keep your head out of the way) and start walking around the house. It’ll feel like you’re walking on the ceiling. This is an old trick . . . but sometimes it’s nice to revive some of the simple pleasures in life! Oddly enough, it also may account for why I’m so quirky.
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