
My solitaire and a wardrobe of diamond bands

You have a great variety of bands there to wear with your gorgeous ering.
So beautiful!!! How do you choose?!?
Love all of the bands with your gorgeous solitaire MM! :love: So fun to mix and match :appl:
lovely bands!
Love it! Beautiful bands with your beautiful ring.
Do you ever wear one band on each hand, same finger? I love that look.:geek2:
I think I like number 4 the best with your ER. However I love them all for their individual qualities.
It’s a seriously awesome collection. Which is your favorite?
Love all these marvelous options!!
They all look beautiful. What a nice variety you have to choose from as your mood dictates.
such gorgeous variety! What do you find you wear the most?
Thank-you to all you lovely folks for taking the time to post on my thread!
Cosmetologist, Marcy, Mathews, Junebug, Tekete, Queenie, Himni, Imitcan, LLjsMom, Bonfire & Unsettled!!!!!
The one I wear the most is the first one - it used to be a 7-stone and last summer I had it converted to an eternity and LOVE it so much!
The next one down is 1/2 eternity bezel - I think my jeweler had it for $300 - this was years ago and he said "no one wants YG anymore!"
After that is a 1/2 eternity Christopher Designs ring with baguettes. I worn it non-stop for so many year - really got tons of use of it. Not wearing so much lately though.
Next is a channel set full-eternity. I was deciding between that and a band that incorporated sapphires for my WB (now lost unfortunately). I hemmed and hawwed that I hadn't chosen the all diamond one and DH let me get it for our first anniversary. It's very classic and a great stacker!
The last one was a mistake, but I'm AWFUL at returning jewelry. It's a 5-stone 1 ctw from Walmart - cheap, but crappy diamonds. It does sparkle though and sometimes I even use it as a beach ring, because I like to wear diamonds, but I'm not too worried about this ring.
I may do threads with all my colored stone bands and all my plain bands - just SO many of them I'm embarrassed to say, and I need to find the time!!!
Thanks again everyone!
I may do threads with all my colored stone bands and all my plain bands - just SO many of them I'm embarrassed to say, and I need to find the time!!!
Thanks again everyone!

YES do a thread with all of them!! I'd love to see how they change personalities as they are combined differently. I too like the first band best with your solitaire. But they all look nice. =)2
I love your rings and all your options! All elegant and classic and beautiful!:love: Enjoy.:appl: