
My second Catherine Cardellini necklace!!


Feb 22, 2008
It is equally as gorgeous as my first. I told Catherine a few emails back (she has been reading all this threads on PS!) that I just can't capture the colors the way she has in her pictures. She was kind enough to send me a program that her son created to help lighten the photos. Not sure if it did so or not as it seemed so very suttle. These pics where taken on top of the vanity in my bedroom with flash. It is too cold and gloomy to do any outside pics. The pearls would mist over. I took several pics with my other CC strand (more blue/purple) and my Tahitian baroques from PP. Picture overload. Geez, kinda sad I spent my Sat. night doing all of this......... :wacko: Oh the things we do to showcase our pearls. :bigsmile:




both strands...












last but not least........ pearls along with one of my favorite rings...... :praise:



amazing! my next pearls will for sure be from Catherine :love:
You look fabulous, especially when wearing both strands together, they really suit you! I love your new pearls and the extra photos.
OMG! SO LOVELY! :appl:

LOve the drama of 2 together, very snazzy! I love the luster and shine on those! :love:

You are looking so CLASSY with these pearls CCN! :appl:
CCN, please remind me of the mm sizes of these pearls, so I can put them in the neck shots thread. :wavey:
iLander|1290349699|2774533 said:
CCN, please remind me of the mm sizes of these pearls, so I can put them in the neck shots thread. :wavey:

Thanks everyone....and thanks ILander for adding these to the neckshot thread. They range from 9.8mm to 12mm on both necklaces.

Verrry nice!!


Beautiful strands from CC. Did you intentionally asked her to string one short and one longer so you can nest them? Do they have same type of clasps? If they are, you can join them together and wear a rope, if you want.
lovely, cushion!

what size are the pearls? i'm loving the larger size.......

my only problem with my order was that i went too small with 2 of the strands. definitely a newbie problem, not catherine's! but i still love them due to their quality and that i can be very "casual" with them.

so, if you don't mind, i'd love to know what size your pearls are for future reference!


ps they are absolutely stunning both on and off.
movie zombie|1290383770|2774932 said:
lovely, cushion!

what size are the pearls? i'm loving the larger size.......

my only problem with my order was that i went too small with 2 of the strands. definitely a newbie problem, not catherine's! but i still love them due to their quality and that i can be very "casual" with them.

so, if you don't mind, i'd love to know what size your pearls are for future reference!


ps they are absolutely stunning both on and off.

Hi MZ! That's why we need the neck shots thread, I think everybody needs pictures for size reference when ordering. I'm thinking of asking for it to be made a sticky thread, and I'd like to rename it something like Neck Size, Pearl Size Reference Photos. What do you think?
(sorry for the threadjack, CCN)
Hi CCN-Thank you for your support on the other thing, I appreciate it . . .

Seeing you so happy about your pearls cheers me up. :)
oooh gorgeous strands CCN - they look fabulous together!! So dramatic :love: :bigsmile:
Wow, those are gorgeous! I love how they look together! :love:
seriously.... those are just freaking gorgeous!!!!!!!
cushioncutnut|1290351672|2774545 said:
iLander|1290349699|2774533 said:
CCN, please remind me of the mm sizes of these pearls, so I can put them in the neck shots thread. :wavey:

Thanks everyone....and thanks ILander for adding these to the neckshot thread. They range from 9.8mm to 12mm on both necklaces.

Mozo, I posted the size above.

Thanks all for your wonderful compliments. HHP, They are actually both 20" long so I had to stage them to have one look a little longer than the other. I wasn't even thinking about the pearl rope idea. They both have the same rolled gold hook clasps so it will work! :appl:
blame it on jet lag, cusion: 18 hours on a plane and hassles with security have made my brain mush, physically exhausted, and not catching the fine pring amongst all the lovely pictures.

movie zombie|1290406471|2775255 said:
blame it on jet lag, cusion: 18 hours on a plane and hassles with security have made my brain mush, physically exhausted, and not catching the fine pring amongst all the lovely pictures.


and obviously effected my ability to use a keyboard when i read what i wrote!

CCN, I think I'm going to hire you to pick pearls for me. This strand looks gorgeous on your skintone, again. That first strand you posted from CC is probably the best looking strand of pearls-paired-with-skintone I have seen for a long, long time. This is another such strand. I wonder if you just have a great eye for picking pieces that will suit you, or if you are somehow magically blessed with skin that looks good with most pearls. If it is the latter, I hate you. If it is the former, you need to start selling your services.

I also think CC needs to hire the posters in the pearl forum to take her photos for her - once again our photos make the piece look much mroe enticing (to my eye anyway) than the ones on her website.
whitehotblank|1290566285|2777535 said:
CCN, I think I'm going to hire you to pick pearls for me. This strand looks gorgeous on your skintone, again. That first strand you posted from CC is probably the best looking strand of pearls-paired-with-skintone I have seen for a long, long time. This is another such strand. I wonder if you just have a great eye for picking pieces that will suit you, or if you are somehow magically blessed with skin that looks good with most pearls. If it is the latter, I hate you. If it is the former, you need to start selling your services.

I also think CC needs to hire the posters in the pearl forum to take her photos for her - once again our photos make the piece look much mroe enticing (to my eye anyway) than the ones on her website.

Awee you are too kind! I actually have a little Lebanese blood in me so I can tan fairly easily. I do burn first and my skintone carries a bit of pink tones in it..........and unfortunately, some freckles the older I get. :(sad I do seem to have an eye for color and can wear almost any color except red. It really does not compliment my skin tone at all. Not even in the winter time when I am less tan. I really appreciate your comment about CC hiring us posters to take her photos. I was really racking my brain to work with the elements to make my photos look as true to color/luster as hers. Incredibly hard to do. In some of the pictures, I achieved that....but not in all of them like she does! Drives me batty....but I digress. I just know how beautiful they are IRL. :))
CC, major drool over those pictures!!
I want some champagne(y) color gum balls !!
CushionCutNut, those are absolutely gorgeous! I haven't been over to the pearl forum in a while so please excuse my ignorance but I would love to know more. I saw the posts about the size but is there anything else you can tell us about your pearls and how you chose such gorgeous ones? I'd love as much info as you can stand to give us!
Soooooo pretty!
Wow--truly beautiful.
you know what I think is fun are the "cornflake" pearls used between pearls. Kinda gives off cool bohemian vibe !! right ? =)
I love her pearls (Catherine's) but I have a hard time getting around through her site.
Oooooooo la la, I love :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: They look stunning on you :appl: