
natural blue garnet -non color changing


Oct 6, 2013
I bought a blue garnet. It does not change color . I cant find ANY information on it . Its natural and has been identified as such. Can anyone give me further information on it? Its driving me crazy.


I imagine it is dark? We'd love some pics. :bigsmile:
I have really wanted to see one of these, to tell the truth. I've owned a decent amount of cc garnets but have never seen a blue one without the cc, although I've read the odd bit here and there about them. I'd love pics if you feel like it; but I'm sorry that I can't be of any help. I just remember reading in a couple of places (chat boards, but not PS I don't think) that they exist without the cc, but that it's rare to see. Anything I've read was scarce and not very informative.
Oh, you need to show pictures! I, for one, am extremely curious about it.
OP, there is another forum with Gemology in the title (that is all I'm allowed to say here). They have great archives and you can search for blue garnets; I'm sure there has been discussion of them and you may even be able to see examples. :))
I like your post......Thanks for sharing this.
I have also heard that they exist but have not seen one that didn't have color change. I read about them on at least 3 different forums. Best regards, Lee

So I just recieved the "blue garnet" in the mail.

It looks to be almost: clear, not blue.... it is natural. No question. Only question I have is why on earth does it appear blue when the light catches it just right...I cant decide.

apparently I am one to overlook important details accidently...the picture showed very strongly as blue, so I assumed that was the case.. They did identify it as a non color changing garnet as well- which indeed it is not color changing.


now I am even more confused.

What the heck is a clear garnet?

Although disappointed, I am now even more intrigued. In person , it looks clear. In photos , if the light catches it a certain way , it does appear blue. I have multiple pictures to show you guys.

I remember reading somewhere about clear garnets but am not sure exactly what


Hmmmm, that does not look like a garnet at all.
jmc22|1383929278|3552807 said:
Only question I have is why on earth does it appear blue when the light catches it just right...I cant decide.
Showing the color blue in just the right light can be caused by a number of different reasons. Scattering and diffraction from inclusions, (the same reason that the sky and some agates are blue), refraction from specific facets and increased coloration from long light paths at certain viewing angles come to mind.


now I am even more confused.

What the heck is a clear garnet?
I remember reading somewhere about clear garnets but am not sure exactly what
This guy has a really good description of lots of different varieties of garnets with great pictures of their colors, (plus other cool info on magnetism...all relatively easy to understand).

Basically what you have could to be a leuco garnet or a very pale blue garnet. You could always send it to the GIA and see what they have to say, (kind of expensive when all you want is information, but they could provide you with a great story about this.)
Leuco was my first thought as well. I've only seen pictures of a few online (never have seen them
IRL), but if you're certain it's a garnet, that is the closest type I can think of (aside from a blue garnet).

Pretty interesting!
99.9 percent certain its a garnet. It tested garnet by 3 different testers. Plus was sold by a reputable place etc etc.
Im on the fence about which one it is too...
I have read only a very small amount about leuco garnets ...
Cant wait to find out more info ..i find this super fascinating.

I am considering sending it in to gia... but need to find out a little more info on it before I pay for that.... I mean is it worth the money to send it in?

thanks so much for your input. Its greatly valued and appreciated!
Well, how much did it cost?
jmc22|1383951751|3553048 said:
99.9 percent certain its a garnet. It tested garnet by 3 different testers. Plus was sold by a reputable place etc etc.
Im on the fence about which one it is too...
I have read only a very small amount about leuco garnets ...
Cant wait to find out more info ..i find this super fascinating.

I am considering sending it in to gia... but need to find out a little more info on it before I pay for that.... I mean is it worth the money to send it in?

thanks so much for your input. Its greatly valued and appreciated!

Send it to AGL instead, for a gem brief. They're a better lab for colored stones, and the report is cheaper.

It could be a synthetic garnet too, so it might be worth it to sent it in.

What kind of tests were done on it? You mentioned three tests.

Here's some synthetic garnet.

My gut reaction was the same as TL's in that it doesn't look like a Garnet (even a Leuco one) and looks more like topaz. Blue garnets tend to have a colour change element. Leucos are normally almost colourless. Yours has a very evident blue/grey (according to the photos) and if it's a garnet then it would be quite rare. Testing with a gem tester isn't reliable unfortunately (if this is what you did). Can you elaborate on the tests you've run and who you've bought it from? If they're a reputable seller then they're likely to know what a Leuco is and I'm surprised haven't sold it that way. I'm also surprised that it's a pair and made into earrings - that makes me hesitate too.

If you have any hesitation that this may not be a garnet, I would contact the seller and tell them you're concerned and are going to send it to AGL and would they extend their returns period until the gem comes back? It's best to find out because the range here is from very rare to synthetic and anywhere inbetween!

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