
My Rubellite Camera pics, continued


Jan 25, 2012
Sorry to the OP for the hijacked thread...but continuing on...

LD, I did not do any such thing...go back to this thread:


In one message, I posted about how I bought a new Spinel from Jeff, from Vietnam. I dont have it yet. I posted a link to a similar one that he has available.

In a separate thread, I post Jeffs vendor pic of my smaller stone, followed by my own pic of that stone. The two posts had nothing to do with one another. The first message was showing that Jeff has Vietnamese Red Spinels, showing an example.

The second message is a Burmese Spinel that I own, of which I posted the Vendor pic and my own pics. I brought this up, because Jeff told me that the new stone has better color than my Burmese. I happen to love the color of the Burmese stone, so I posted pics of it (jeffs followed by mine). They are two entirely different stone types (well, not types, but locales). I was not posting a better stone and calling it mine, which is how I felt I was being portrayed as doing.

Minou, I really don't care to see any more of my stones picked apart for being over saturated, so I'd like to end this dialogue. I appreciate you saying what I've learned. But I never thought of myself as bragging-ever. If you don't agree with my stones being "killer" thats fine, we all don't always agree. I just don't like it when because of the way the cotton looks, my stone must not look as saturated in person. Its not the first time that you specifically have called me out for that. Im not a dealer selling stones, nor am I a consumer posting vendor pics that I want advice for. I am posting pics of my own stones to show. What is the point of telling me that I am wrong in describing how my own stone (not for sale!) looks??
I have almost two decades of experience as a professional photo lab operator, a photo editor, and a creative director for a print publication. Pardon me for butting in, but I don't see what all the fuss is with your photos. They weren't any better or poorer exposed than most of what I see on PS -- I say that as a casual but very frequent observer with much respect for the generosity of knowledge and experience in this forum. Like everyone else, I only see what is on my own monitor and not what you and others have on your own monitors or, better, in your own hands. I hope everyone can acknowledge the vast variance that is not only possible, but probable, across all of our devices.

I hope no one takes offense to my saying so as I very much value the opinions -- and the time it takes to share them -- of all of the helpful people here at PS.

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