
My proposal - The Story of Love

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Jul 17, 2007
Hello again ladies!

I came back from my holiday travels with wonderful news! My boyfriend proposed!!!!

It happened on New Year’s Eve. I wanted to tell you girls sooner, but I wanted to wait until I had some pictures to show you also.

I had Christmas at my parents’ house, and then went to see my boyfriend for a few days. I had a fantastic time – he cooked me many delicious meals and basically spoiled me rotten for a few days. On the night of the 30th, we spent FOUR HOURS talking about engagements. I thought about what you ladies had told me before when I was going through some stressed-out times, and he seemed really receptive to hearing my ideas. He asked me what my ring size was and details on what kind of stone and setting, as well as what I wanted in terms of a timeline. Again, this went on for 4 hours! By the end of it, I was convinced that nothing had been done yet in terms of ring shopping. Boy, did he have me fooled!

On the 31st, we were having fun around his apartment, watching movies and playing board games. We were cuddling on the couch when he said to me, “I’d like to tell you a story.” I said, “Ok!”, and he got up and walked to his room. As he was getting up, my hand slid down his back and I noticed that he seemed very warm and I felt his heart beating quite fast.

He returned with a red box about the size of a shoebox. First, he took a CD and put it in the stereo, then he pulled out a book that he had made titled, “A Story of Love.” He wrote the story himself about how we met and how we fell in love. The CD was a recording of his voice reading this story – from this point on, he didn’t speak to me, I only heard the story through the speakers. He did look at me and smile a lot though!

During the introduction of the story, he pulled two Beanie Babies out of the box and gave them to me. He had used those two Beanie Babies to illustrate the story! For example, on the page where he described the first time we held hands, the two animals were holding paws.

Eventually, it got to the part of the story where it said, “After many years of being together, he decided to get her a very special gift!” He pulled a rose out of the box, gave it to me, and his voice on the CD said, “This rose represents our past and the many good times we have had together.” The CD then played one of our favorite songs, and he pulled me up to dance.

After the dance, we sat on the couch again, then he pulled out another rose. His voice on the CD said, “This rose represents our present and the time we are spending together right now.” Again, another one of our favorite songs started to play, and he pulled me up to dance again.

After this dance, he pulled out a third rose and gave it to me. The CD said, “This rose represents our future and the lifetime of happiness we will share.” He pulled me up to dance again, then the CD said, “But then, something unexpected happened!” By now my heart was beating up in my throat and I knew that THIS WAS IT!

He reached in his pocket, got down on one knee and for the first time since we began this story he spoke directly to me. “I love you more and more each day and I cannot live my life without you! Will you marry me?"

I felt like my heart was going to leap out of my chest. My eyes welled up with happy tears as did his. We hugged for a very long time, crying due to the emotion. When we finally calmed down, he put the ring on my finger, and danced to a few more of our favorite songs.


I couldn’t be more thrilled. The proposal was so much better than anything else I ever imagined. It was so perfect. I love him so much and cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him. I feel like I’ve hit the ‘relationship jackpot’!

Thanks for listening to my story! Pictures will follow shortly as soon as I figure out how to resize them!

OMG!! I am crying happy tears yet again!! This is one of the most romantic and thoughtful proposals I have EVER heard!! Every moment touched my heart and I am SOOOOOOO beyond happy for you. :) Congrats on being a FIANCE!! hehe You deserve the best and now you have it. :) Wow - I still can''t get over how magical the proposal was. :) Love couldn''t be truer then this!!
The ring has a .63 princess cut stone, and smaller princess stones channel set into the band. I think there are 9 small stones in the band. The small stones are G/H colored, and the main stone is a G, VS1. I don't know any other specs.

I'm so happy with it! It's just what I wanted, the perfect size for me, and so beautiful! Most of all, I adore that it represents our love for each other!

Here is one of my favorite angles. I LOVE how the stone is suspended above the rest of the ring!

ETA: In all the following pictures, please forgive the condition of my hands. I'm not a girly girl and not the type to get a manicure. Just look at the ring, not the hands please

Engagement Ring 013.jpg
That is so elegant!! It reminds me of a tension ring with INCREDIBLE detail work. :) I am so amazed by the look of it. :) It totally fits the proposal. :) Unique and classy!!
Here is a top-down view.

Engagement Ring 044.jpg
Ok - I am now drooling!! So GORGOUS!! Oh!! And by the way - you are a GREAT photographer :)
A handshot

Engagement Ring 10001.jpg
I also love the swoopy prongs!

Engagement Ring 10002.jpg
What a special detail!!
I love it!

Engagement Ring 10003.jpg
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too!! hehe
On my desk

Engagement Ring 100004.jpg

Engagement Ring 10008.jpg
This is such a romantic proposal story!
And I''m so glad you got the ring of your dreams. Congrats!!!!!

Engagement Ring 10009.jpg
And, is it just me, or is that diamond HUGE for the carat weight? You totally picked a winner. Probably more a Rocky Talky questions, but any idea what the mm are on the stone?
That ring keeps amazing me with every angle
Last one for now - I hope to have these, as well as three or so more in a SMTR thread next week!

Thanks for letting me show off my new, beautiful ring!

Engagement Ring 10010.jpg
No - Thank YOU for sharing your story and pictures. :)
Congratulations SeeShell! Your proposal was incredible and the ring is beautiful! Wear it in good health and great love.
That''s one of the sweetest proposal stories I have ever read on here. CONGTRATS. Your ering is gorgeous!!! Enjoy this special time!! Best wishes to you both!!!
Congratulations. What a well-thought out proposal! Your ring is beautiful!
Seeshell your proposal was so romantic! What a lovely partner you have :-) Your ring is amazing!! Congratulations!!
Date: 1/4/2008 12:20:03 AM
Author: rubybeth
And, is it just me, or is that diamond HUGE for the carat weight? You totally picked a winner. Probably more a Rocky Talky questions, but any idea what the mm are on the stone?

I can't tell you exact measurements, but I eyeballed it with the help of a ruler, and it looks like about 4.5 x 3.75mm. Not square, but I do think that I like the look of a rectangular princess more than a square. I've heard that rectangular princesses generally aren't quite as sparkly as squares - I can't tell you that for sure because I have no square princess to compare it to, but I can assure you that the one I have looks really sparkly and firey to me!

ETA: Just for reference, my ring size is 6.5.
Oh wow, that is an AMAZING proposal, and the ring is a complete knockout! Congratulations, honey! I am so happy for you both!
Great story!!! Congratulations!

I am also in love with your swoppy prongs
Congratulations! I''m very happy for you - the last time you posted you were so frustrated, but see what can change in under a month?!

I love love love this story, so perfect!
That is positively the sweetest proposal ever! I laughed at the Beanie Baby part, but cried at the end! Congratulations and good luck in your wedding planning!
Your proposal story honestly brought tears to my eyes. How incredibly lovely, and what a beautiful ring!

Congratulations to you both!
what a cute proposal! congrats on finding a cutie to spend your life with!!! gorgeous ring too! that ''suspended'' shot is cool!
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