
Need help on where to buy quality sapphire


Aug 12, 2013
My boyfriend and I are looking for approximately 2-2.5ct light/light medium colored blued sapphire and as far as mm, around 7mm cushion cut. I've never bought jewelry let alone a gemstone, so I'm not 100% sure about the measurements, but we are basically trying to find a top notch stone. Since I am choosing a colored stone over a diamond, my bf wants it to be the best stone we can find. There is just so much more to consider when buying a colored stone compared to a diamond that I just don't know what route to go or where to go!

Thank you for any help!
Budget is about $6,000, but whatever money we can save is always a plus.

Heated vs. unheathed I'm still wishy-washy about. My main concern FIRST is trying to find the color I want, but if I can find unheated, that would be great/preferred.

As far as precision cut and regular cut, I'm not sure how that translates to real life because I have only seen pictures. When I look at precision cut gem photos I am in awe, but not sure which is better as far as only looking with the naked eye in person compared to zoomed in photos. I am looking at some next week at a local jeweler but when I asked about precision cut, he said it was "trendy" and didn't recommend it. He said he wanted me to have a timeless overall look for my e-ring. I cannot find many here in Phoenix, so it's very difficult to look at any in person as most jewelers say they can only bring in 1 or 2 stones for me to look at.
Also, thank you for the links for reading material. It's very overwhelming but I have a better idea of what I want now. As natural as I can possibly get!
Is your budget for the stone alone or also includes the setting? If just the stone, you can definitely get a top notch unheated blue sapphire with your requirements. A precision cut stone is not trendy; that is akin to saying an ideal cut diamond is trendy. A good cut matters because it makes the stone more attractive and a precision cut stone brings out maximum brilliance. Do you wonder if he said it was trendy and not timeless because he isn't able to get any precision cut sapphires for you to view and purchase? I agree that your options are greater if you aren't fussed on precision cutting. At this point, I recommend keeping an open mind with regards to cut. I also agree that most jewellers can only bring in 1 or 2 stones so that isn't a surprise. This is why I like to shop online; I can still see the stone in person, have a generous return period and am able to get a full refund should I decide to return it.
HI kriskn04
Welcome to Pricescope!
I agree that cut is very important in a sapphire.
BUT- there's not an accepted definition of "precision cut"
What this means is that anyone can call any stone "precision cut"
Personally I look for sapphires that kick back a lot of life- and don;t have a lot of windowing- where you can see right through the stone
I agree with Chrono that your budget should allow a very nice stone.
You used the term "light - medium"- lighter stones can be less costly than stones that have deeper ( yet not too deep) color
Chrono - that is the budget for just the stone, although I trying to find the best deal I can! I do have a feeling that the jeweler told me that it was trendy because he didn't have or couldn't get any. He never explained to me "why" it was trendy. Didn't make sense to me. He sent me a few pictures and some of them looked poorly cut (and the price was outrageous!!). I'm going next week to see them just so I can see some stones in person finally! I'm realizing finding the right stone for me will take some time.

Rock Diamond - thank you for your input. The more pictures that I look at, the more "precise" the cutting, the more appealing it is to me! I am finding it difficult to find the color I want also. Closer to medium and not too light yet still POPS! I don't even know what color to call it! I have noticed though that the better the cut, the better the "POP" or sparkle.

Also, I'm finding it more difficult to find a more square cushion cut compared to others or even rectangular cushions. Is there any reasoning behind this?
The end resulting shape is dictated by the shape of the rough which is why many sapphires are more suited to ovals. To cut other shapes will mean the loss of material and potential value unless the rough's natural shape lends itself to a round or square cushion.

Correct; the better the cut, the higher brilliancy it will show. That said, cut can only improve colour so much. A good sapphire needs to have good colour in the first place. Sadly, most local stones I've seen are badly windowed, lopsided and worse. :blackeye:
Chrono makes a very good point.
Cut, while very important- can only do so much.
The material itself has to be right- and only then can a great cut make the stone pop.
Since the best material is hard to find, some of the best dealers/cutters in sapphires will buy existing stones to re-cut.
Therefore, many of the nicest sapphires, in terms of cut, may have been re-cut at some point in time.
This will make them more costly.
If the stone was a 5ct, and the recut brings it to 4cts, you'll have a 4 carat stone that is more costly than the original 5ct
Chrono and Rockdiamond,

Thank you for your help! I feel like I have a better starting point and now have a good idea what to look for. Once I actually find a stone that interests me, I'll post updates and specs and hopefully get your opinions. You guys have been great! I've never joined a forum before, but I'm definitely impressed how helpful and informative everyone is.

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