
Need Some Advice on Colors.. Pics of new house

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MINE- our cabinets in our house are EXACTLY the same (maybe it is a NC thing
) In our bathrooms I painted them black and they look so great. In the kitchen I had FI fill in the pattern because I thought it REALLY dated them (my house was built in 1980). I can find out what he used but he filled them, then sanded them, and finally painted them glossy white. They look brand new. I wish we did our bathrooms that way (maybe them smooth) but oh well. Too many projects to back-step. Good luck. Have fun!
Mine, like you i have a horrible time picking out colors to actually put on the walls...i like too many colors! i once kept paint chips up for 3 years and even then didn''t paint until i moved out and was going to sell the house. oh, well. in this house i found it easier in that i keyed the wall colors off the tile we had installed. actually made it a lot easier to decide. i found BM chips to be quite accurate....once the wall was completely painted. the chips look darker, i think, because they are smaller.

and congratulations on the house!

movie zombie
Looks like a nice house! What about removing the chair rail while you''re at it? I like the crown molding (?sp), but I think the chair rail throughout is what makes the house look a bit dated. It''s one thing to have in a formal dining room, but I personally prefer walls without it. My Mum''s been redoing her house bit by bit, and I think she used Ralph Lauren "suede" paints in her family room. They look beautiful, and are sort of textury. I don''t really know how to explain it. She ended up using the leftovers to paint her kitchen herself, and managed to get the same end effect as the painters did without any trouble at all.
I wonder if adding more modern-looking knobs on your kitchen cupboards would work to update things without having to do anything to the wood...
Good luck with your decisions - it''ll be great to see how your place turns out.
Oh...if I lived closer I would come help you paint!

I''ve helped all of my girlfriend''s paint their places, and we''ve renovated 4 houses of our own! I''ve also done my parent''s and In-laws houses as well! It can be so much fun! I always have a furniture or painting project on the go...

Looks like a lot of wallpaper! Definitely rent one of the professional steamers to get that stuff down! It will drive you batty otherwise!

Good luck and remember to take before and after pics!
Ok everyone... how about this. Let''s say that I want to install hardwood floors in my home in a few years but I do not have the money to do it right now. OK.. let''s say I don;t want to lay laminate right now either. OK... Keep an open mind now.. someone mentioned to me that I should paint the floor under the carpet and then make sure that I urethane it many many times... they said that it will have a similair look as a would a wood floor.. although.. it would bee without the wood grain. NOW... I know it is out there... but I have looked it up oon the web and some of it looks really good... Then later I can cover it with hardwood... whatcha think?
I have actually done something similar. I had a friend that had two basset hounds, one male and one female, the male would go into their dining room and pee on the carpet at night. Their dining room was not very big, but boy did it smell. To top it off they had a new baby and her husband was gone tdy. I came over to visit her one day and thought the smell was awful, you could smell it from the front door. I never said anything but she mentioned how embarrassed she was because he would do this and the smell bothered her. So I recommended pulling the carpet out and seeing what was under there, it was concrete. I told her that we could paint it, she thought I was nuts. Well, I painted it for her in a faux tile and it turned out fabulous. As soon as we tore out the carpet the smell literally vanished. The dog didn''t "go" in the room anymore and it was easier for her to take care of. Not long after, her husband came back and they got orders, they put the house on the market and everyone loved the "tile" floor in the dining room. So yes, it can be done and takes a little time, but looks fabulous, IMO. I attached a pic. To seal it I used a paste wax because there is pretty much no dry time like there is with polyurethane. All you do is sweep or vacuum really well, prime with a water based primer, I like KILZ 2, then I used some left over house paint for interior, then the next day I put the paste wax on and then buffed. This wax lasts really well and stands up to kids, dogs etc and can be reapplied whenever. Hope this helps.

Picture 059faux tile.JPG
Mokey, that looks great!! I have a friend that painted a rug on her back porch - looked so great and really dressed up the concrete & "anchored" their patio table and furniture!

Mine ~ what exactly is under the carpet that you would be painting? I think it could look nice for an interim solution, but I''m having trouble visualizing painted plywood - which is what I found in approximate 4''x8'' panels underneath my carpet in one room & under 5 layers of vinyl/sticky tiles in the kitchen. Hmmmm, if you do indeed have plywood underneath the carpet, if you could use something to fill in the seams between the plywood panels, then it may work perfectly... Well, that''s all speculation on my part - if it''s concrete below then that makes things much easier in my opinion.
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