I''m very sad to be writing this, but I am in serious need of advice.
A little over a week ago now I got a Bichon-poo puppy. To tell you my situation, I graduated from college on May 14th, moved 5 hrs from home on the 15th, got the puppy on the 22nd and started my new full-time job on the 31st. I''m in way over my head.
She is a big biter (as many puppies are) but I cannot even praise her, hold her, or love her without a hard and sharp nip. It''s so discouraging especially when I am depressed. When I was planning things, I knew that getting the puppy would be hard work because I read countless books on the topic and I took an active part in raising my family dog. But this is very, very hard.
I suppose its a combination of being homesick, living alone and everything- but this puppy is not making me feel how I envisioned. In fact, I have cried almost every night since I got her back here.
Part of me thinks: stick it out- things will get better.
But the other part is unsure if this is the right decision.
My boyfriends'' parents want a puppy and I know she could have a good life there, too. It probably would be very hard for me to see the little beautiful puppy that I could not care for with them.
I need some advice- should I put aside these depressed feelings and keep the puppy? I have enough money and I normally am a very big dog person. I know she could have a healthy life here as well as with his parents.
Or should I give her away, swallowing my pride and my potential hurt feelings?
HELP. Please
A little over a week ago now I got a Bichon-poo puppy. To tell you my situation, I graduated from college on May 14th, moved 5 hrs from home on the 15th, got the puppy on the 22nd and started my new full-time job on the 31st. I''m in way over my head.
She is a big biter (as many puppies are) but I cannot even praise her, hold her, or love her without a hard and sharp nip. It''s so discouraging especially when I am depressed. When I was planning things, I knew that getting the puppy would be hard work because I read countless books on the topic and I took an active part in raising my family dog. But this is very, very hard.
I suppose its a combination of being homesick, living alone and everything- but this puppy is not making me feel how I envisioned. In fact, I have cried almost every night since I got her back here.
Part of me thinks: stick it out- things will get better.
But the other part is unsure if this is the right decision.
My boyfriends'' parents want a puppy and I know she could have a good life there, too. It probably would be very hard for me to see the little beautiful puppy that I could not care for with them.
I need some advice- should I put aside these depressed feelings and keep the puppy? I have enough money and I normally am a very big dog person. I know she could have a healthy life here as well as with his parents.
Or should I give her away, swallowing my pride and my potential hurt feelings?
HELP. Please